Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

No Seat Available for a Terror-promoting Grandfather


No Seat Available for a Terror-promoting Grandfather

There is a famous quote in Persian which says, “An illiterate and one eyed person is believed to be the leader in a society where all members are blind.” The excerpt suites Taliban leadership that after a decade of war, now Mullah Mohammad Omar-an illiterate and one eyed leader of international black spot group on humanity is pretending to bless Afghan society of being their grandfather by post 2014.

International Community and Afghan government have many times headed to shake hands with Taliban for peaceful solutions by means of dialogues and negotiations, but unfortunately, Taliban, under the misleadership of Omar have not appreciated the peaceful solutions and have rejected the requested many times.

Now as the US-led army in Afghanistan is scheduled to be removed from the battleground by the end of 2014, the reclusive leader of Taliban considers the transition as a defeat for US-led combat troops on battlefield and promises Afghan people a modern and peaceful Islamic government which will be headed by the leaders such as Mullah Mohammad Omar and Al-Qaeda network leaders by post 2014.

Following the comprehensive civilian targeted attacks by Taliban during the holy month of Ramadan that exterminated hundreds of innocent lives; the blessing and victory congratulation message by the isolated leader of Taliban (Mullah Mohammad Omar) on the occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr was really surprising for the most of NATO combat commanders on battleground, political leaders and Afghan civilians.

“Taliban will look forward to appreciate an understanding with the Afghan factions in due time following the pull-out of invaders from the region,” said Omar in his Eid-ul-Fitr message. He further labeled the current Afghan government under the leadership of Karzai as a “puppet of Washington” and dismissed it as a corrupt, collapsing and ill system. Furthermore, along commending the current government system, he promised Afghan people a peaceful government of unity and harmony under the regulation of religious extremists like himself by the end of 2014 era.

Despite his statements of not being welcomed by the nation and political activists; in fact, such an initiation by Omar who have killed dozens of innocent lives throughout his appearance on the scene since 1996 are deemed fake promises for grabbing Afghan civilians’ trust so as to play a vital role in the future government structure.

“I do not believe that it is of Mullah Omar’s statement, because it is beyond his capacity to articulate seven pages of detailed Eid message to Afghan people. The statement is nothing more than a fake documentation,” said Daud Moradian, Professor of Political Science in American University of Afghanistan.

He further detailed that Omar is nothing more than a Historical Autocratic Symbol who does not give the chance for Afghan people to live in peace and prosperity. Considering the misfortunes created by Taliban during 1996 to 2001 and their bloodshed rivalries during the last decade, it is not only Professor Moradian who does not believe in such initiations to be Omar’s view, in fact, it is all the nation who do not support his statement and he during his regime in Afghanistan proved that Taliban are no one else rather than some extremists who are trying to rule over a blind society by misusing the religious constitutions.

Simultaneously, in response to Omar’s Eid message to Afghan people, General John Allen denounced the statement as “unmistakable message of death, hate and helplessness for Afghan people on the eve of Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations marking the end of the Muslim’s holy month of Ramadan.”

The General further called Omar a “deranged man” using “Insane Language.” In addition, he added in pointing to the bloodshed of civilians’ targeted attacks by Taliban during the holy month of Ramadan that either Omar is lying, or his henchmen are not listening to him, but it is very clear that innocent Afghan civilians are paying the price for his corrupt leadership.

Taliban’s leader during different occasions have claimed that their soldiers are not targeting civilians and they do not have any problem with Afghan civilians but the recent incidents alter the graph of their revelries and indicate a direct attack on civilians. The last two attacks in Nimroz and on Hotel Spozmai in Kabul are the clear example of how honestly the Taliban care about the civilians’ life.

Omar in his statement has promised that he will restructure the constitution of government to a modern Islamic government in which all the majorities and minorities in the country will be demonstrated with equally rights, but questions raise here that who was ruling the country during 1996 – 2001? Who massacred thousands of lives in Mazar-e-Sharif in 1996? Who buried alive thousands of innocent passengers in Kanda-Posht during 1996 – 2001? Who was the person who passed the order of closing all girls’ schools and detained the women under a sort of house arrest? It is really strange and surprising that the person who has been making bloodstreams by slaughtering tens and hundreds of innocent lives in a single day is pretending to be accepted as a grandfather and he is trying to bless Afghan people with an Islamic Empire by the end of 2014.

Taliban, the so called Islamic Soldiers have been claiming of guarding Islamic Empire. Since 1996, the early years of Taliban appearance on the screen in the region, they have massacred and beheaded thousands of Afghan civilians due to no reason other than not supporting their ideologies.

Taliban’s key leader has many times claimed of guarding civilians’ life during their operations, but unfortunately, they have been doing against of their slogans. Following Omar’s statement of peace negotiation with Afghan factions after International Community’s withdrawal of US-led combat troops, the incidents of targeted attacks on civilians have doubled.

The scene behind the screen is mystifying, Mullah Mohammad Omar, being as the key leader of Taliban group has claimed over and over in his statements that his soldiers are not targeting the civilians. In fact, they are guarding Afghan civilians by imposing the Islamic laws in the society. But the recent incidents depict against his statements and seems like he is nothing more than a symbolic figure in Taliban structure.

Mullah Omar, after creating dozens of misfortunes for Afghan society is still hopeful to reemerge on political screen by the end of 2014. Omar in his statement claims of being the winner of the last decade of war and deems the security transition as a defeat for US-led combat troops in the region. Then, what has been the international community doing during the last ten years of spending billions of dollar in war against terrorist? Such statements are nothing more than just moralizing his soldiers and struggle for paving his way of playing role in the future government structure of Afghanistan.

Finally, as an Afghan civilian; I better advise Mullah Omar to stop day dreaming and let the Afghan people to live in peace and tranquility. We have experienced your so called Islamic government during 1996-2001. There will not be any extra seats for illiterate and one eyed leaders and it is the people of Afghanistan to select their rulers not an illiterate agent of Pakistan or Iran.

Abbas Ali Sultani is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. Your Opinions are welcomed at ali.ccna@hotmail.com

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