Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Mothers Are Always Great


Mothers Are Always Great

This is early in the morning and everyone is asleep but in the silence of the early morning, one person is silently busy in preparing for the day to come. She is boiling the milk, frying eggs or doing other preparations. Soon everyone will get up and they will demand each and everything ready immediately. Dad will be getting late to the office and children will have to hurry to their schools and colleges but a single person would have made such coordinated preparations in advance that no one will get late and no one's routine will be disturbed.

Along with these, she runs after every single child and makes them ready for their school. Making them have shower, take their breakfast, get their teeth brushed and wear the uniform are all those activities that cannot be accomplished by the children at their own to a certain age and a mother is always there to assist.

It is a place to be very much surprised that how a single person has ironed the shirts and pants and made all the relevant things ready just like a genie but he never gets surprised as he is habitual of all these. The shoe that he had heedlessly thrown on a side yesterday has been collected and polished, the belt that he had left on bed has been recovered and is available, and even the keys of the car which were left somewhere in sheer carelessness have been carefully brought and kept beside the briefcase.

The documents that were last night left have been compiled and arranged in an orderly manner and put in the briefcase. No doubt, it all doesn't seem to be the performance of a single person because it needs multiple minds and hands to remember and manage.

At the same time, each and everything needed by the children have been made ready. Their lunch box that was left yesterday on the staircase have been washed, cleaned and once again filled with love-filled lunch. Their socks that were thrown near the door have been replaced by newly washed white socks. Their shirts that were dropped on the floor have been washed and nicely ironed and are now ready in the closet. Even the pens and notebooks that were lying on the floor have been transported to their places in the bag.

She never forgets to say Good-bye to her husband who is leaving to the office. She equally finds time to assist her children in combing their hair and making them wear their socks and shoes and then kiss them to leave for their school.

Right from the darkness of the day till everyone leaves the home, she doesn't get even a moment to think about herself and it is quite natural as well because the duties that she performs cannot be done by a single human being and the secret behind her success is also the same continuous hard work and dedication.

More or less, this is the situation in every home. If it is a mother of Europe or America or any other advanced country, or a mother of a city like Kabul or a mother of a village where, early in the morning she makes a fire to make the tea or bake the bread, mothers are always there for the service of their families.

When serving her children or members of family, every mother forgets about justice and self-importance. She never thinks why she works too much and others don't or why she is not rewarded or appreciated for her services. This is the case with mothers in every corner of the world.

The other day, I was explaining to students about the numerous roles that a mother plays in the family. She is the best model of service serving every member of the family with the best of sincerity. She is an entertainer as well and when children start crying, she tries all her best to entertain them. This role of mothers continues even in their old ages.

She is a judge as well and often children bring their grievances in her court for her justice. She is the best facilitator and always prefers others' facility and comfort to her own. She is a moderator as well and when two members of a family try to fight with each other, she jumps in and soon announces cease fire.

At times, she sheds her tears to extinguish this fire of disagreement. She is a role model as well and often tries to teach her children by her noble personal qualities. She is a teacher as well and helps out the children with their home works and assignments. There may be many others roles that might have slipped out of my memory.

In reward for all these, our mothers don't need any special appreciation or treatment. They just need a word of 'Thank You' from us. After explaining all these, I asked my students to thank their mothers at home and then share their experience the next day. Next day, students came with surprising and rather emotional responses from their experiment of merely saying, 'Thank You'.

When they said so, some mothers just smiled, some kissed them on their foreheads and some others just said 'Welcome' but one thing was for sure; all the mothers felt really pleased and their pleasure was evident from their faces.

They felt as if their services were rewarded. I further explained that there is no service in the world that could be rewarded such easily. It is the broadness in the heart of mother that gets contented for all her services with mere words of 'Thank You'.
Once I asked my students to go to kitchen and stay there for two hours when different foods are being cooked in order to realize how hard the work of a mother in kitchen is. They confessed that it was very difficult for them to merely stand there in the heat and the smoke let aside doing any kind of work.

Motor cars run on petrol and every single home appliance or electronic device needs any source of energy. Our mothers who work tirelessly and sincerely also require our appreciation in order to keep their spirits up. By saying a few words of appreciation and helping her in small works of house, we can also help our mothers a lot.

Otherwise, I want to call it injustice that from one side there is total dedication and sincerity and from other, there is absolute ignorance and negligence. Injustice and cruelty never flourish and we may soon lose this source of sincere service if we didn't change our attitude towards it.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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