Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

It’s Not My Duty!


It’s Not My Duty!

Hujjaj Bin Yousuf is a very notorious name in the Islamic history. He was one of the cruelest rulers of all times. He killed, tortured and imprisoned a lot of people and thousands of victims and their families cursed him in his lifetime. Hujjaj passed away but his hate-provoking cruelties are still present in the pages of history books. Still his cruel acts are read and he is still cursed by a large number of people.

Other day, we were discussing the same habit of people with my teacher and some friends. Our teacher said, "On the Day of Judgment, when there will be accountability of people's every single deed and when the good deeds of cruel will be snatched from them and will be given to those who were victimized by him, a lot many people who were being victimized by Hujjaj would stand up and ask for justice and their rights would be settled and demands would be met.

Then Hujjaj would also ask for justice claiming that a lot many people who were not present in the world in his era and to whom he did nothing wrong yet they cursed him after many centuries. For this, the good deeds of people who had cursed Hujjaj unfairly would be taken from them and would be put into the account of Hujjaj.

As that day would be a very hard day in which people would be asking and begging each other for some good deeds so that their good deeds should be more than the bad one's when put in the measure and father would be hiding from the son and brother would be running away from the brother so that they should not lose any of their good deeds, this lose of good deeds by these people would make them cry for this."

A few months earlier, a very famous Pashto singer who was equally liked in Afghanistan and Pakistan, was shot dead in her city. As she was the favorite of so many so a lot many people were sad and expressed their feelings on the social websites of Facebook and Twitter.

There were also present some who hated her because singing is forbidden according to religion and thus she was considered to be one who was a sinner herself and who was also promoting the sin among the public. In this regard, I read some comments and would like to share with you: "Islam no doubt bans singing but anyhow it never permits an innocent to be killed"

"Allah is the all-powerful and if killing a person was found to be necessary, it could have easily been done by Allah. When Allah has permitted someone's life, who are we to take back this right?"

"A day of judgment has been decided where people would be judged and would be rewarded or punished according to their deeds. Thus it is the duty of Allah to judge the people and decide who is good and who is bad. We, as human beings, with our limited senses and thinking approaches, are not in position to make this judgment and should let the Allah do his duty and not try to take this authority in our hands."

"No doubt, Islam commands us to promote the good and stop the evil but this command comes with so many conditions, in which two most important are; the person who is commanding others should be perfect in character and knowledge (which is unfortunately not the case in our society where a lot many illiterate and ignorant but of course emotional people come to streets for the purpose) and secondly, this work should be done with great sensibility and sustaining the self respect of others (which, as we see is absolutely rare in people who are doing this job here)."

Cursing the past ones doesn't bring any solution to any problem but of course it gives birth to some new solutions.

People who are the relatives of the person being cursed might get hurt and in some cases, it might turn into a serious conflict and thus both the sides might incur the losses.

History collects the stories of good and bad people of the world with a single objective of teaching lessons to the people so that people should follow the good ones and avoid the works done by bad people. It may have many more objectives but of course it doesn't aim to harm the reputation of someone by recording his life events.

There are so many people in the world who used to do goodness and charity to others but people didn't know about them because it has been repeatedly asserted that all the good works should be done secretly so that one should not feel proud on his good work.

There may be so many people who might be better than many of us and who would be something else in appearance but in reality, he or she may be something different. All these secrets are only known to Allah and with our limited senses; we can never come to know about them either. It is the reason why, when we don't know about a person and if we are not sure if he or she is good or bad in actual, we need not to draw any conclusion about him or her. If we thought a person to be bad while in reality he was good, we will be committing a sin by our negative assumption.

A rich person was supposed to be very miser by general public and thus not much liked by them but when he died, so many poor people came crying that he was very generous and used to help them on regular basis and had asked them not to share this secret with others. We would never come to know about the fate of such people.

Imam Zain-ul-Abidin (May Allah be pleased with him) used to help a lot many poor families but even the families did not know about it. Every month, they used to find some money in their house which was enough for their whole month. When Imam passed away, their charity stopped and thus they discovered that it was Imam who was helping them.

We need to have a positive view about others and we also need to follow those who are still remembered with good names even after a number of centuries. As far as bad people are concerned, we need to leave them to Allah as Allah would deal them the best!

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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