Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

“Gale Crater, I am in You!”


“Gale Crater, I am in You!”

Human beings are considered as the most intelligent of the creatures because of their capacity to think and ponder. It is by the dint of their intelligence that they have reached to today's modern world. Though there are many social and political issues that may make people think otherwise, yet the analysis of the modern technology and scientific inventions makes many believe that human beings are, undoubtedly, intelligent.

However, it is important to note that human beings have never been so much intelligent from the very inception of their history; rather they have kept on improving themselves with the process of evolution. Starting their lives from caves and ignorance, passing through different ages and phases, they have reached to today's era, where they proudly call themselves civilized.

One of the major tools that have benefitted human beings to a great extent throughout their lives is science. The scientific approach and knowledge have enabled human beings to create marvels in their history and made them successfully face the nature and its manifestations. The myriads of inventions and discoveries have been made possible because of the same and the ones that are yet to come will also be possible through them. Science has not just enabled the human beings to face the nature but also understand it; go deep in it and discover it and uncover its secrets and mysteries.

The scope of science has not been very much limited. From the tiny atom to the galaxies spreading in the universe, it has strived to get within everything. So, it can be said with convenience that the service of science to humanity has not been limited to the understanding and discovering of the earth alone but the universe, as well.

Though it is too early to say that science has discovered the universe because of its infinite spread, however, much has been learnt from what has been possible. It has uncovered different mysteries of the solar system. It has measured the intensity of the light of the sun; stepped on the moon and are on their way to see beneath every stone on all the other planets.

In an attempt to have a thorough analysis of the conditions on Mars – one of the planets in our solar system, the scientists, through their valuable scientific knowledge, have placed a vehicle on it. In a historical expedition, the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) – the agency of the United States government that is responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research – placed a one-ton vehicle known as Curiosity in a deep crater near the planet's equator on Monday, Aug 06, at 05:32 GMT. The vehicle's Twitter feed announced: "I'm safely on the surface of Mars. GALE CRATER I AM IN YOU!!!" Curiosity has been set to carry on a mission of at least 2 years to collect evidence if the planet ever supported life.

The success was greeted with a roar of approval and applause at mission control at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California. The news report of Curiosity landing on Mars was not just greeted with joy by the team working on it but by many people in the world who are interested in discovering the universe and knowing the facts about it.

Adam Steltzner, who was leading the descent operation said, "It looked at least with my eyeball that we landed in a nice flat spot. Beautiful".
The JPL director, Charles Elachi, added: "Tonight was a great drama that was played. I felt like I was in an adventure movie but I kept telling myself this is real; and what a fantastic demonstration of what our nation and our agency can do."

US President Barack Obama's chief science adviser, John Holdren had much to say about the event. He commenting about the achievement said, "Landing the Mars Science Laboratory rover Curiosity on the Red Planet was by any measure the most challenging mission ever attempted in the history of planetary exploration… And if anyone has been harboring doubts about the status of US leadership in space, well there's a one-ton automobile-sized piece of American ingenuity sitting on the surface of the Red Planet right now."

The robot started returning its first low-resolution images within few minutes. It also sent the first color image the next day and a series of thumbnails, which were then turned into a video by NASA. All these images show the landing of Curiosity rover and surface of the planet. However, what has to be seen through the rover is yet to come within a couple of years. Though it seems a lengthy time yet the scientists know that it has to work slowly but comprehensively.

This is one of the most convincing achievements of modern science and will definitely help understand the planetary characteristics. It is nice to see the world being led by science and the greatest of the nations making every use of it to achieve the impossible. However, it, at the same time, is really unfortunate that our society has not been very much inclined towards the scientific knowledge, approach and analysis.

On the contrary, it has been led by parochial and conservative ideas that have given us nothing except misery and misfortunes. It has never trusted the scientific knowledge and has tried to shun it by calling it evil and non-religious. It is even more unfortunate to see that even on the face of such achievements; we have nothing to offer except our negligence for the great knowledge and wisdom.

With the celebrations on such great achievement the scientists and politicians of the world must not forget to notice an important fact that it is the well-guided and positive use of the science and technology that can give them the opportunity to celebrate and feel joyous. On the other hand, they know well and they must keep on reiterating that they do not pursue their evil intentions through the gift of science; otherwise, it has the capacity to magnify them and cause unbearable destruction to human life and society.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com

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