Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Women’s Rights, I Mean It!


Women’s Rights, I Mean It!

With the passage of time, more and more women joined the rally and gradually enhanced the voice of women who were chanting slogans in the favor of women's rights. They were holding placards that displayed the typical sentences demanding more rights for women. In front were the so-called saviors and protectors of women's rights who were swelling up in the flashes of cameras. Behind them were those who worked in the offices of women's rights and shouting and arranging such demonstrations were part of their job. They had now so much repeatedly done the job that it had all become a part of routine for them. They knew now well which slogan had greater effect on which occasion.

Majority of the participants were all those sincere ladies who thought that women's rights were really violated and thus they needed to take part actively in any such gathering that could help them retrieve and regain the rights they were deprived of. But unfortunately, they were never truly told what did it mean when the term 'Women's Rights' was used and how it was going to change their common lives.

In our modern democratic Afghanistan, they had actively participated in rescuing their so-called rights and waited patiently for more than 10 years, but ground realities show that nothing had happened that could comfort them in their daily lives. No doubt, some people had become richer using the funds being allocated for this sacred task and many more had comforted their desire of getting media attention and coverage.

The rally dispersed after a series of fast and furious speeches and then at once, the participating ladies were left behind like orphans. Big, air-conditioned SUVs came and picked up the so-called leaders and their active right and left wings while the common ladies suffered a lot to find a taxi to reach home.

This issue has also become a golden hen that lays eggs generously in forms of donations and charities whenever one reaches to foreign donors or governments with a few pictures of ladies being victimized badly by their counterparts in the society. They hardly bother to ask as what will be done of these donations or what the result of previous donations was. That's why we see that, when found with no good project, such stupid and baseless projects are made that have got nothing to do with the welfare of ladies.

Biggest joke came the other day when a project was initiated in which ladies were provided with make-up kits or they will be given coupons to buy flour on discounted prices. Then I came to know that cosmetics were also needed in women's rights, what a joke!

It appears that women's rights will be perfectly accomplished if we successfully alter them externally into a modern, European lady. On such occasions, a lady is brought from a remote village, made wear jeans and shirt and her photograph is proudly displayed to show the welfare and progress of ladies.

Later on, it is found that she didn't know how to write her name or what are the standards that she deserves to be treated in an advanced society. She got her pocket money for a month and NGO got huge sum for another Martian project and in the end, both the parties were well-off and happy. Now this is a very good and pleasing ending to the story.

Another target of these right-seekers is to make ladies be bolder on different social occasions and interactions. They should talk loudly to father, brother and elders of family, they should not listen to anyone in family and they should heedlessly do whatever they wish to do. They are emphasized to violate the standards of the society and the cultural and religious norms.

This stupid and ignorant approach has created so many problems to the ladies that such ladies have lost their social dignity and pride and also the respect that ones used to be associated and reserved for the ladies only. Yes, they have now become a show-piece that is used to beautify the billboards and advertisements! What a pity for degrading a human of such high and gentle values!

Best right that can be attained to ladies should be education that should not only change them externally but that should also bring positive changes in their ideas, thoughts and thus conduct and behaviors. This can be assured by building more and more standard educational institutes for girls and ladies and making their access very easy to books and libraries.

Even today, our girls and sisters are not safe on their way to schools and colleges and in institutes of mono-education, they are still treated unequally. There needs to be every facility that should assure the quality education for girls.

If women want to be modern like West, they should try to change themselves internally because that would make the real difference. Externally if you change your cloth and imitate westerners, you would only violate the codes of your religion and boundaries of culture and thus people will feel very bad about it.

Internal advancement would be to be become educated, civilized, confident and absolutely aware of your rights and of the issues going on in the society just like a European woman. This would thus be called a true advancement and acquiring your rights.

In some countries there are special and exclusive hospitals, transportation system, jobs, separate industrial zones and laws that grant them special privileges on the grounds of being a woman especially the leaves and grants during the maternity period. These are the rights that can bring true and evident changes in their lives.

I am aware of the few houses where men return from their offices and take the charge of infants. They are of the view that their mothers were taking care of the babies the whole day and now it is time for them to rest and duty should be done by the fathers.

Similarly, in some of the houses, men were found to be doing almost half of the works of home, making the women more comfortable at home.
Similarly, many Islamic countries have proved that within the limits described by Islam, women can go to work, go for shopping and take part in recreational activities (picnics etc.) and there is not present any ban from Islam in this matter.

Similarly, there is not present any concept of keeping the women completely covered (in chadiri) in a number of Muslim countries and they are of the view that there is not present any such law in Islamic Sharia.
In our society, whatever restrictions have been imposed on women on the name of Islam are mostly misunderstood and mostly based on cultural understandings and have nothing to do with Islamic teachings.

It means that education of male members of the society is very important so that they should know about the rights of women and give them importance. This task can only be achieved by the promotion of general education in the society.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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