Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Suspension of Military Training


Suspension of  Military Training

The United States has suspended Afghan military training indefinitely due to growing "green on blue" attacks. NATO sources said that new military training suspended till the Afghan security forces be identified in terms of ideology and linkages. The measure was vividly held in order to avoid further casualties of foreign security forces. Recently, attacks of people in uniform on foreign security forces have increased unprecedentedly which has caused top political and military officials to voice out concerns.

Last month, President Obama put the issue and emphasized and said that serious steps should be held to stop such attacks. He also said that Afghan political leaders were alerted on the issue and he would discuss it with them.

Since the start of 2012, more than 40 foreign soldiers have been shot dead which is likely more than the number killed by insurgents. However, similar incidents were taking place in previous years, 2012 marked as a year with the highest number of such attacks.

Generally, three reasons are mentioned for the cause of such attacks: infiltration of Taliban and Al-Qaeda elements to Afghan security forces and the involvement of the foreign agents, psychological problems, and finally personal problem with foreign security forces. Taliban leaders have always claimed to be behind attacks carried out by people in uniform against NATO forces.

Yet they have always claimed that such attacks were carried by their infiltrators or common soldiers who had deep sympathy with them. If their allegations are true, then the prospective turns worrisome as frequency of such attack reveals that Taliban sympathizers are not less among Afghan security forces because those who turn up and open fire against Afghan or foreign fellows, are indeed the core elements who like suicide bombers do not care about their lives.

They are certainly aware of the consequences of their attacks and likely understand that they wouldn't make out alive, but still they turn weapons and shoot their foreign fellows. Perhaps, the only thing always nudges their minds is that when to find opportunity to carry out attacks with maximum possible casualties.

Definitely, all militants are not ready to die for the cause; however, they all notice the possibility that anytime they might get killed, fighting Afghan Security forces and foreign allies.

But if the situation alters in a way that dead becomes certain, only a minority will remain around Mullah Omar and the rest of course will defect as during preparation of US to attack on Taliban regime, because Taliban leader rejected to hand over Osama bin Laden, the master mind behind 9/11 suicide attacks on world trade center in New York, it was said that thousands of people have promised to fight till end. But after, we were all the witness that no one resisted till their death and all fled from the country.

It should be noticed that infiltration is likely to occur in the current circumstance. However, military officials emphasize that the recruitment process is tight enough to sieve away culprits but considering some incidents in which the insurgents were vividly involved portrays that the process is completely porous. Perhaps, it is rarely possible that a person filled an application to become a police be rejected. Even those who are not screened properly are easily recruited in security forces.

The second issue is the psychological problem. Usually, those who are economically in a better situation wouldn't go or allow their family members to join police ranks instead poor and excluded families join it in order to earn something to survive. Because, being a cop in Afghanistan is deemed quite difficult that is not comparable with amount of salary they are paid. Particularly, in the restive areas, police are exposed to maximum danger. Meanwhile, the salary is not more than ten thousand Afghanis which is not enticing at all for anyone. Those who join police came mostly from lower layers of the society.

Therefore, on one hand their salary range is too low, and, on the other hand, some are the only breadwinners for their households. Such economic pressures and risks they take on daily basis are the principle reasons for pushing them up-normal. Unable to deal with such psychological pressure, they sometimes display vicious scenarios like assassination of foreign fellows.

The third reason for green on blue attacks is personal problem.

However, I should notice that I do not have any evidence denoting on sensitive behavior of foreign security forces, but there are propaganda circulating around of humiliating treat of Afghan civilians. Discussing about the current situation, a friend was puttering with angry tone of voice about house search in southern parts of the country.

He was saying that NATO forces several times attacked houses and killed people right beside of their wives. In such cases, anti-foreign sentiments are fuelled because Afghans are generally very sensitive to what is called "namos" (honor).

Finally, what has made the situation much complicated is the growing mistrust between Afghan and foreign allies. Some credential newspapers have interviewed military soldiers and all are in view that the gap between them and their foreign colleagues had increased tremendously.

They also confessed that some of their soldiers openly said that they wanted to shoot all bullets to the chest of foreigners.

Previously there were no such things. There was cordial relation among soldiers. Now the NATO soldiers generally avoid engaging with Afghans which further complicates the situation. So, it is not clear how the Afghan leaders will deal with the issue to restore trust, but seemingly at the short term former cordial relation among soldiers would not be restored easily.

The relation will remain tense and the concerned authorities should take immediate steps to deal with the issue appropriately.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmial.com

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