Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Doing the Opposite!


Doing the Opposite!

A man was walking on the road that suddenly a car came like a violent and angry camel and hit and threw him away. The car driver slowed down for a while and the next moment, he found it safe to run away from the spot and in the blink of an eye, the car disappeared in the traffic. People came running to the man who had become unconscious and was very badly bleeding. Some cars also stopped and a man asked the men to help put the injured man into his car and carry him to the hospital.

He drove the car fast and soon reached to hospital where the injured man was immediately carried inside for the treatment. The kind-hearted man waited outside to be sure that the injured man was out of danger. After some time he was informed that the injured man was safe.

He was very much relieved and when he was about to walk out of the hospital, he was stopped by a police officer and requested to answer some of his questions. He went with them to the police station where he was made to wait for some hours without any reason. Now he got a bit uncomfortable of all these.

Then he was questioned in a way as if he was a criminal and had committed a crime by transporting the injured man to the hospital. Police officer did not believe his story and asked him to tell the truth. They were of the view that he had himself hit the man and then brought him to the hospital. He was threatened to be tortured and put behind the bars.

The man was now seriously frightened as he had never been through any such investigation. The grim faces of policemen, the frightening atmosphere of police station and the threats made him lose his confidence. He started thinking of offering bribe to the policemen for his release but it also seemed very difficult. Anyhow, he convinced the police officer to come to the site of the accident and take the opinion of witnesses.

At last he was released late at night. He was advised to be careful next time which seemed very funny. He was tired and mentally disturbed and he vowed to himself not to take any injured person to hospital in future.
A man was driving home in afternoon in his new and luxury car. The day was hot and the road was absolutely deserted.

He saw an old man signaling for a lift. Realizing the heat of the day and his old age, he picked up the man in his car. Man was praying for him when got himself seated in the rear seat. After a while, the old man ordered him to slow down the car and turn it to the left. The man was very surprised by the changed tone of the old man. When he turned back, he saw that he had taken out a gun and pointing with it to follow his directions. The old man did not seem much old now and at once he had become more active. The humility on his face had vanished away and was replaced with a harsh rudeness.

When they came out of the city, old man ordered him to step out of the car. Before getting into the driver's seat, he also snatched his watch, cell phone and wallet. He threw a 50 Afghanis bill towards him and advised him to take a taxi to home. When the sad man reached home with much difficulties, he had made up his mind not to give lift to anyone on the way again.

It was late and dark at night and all the members of the family had almost slept that there was a knock on the door. A family member went to the door and saw that a middle-aged man and a woman were standing outside. They told him that they were passengers and missed their bus and in the city they were complete strangers and had no place to go.

They requested him to give them place to pass the night and they would leave the next morning. They looked very needy and tired. The man was moved by their poor condition and he brought them into the guest room.

They were very grateful to him and prayed a lot for him and his family. Next day, all the members of the family were found dead who were brutally killed by these two strangers. They had also taken all the valuables with them. Whoever heard about them decided not to trust the strangers and not to open the doors of the house to anyone no matter how much needy he was.

The above shared three stories are very famous in our city and a lot many people tell some other such stories with almost the similar results. These stories have spread like a wild fire and thus everyone is afraid of doing any act of goodness to others. This trend has hardened our hearts and we try all our best not to feel any sympathy to anyone.

No matter however a person is in need of our car, our money or our physical support, we hardly find ourselves ready for extending any kind of support.
Cruel and heedless act of some have deprived all the needy people of any kind of help.

Once a rich man saw a poor and needy man who looked very disturbed and tired. He provided him with a decent job and also allowed him to live in his house like his family members. With the passage of time, he won the trust of the person.

After some time, the needy man stole all the things of the wealthy and was about to escape that he saw his master at the door. The greed had blinded his eyes so he took out his knife and injured his master. The injured master called him and requested to listen to his last words before running away, "Please don't tell your story to anyone because then people will stop helping and trusting others."
Same tragedy has happened in our society. The bad acts of some cruel criminals have changed our perceptions about helping others and thus hijacked our desire to help others.

We claim ourselves to be educated and civilized and believe in the help of our fellow citizens. Some stupid people have done their duty in a negative manner. It would be very pity if we get our good qualities hijacked by them and stop helping others. Now it becomes our duty to help others and tell others that we received prayers of others after helping them and that it is still safe to help others. The way we propagated the negative thought in the society, it also becomes our duty to do the opposite and promote the positive ones. May God help us all!

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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