Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Remembering Eid Days!


Remembering Eid Days!

The Eid day passed away but we can never forget the joys and memories associated with it.On Eid day, everyone awakes with an excitement that cannot be described in words, especially the children who start their day as if they had a sweet dream and now they are still enjoying dream by chasing the characters in it.

For the following three days or in some cases more (like villages where visits of relatives continue for a week or more) offer a very delightful picture of life. In my opinion, it is the occasion when people feel the joy and happiness more than any other occasion. Before the arrival of Eid, people clean up or decorate their houses, they wear new dress, they have no job or shop to worry about, there is an abundance of joys and it looks as if warm and good wishes fly in the skies.

Most inspiring factor in this case is the perception or mental setup by people according to which everyone believes and experiences that he is happy and he expect the others to be so and thus it becomes the time to share the happiness with each and everyone.

According to psychology, a person who is happy himself, sees and perceives the people and things around him with a positive approach and thus this mental condition is very necessary to cherish the joys and blessings of Eid with its true spirit.

Another important factor that adds to this perception is the atmosphere that has been mentioned above as well. Abundance of time, jubilant faces, new clothes, feasts and foods and many more not only enhance our experience of Eid but also give it a very gentle and pleasing touch.

There are many relatives who are not visited or being asked about due to a number of reasons. Our tight schedule might not be permitting us to do so, there might have come some kind of tussle between the relations or simply they might not be of your status financially which make you to forget them. This is the time when we visit our forgotten ones and re-establish the relations with them. When we enter someone’s house with a smiling face, we are greeted in the same manner leaving aside all the differences or past memories.

There are many of our relatives who might be in need of our assistance, either financially or morally or both. Some of our relatives might be in a kind of difficulty that might be easy to be solved for us. When we visit our relatives and friends, we come to know about their conditions and try all our best to be of help to them. When we discover the conditions of each other and try all our best to bring ease and comfort to each other, we make ourselves worthy of being called a human.

It is said that a bent head is not cut by any sword so if we have hurt the feelings of others or had a deep rooted enmity but Eid is the occasion when we come to forget all these and air of salvation and love blows in all the directions. When we go to our enemy’s house on the occasion of Eid, we can expect an open arm. Similarly, when we see our enemy standing on our door-front with repentance, it would be against the spirit of Eid not to open our arms to him and clean our heart of all the old negative and antagonistic feelings.

It is said that if water remains at a place for longer period of time, it starts stinking. In the same way, our daily routine creates some problems to us in an unnoticeable manner. Daily following the same activity makes us feel bore about the activity and we lose interest of our activities and more accurately, of our life. Twice a year, Eid brings us with a chance to enjoy and perform activities which are not only different but also amusing. This is also the time when we contemplate on our routine set of activities and try to bring positive changes in them.

When we visit friends, we meet their friends and thus start a new friendship that gets stronger with the passage of time. And no need to mention here that friends however more they are, are less while a single enemy should also be taken as excessive.

One of our relatives was very kind to me and thus I also visited him whenever I found time. In the childhood, I had made my routine to occasionally visit but the growing age brought more responsibilities and thus this routine was disturbed. The gap between the visits kept increasing and then a time came when I paid a visit after more than a year. Then he told me something which he had learned from his life-long experience. He said, “Relationships are made and maintained by seeing each other. If you don’t visit your close relative, he will gradually turn into a stranger but if you start living with a stranger, he will slowly turn into one of your relatives.” This is true for all the relations of the world.

Once we had a rented house where we spent more than 10 years and the time we spent with neighbors was really wonderful and unforgettable. Then we moved to some other place and the visits and seeing each other automatically decreased. It was an occasion of Eid when I took one of my cousins and we went to see our old neighbors.

We knocked at the door but nobody came out. We thought they might be sitting in one of the inside rooms so we knocked the door harder. After some time, the elder of the house came and opened the door. We discovered that he had been sleeping and our continuous knocks had made him wake up. He looked at us with an inquiring gesture as if he wanted to know about the purpose of our visit.

We went to him, shook hands with him (he was not in mood of giving or accepting a hug which is a usual practice on Eid days), greeted and congratulated his Eid and quickly turned back.
With his half-open eyes, he faintly offered us tea which we quickly refused and he could not conceal that he had got relieved of it.

It is very unlucky for all those who sleep in such good days and keep the doors of their houses and hearts closed for friends and relatives.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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