Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Combating terrorism and extremism!


Combating terrorism and extremism!

It was Thursday, August 16, when the news of another terrorist attack flashed on televisions, the target being the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) base in Kamra. The militants, disguised in security forces’ uniforms launched an armed attack which was followed by a furious gun-battle between the security forces and assailants. The militants used hand grenades and rockets during the attack due to which one aircraft was badly damaged. However security officials were successful in keeping the militants away from the hanger and all other aircraft remained secure during the attack.

One security official was martyred during the attack, while Base Commander Air Commodore Mohammad Azam who oversaw and took part in the operation was injured and nine militants were killed. Banned outfit Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had claimed responsibility for the attack. It was the 3rd blatant attack beginning from army headquarters to naval and air force base. Such incidents designate that internal security, growing militancy, extremism and terrorism can affect the national security and integrity to a large extent.

Another menace to national solidarity is the communal, ethnic and sectarian discord escalating hastily, supplemented by identical techniques of terrorism. There are several reports of barbaric acts against minorities such as Hazaras, Ahmadis, Shias and Hindus, being the most susceptible groups, suffering great oppressions. The recent act of barbarism is condemnable where twenty innocent people were gunned down in Mansehra on Thursday, in another inhuman act, after being identified as Shia, by anti-state actors – Tehrik e Taliban Pakistan (TTP). It was the third such incident in last six months.

The most vulnerable group is Hazara, an ethnic group dwelling in Quetta, suffering ethnic cleansing and carnage over the period of thirteen years, since 1999 – during this period more than 850 Hazaras have been ruthlessly killed and a multiplied figure, poorly handicapped by outlawed militant Lashkar e Jangvi (LeJ), due to affiliation with Shia sect and distinctive outlook. The continued wave of persecution ceased them, continuing their business, education and civil services.

The ethnic group with 0.6 million population, 95% literacy rate, has served the country and the province to best of their capabilities in every field, ranging from politics, civil services, military, sports, education to security institutions.

The height of cold bloodedness shown by the government is worth seeing, where no practical demonstration of solidarity is displayed with aggrieved community. Not a single culprit is ever brought to justice. The point of great concern is the apathy shown by all parties, from ruling elites to oppositions, in solacing the grievances of the victims of terrorism.

This worst state of emerging extremism and terrorism posing threat to national security is the outcome of flawed policy adopted long ago. Through the length of history national security is primarily given due significance with dominant perception publicized, stating “guns not muttons”.

The myopic policy makers regarded strengthening of national security at the cost of education and life sustaining commodities, allocating a greater account of budget for military uses. Consequently, this well served and well paid institution, surpassed in every field of military discipline; making Pakistan, a great military power in the world, neglecting other arenas of societal issues.

This ascertained the institutional supremacy of military on other civilian institutions, paving a way for military coupes, justified. It was an unwise deviation from the visionary guiding principle of the founder of Pakisatan, Quid-i-Azam, who wanted to make it a welfare state rather than national security state.

The authoritative nature of decisions made by military leaderships, put the country on the road of widening sectarian, ethnic, and communal rifts, preceded by biased constitutional amendments, promoting Talibanization, militancy and mounting provincial woes with denial of provincial autonomy and the right of political expression.

Since 1980, terrorist activity in Pakistan has increased at the annual rate of 8%. Pakistan's decision to extend its covert support to Afghan mujahedeen necessitated the promotion of radical Islamist elements in the country. Also, under the shadow of Afghanistan, the so-called jihad resulted in the weaponization of Pakistan society - and most importantly in Karachi where the ethnic tensions with political roots were as far back as the 1950s and remerged in a deadly fashion.

At contemporary, the land of pure echoes with bomb explosions, rockets and gun fires, the target being innocent civilians and security officials. The seed of hatred, sectarian conflicts, communal divide, fruited in practicable form of blood shed and mass murder, occurring rampantly across the country.

Islamic teachings incorporated with desired interpretation, engraving in the innocent, illiterate and poverty stricken minds of people, granting economic incentives; helped the power players an easy access to their political objectives by legitimizing these interpretations. Political Islam is altered Islam, used for ideological and political gains, by so-called, radical Jihadists (extremists and terrorists in disguise).

There are certain countries, furthering their geo-political and strategic interests by exploitation of religious sentiments of Muslims, in many countries of the world including Pakistan and Afghanistan where large number of Madrassahas mushroomed across the country, with biased interpretation of Islamic teachings, equated with divine sayings, to be ultimate, was taught.

It is decisive moment; every institution owns its portion of responsibilities and fulfilling them in good faith. The speech made in this regard by Chief of Army Staff (COAS), on an occasion, at PMA Kakul, hours before 65th anniversary of Pakistan, contained a firm commitment, combating terrorism and extremism, stating, “A person’s words or opinion is beleaguered with limitations and can’t be ultimate.

Any person, who believes his opinion to be the final judgment, is an extremist. It becomes deliberate extremism when one not only insists upon finality of personal opinion, but tries imposing it on others. Moreover, if one tries to enforce his opinion through use of gun, it becomes terrorism.”

The civilian institutions should come forth with identical commitments. The parliament should undertake anti-terrorism legislation, executive has to ensure rule of law and ensure the article 25 of Pakistan's Constitution is implemented in its spirit which mandates the state to treat all the citizens equally without difference of religion, caste or creed with safety guaranteed to everyone.

The judiciary must exercise its constitutional power by impartial prosecution of variant cases; ensuring the grant of justice, to every citizen. Media being the crucial pillar of state, must stand responsible, in spreading love, harmony needed for national cohesion and integration, eliminating communal, sectarian and ethnic hatred.

Extremism and terrorism are the common and genuine concerns of both the countries Pakistan and Afghanistan, sharing a common border, with more or less similar causes and consequences. The underlying difference is that Pakistan’s military leadership regards terrorism and extremism a curse for society, aiming to fight it, on priority basis, while Afghanistan’s centralized government talks of negotiation with anti-state elements.

Increased political opportunities, economic incentives, propagating and disregarding the extremism and terrorism, legislating practicable counter terrorism techniques will help us fight this menace. Secularizing politics, to a possible extent, is also indispensable in lowering the militant religious sentiments which may reduce terrorism across Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The writer is an educationalist, social and human rights activist. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com.

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