Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Irritating Security Situation


The Irritating  Security Situation

Counterinsurgency struggle has lasted more than a decade, but opium cultivation, corruption and insurgency terribly take tolls, which have created major stumbling blocks ahead of developing democracy in the country. Every year, people counted on the next year, hoping that time may work in their favor and they see the light of the torch at the end of tunnel, but no visible improvements have been made yet in the security sphere.

Now we are standing in the middle of nowhere and all only regret about opportunities wasted during last eleven years. President Hameed Karzai issues commands for elimination of corruption in order to remain committed to his promises made in Chicago and Tokyo conferences, but many put the question, "What is the use of strategies at the 90th minute of football match?"

The Afghan government is considered as one of the most corrupt governments in the world. During past eleven years, President Karzai, according to himself, compromises and now amidst foreign military withdrawal and mounting insurgency activities across the country, once stands and summons judiciary, legislative and executive branches of the government and expresses his irreversible decision to eliminate corruption.

Is corruption something which has grasped the entire administration to be eliminated just within a year? On the other hand, he frequently talks with confidence that Afghan security forces can cope with Taliban led militants alone. He took inflexible standing against night time house search, air strikes and drone attacks which according to military experts proved highly useful in hunting Taliban and al-Qaeda elements.
But now people are worried and people do not have least hope in campaign against corruption. Presently, people are worried about post-2014 period.

Previously, it was emphasized that military withdrawal largely depends on the ground situation and the capacity of Afghan security forces, but when it was scheduled for 2014, there is no talk of the ground situation. Afghans like or not, foreign security forces would be there to save them from the cruel Taliban militants.

The United States of America will leave Afghanistan on the scheduled timetable without any conditions. Whatever will be the condition of security situation and state of Afghan security forces, US may not change the timetable of withdrawal. This diplomatic frankness had strong message for Kabul officials to do their best and do not count anymore on blank-checks of US as well as on its military sacrifice as being made during past ten years.

However, the military force may withdraw from the country, but Washington official from both democratic and conservative parties are ensuring that the strategic, political and economic cooperation wouldn't come to an end and will continue between two countries. It is not the US alone, but the entire international community has vividly made commitment in order to send a strong message. They all want that Afghanistan does not change once again into a safe haven for Taliban militants and terror groups.

However, all domestic and foreign analysts truly express doubt about the rapid improvement of Afghan National army and police to an extent acquiring enough potential to deal with the ongoing security crisis and disturbances, which may even get stronger in future, but Afghan officials frequently underscored another page of this process.

They give much importance to strategic, economic and political cooperation of US, which seemingly has nothing to do with the issue of military withdrawal. Strategic cooperation, economic tie as well as political support will continue and will not come to stoppage in definite time. On other hand, obviously, the United States of America will not cooperate with a government which preach Islamic fundamentalism.

And it only continues strategic, economic and political cooperation with a government who protects the US interest and ensures that the country will not be changed again into al-Qaeda stronghold which threatens regional and global security situation. Thus, the economic and strategic cooperation between two countries necessarily includes lasting commitment towards ensuring that Afghanistan once again will not fall into hand of Taliban and its Al-Qaeda ally.

Seemingly, therefore, Afghan officials are highlighting non-military cooperation between two countries and pay lesser importance to military presence.
The present ground condition is horrible, considering the level of economic and military sacrifices. 2012 will mark as usual the deadliest year for Afghan as well as foreign security forces. Because only in month of June, many attacks were carried by armed oppositions, however, NATO officials put the toll lesser than last year over the same period.

But according to reports, both Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANF) suffered largely. If we just put a glance to graph of military casualties, we can obviously observe that how it moves upward.

However, Taliban militants still rely much on suicide bombings and road side bombings. What increased the casualty of security forces is tactical change of military measures. Both Afghan and foreign security forces have tried to smash the headquarters of Taliban al-Qaeda. They gained success no doubt, but militants spread across the country.

Provinces which were relatively safe, like Northern provinces, now are witness to militants' activities. New battle fronts are opened. Insurgents now, like virus, have extended their domain of presence, however their establishment suffered largely.

Moreover, in economic sphere, people are already suffering. Seemingly the cash downpour of last eleven years has come to an end. Hundreds of thousands of people are unemployed and day by day the number of people lining on squares are increasing visibly.

No matter how strong the message of international community for not leaving the country into the hand of mercy of time is, the investment has decreased tremendously and people are not spending as they used to for example two years ago. The continuance of this scenario would prove troublesome. As many people say, "let's see once again the effectiveness of command of President Karzai". Will it prove to be a miracle?

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmial.com

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