Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Life is not the Matter of a Single Chance


Life is not the Matter  of a Single Chance

It was May 21, 2005 early in the morning. He was not feeling comfortable with his right eye, when he got out of bed. He felt something was wrong with his eye. He closed the left one and tried to see with the right one. There was nothing visible except blood that had covered the retina. This moment really closed the ongoing chapter of his life and opened a totally different chapter that he had never dreamed of.

He was confused that what might have happened to his eye. Soon after, he visited doctor for an eye checkup. The doctor could not diagnose the issue exactly. He just prescribed him some eye drops and tablets. Along using the medicines, his eye vision was getting darker and darker day by day. He was afraid to inform his family, because his mother had recently recovered from a very serious illness.

He was so worried about her health. Finally, he decided to inform his father regarding the issue. He explained the issue to his father and the kind father who had long tolerated the sufferings in the family suggested him to visit another consultant. So, he arranged an appointment with an eye surgeon who was well equipped and more experienced than the one he had visited the first time.

After the checkup result, the doctor explained the issue with his eye that the retina had been covered by blood and seemed to be detached. He suggested a major operation of vitrectomy which was impossible to be done in his city. The consultant referred him to another hospital in a larger city. He arranged an appointment with an eye consultant in the larger city.

The doctor, there, checked his eye and used an injection in his eye to absorb the blood so that the retina should get visible for a better and more accurate diagnostic purpose. He advised him to be patient and visit him again after three weeks. In addition, he told him that the injection would absorb the blood and hopefully, there will be no need for any operation.

Doctor's advices and sentences were delighting his life, creating hope and internally motivating him not to lose the morale and keep on working hard. "Life is not the matter of a single chance," said the doctor. But unfortunately, the injection gave no result. In contrast, his eye lost its vision completely during the three weeks that the consultant had urged him to wait for the injection result.

He got the second appointment with the doctor. When he checked his eye, he suggested a major vitrectomy operation of around eight hours. The initial operation cost had been estimated Afn 100,000. He was quite worried about the result of the operation and was inquiring over and over that what would be the result of the operation in case of signing his death certificate. The doctor took a deep breath and said, "Let the result to be handed over to God." He encouraged him to be patient and take the operation decision wisely.

He got back home and explained all the procedures and prospects of the operation to his father. The family was suffering financial crises, because they had spent all the savings for the mother's treatment.
However, his father promised that he would do his best to manage money to overcome the financial problems and urged him to continue the treatment.

After a month or so he was all ready for the operation. He reached to the hospital and got admitted. The operation was scheduled at 12:00 P.M. of the following day. He was charged Afn 50000 initially. There was no one else with him in the hospital during the night to take care of him, but he had called his cousin to get in before the operation time. He was taken to the operation theater at 12:00 P.M, and the operation lasted around eight hours. The next day, when the doctor removed the bandage from his eye, he got silent for some seconds and said, "Oh my god! The operation has failed."

The patient got so nervous and unconscious. When the doctor noticed him in such a condition, he was moralizing and telling him that still there are chances that it may turn to a positive result. He was discharged from the hospital and next appointment was set after fifteen days.

He returned home, after a week of the operation. He was feeling better day by day till the appointment date that he was supposed to visit the consultant for further checkups. He had to travel around twelve hours to the other city where he was operated. When he got there, once again his eye lost its vision. He was scared and nervous till the appointment time in the afternoon of that day.

The appointment was scheduled at 2:00 P.M. When the doctor checked his eye, he suggested him to agree for a re-operation and hope for a better result this time. This time, the doctor himself took the hospital charges responsibilities and it was free of charge. But unfortunately, along all the efforts that the doctors had done to save the vision of his eye, the result was negative. He was really sorry for his eye and depressed for almost six months. He visited his doctor again after six months and the consultant suggested him to go on vacation somewhere out of the country in order to get a little free of the stress and depression.

He decided to go to another country for a month on vacation and do a checkup of his eye in any hospital there. During his stay in other country, He did a checkup in hospital. The consultant suggested him not head for any other operation. Because the more it is operated that much it will get damaged and may cause the shape of eye to be changed.

During his visit to the hospital, he saw a young lady of his age whose both eyes were visionless and she was being guided by someone else. Facing her in such a condition made him realize that how lucky he had been that he still had one of my eyes normal and functional in comparison to those who had lost both of them. Finally, he decided to forget about his eye and resume his normal life. Now he whose episode of life story I have narrated in this article is an IT expert and studies in American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) - one of the top institutes among all private and government institutes in the country.

Dear readers and viewers, "LIFE IS NOT THE NOT THE MATTER OF A SIGLE CHANCE." Success always waits beyond the failure. Unless you have not experienced failure, you will never understand the meaning of success as well. So, never consider a failure of your life a full stop to further achievements in your life. Keep on working hard and struggle for a change in your life. It does not matter how many times you fall back. But still "defeat is a fresh stimulus."

Abbas Ali Sultani is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. Your opinions are welcomed at ali.ccna@hotmail.com

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