Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Water will Flow to the Same Direction


Water will Flow to  the Same Direction

Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Interior are the two key ministries that are in charge of stabilizing security assurance with in the country and across the border routes. But recently the assassinations of high ranked government figures and cross border rocket attacks blamed on Pakistan are raising the graph of insurgencies and insecurities in the country.

During the last few months Pakistan's army has allegedly launched rocket and missiles attacks on borders of two eastern provinces of Kunar and Nuristan which have resulted in the displacement of many villagers inhabiting along the borders.

The insecurity and up-rising of insurgent activities within the country are quite bearable and the people have gotten used to enjoining their life in a sort of house arrest, but cross border attacks are deemed as the sign of disrespect to diplomatic and political ties among the countries and are not welcomed by any nation.

As a result of consecutive missile and rocket strikes by Pakistan's army on eastern cross borders of Nuristan and Kunar provinces, the two leading ministers, Rahim Wardak-Defense Minister and Bismilah Mohammadi-Interior Minister were called for reporting to the parliament house in order to answer the questions of the lawmakers regarding the recent incidents of high ranked government officials' assassinations and cross border attacks by Pakistan army.

The two ministers faced Afghan lawmakers on Saturday, 04, Aug. 2012, but unfortunately due to not getting the confidence votes of 50+1; the MPs in house issued the dismissal order of the two ministers and urged the President Karzai to introduce their replacement as soon as possible.

According to some MPs and political analysts' view of the decision by lawmakers, the dismissal of the leading ministers in current situation when the U.S led coalition is in plant to pull out the international combat troops from the region was not a wise decision, it may even worsen the security stabilities and lead the country towards more complicated challenges and it is nothing more than a political game.

But most of the MPs in defense to their decision have declared that their decision regarding the unseating of the leading figures of government officials is a warning for the rest of Karzai's team to efficiently work and get ready for such an end to their positions in terms of not being qualified for the post.

Though it was not so easy for President Karzai to appreciate the decision, but he had no other alternatives rather than accepting to dismiss his leading ministers. President Karzai, chairing the Sunday's meeting of Afghanistan's National Security Council (ANSC) passed a statement of thanking the pair for their great efforts and hard work during their service in his government.

The two ministers are now appointed to remain in their positions as acting figures till the President introduces the replacements. The disqualified officials are not so called ordinary personalities. Interior Minister Bismillah Kahn Mohammadi served as the former Army Chief of Staff and is a powerful figure in northern Afghanistan who has been providing legitimacy to Karzai's government among the population in northern regions.

The Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak is a Western well-liked personality. "It is a loss for the U.S military this time, because they both have worked with the U.S military for a long time. Leadership is very important in these two leading ministries," said a Western diplomat in Kabul.

Though the MPs with disqualifying the figures from their posts proved their level of authorities in decision making, but to be honest, it will further weaken the government in Kabul and create more challenges for security and constitution transition process by the end of 2014.

The government is already countering dozens of rivalries and it is unfair to create more troubles instead of cooperating with the state. On the other hand, it can be a good warning for Mr. Karzai to wake up and get alert that he is not the only decision maker in the country. But alas, it is too late for such reforming initiations by the MPs.

The President has been accused of compromise on many occasions by our MPs and political activists. But this time our well respected and hard working MPs really did compromise the issue with disqualifying the leading ministers in situation when the country's prospects are experiencing a state of uncertainty.

It is not so far when 24 Pakistani army men were kill as a result of air strike by U.S led army operations in November, 2011 which resulted in the closure of NATO supply route, evacuation of Salala air base and crash down of diplomatic relations between Pakistan, USA and Afghan government.

Though the incident had taken place unintentionally and the U.S officials did apologize, but the Pakistani government as a punishment banned the NATO supply route and did not accept any compromise and lame excuses. Finally, on Tuesday, July 03, 2012, after around seven months of blockade of war supply route for NATO forces, Pakistani officials confirmed the reopening of the vital supply route for NATO forces in Afghanistan on the basis of releasing $1.1 billion dollar bill to Pakistan. The government did not disqualify any of its ministers as a punishment of not working efficiently instead punished its long lost counterparts.

I neither want to criticize the lawmakers' decision nor am trying to appreciate the so far limited efforts of our government in terms of efficiency during the last two phases of so called democratic era because, neither the government nor the nation have been so loyal to the country's establishment.

The government of Mr. Karzai has been enlisted among the top ten most corrupt governments in the world and no one can trust him and his delegation. The recent $1 million personal overseas bank accounts' enrichment by his Finance Minister Mr. Zakhilwal is the clear example of the corruption rate in his government. But who can assure that the future ministers qualify for the posts and can manage the security issues accordingly?

There has lived no such a personality throughout the history of the country whom the whole nation should be proud collectively. Moreover, Afghan people have long proved their devotion and loyalty to their country by butchering, torturing and abusing each others' dignity during the last eras.

Finally, how can we expect such a nation to change the flow of water just by disqualifying two ministers where many are disqualified to make appropriate decisions? Ignorance has long regulated our nation and it is quite time consuming to change the water flow according to our will but not impossible.

Abbas Ali Sultani Sultani is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. Your opinions are welcomed at ali.ccna@hotmail.com

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