Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Cursing Social Evils!


Cursing Social Evils!

Any evil, such as overindulgence, that negatively affects society is generally termed as social evil. Social ill-practices, detrimental to social bond of enhancive interaction, receiving superfluous acceptance amongmasses, are regarded as social evils. It is generally the loosening effect of law and order coupled with degeneration of moral values in a society which results in the spread of social evils.

The social evils can be defined in different subjects, for instance, some might only be ethical and some might relate to crime or it might violate certain established principles. In modern society, with special reference to Afghanistan, it is important to note that a number of social evils have grappled our country in its iron claws; in addition it seems impossible to get out of its tentaclesunlessimmediate attention isgiven.

A few examples of the social evils that we deal with today are crime, bigotry, bullying, and poor education.Besides these, there are many other social evils like child labor, wastage of food on the occasion of marriages and other social ceremonies etc.

Now-a-days the life sustaining commodities are not found, in pure condition. Milk, ghee, butter, oil, etc. all are sold adulterated. Not only food stuffs, but medicines, toilet goods and their articles also are mixed with inferior and cheaper substances. This amounts to the cheating of the people. This is a social crime. The government must make all possible efforts to curb this nefarious trade. The people must be ensured the supply of pure and unadulterated goods.

Food prices have been raising for sometime past, one of the main causes of this is the hoarding of food grains. There is acute shortage of a number of essential commodities, particularly in the months prior to month of Ramazan. To earn huge profits, businessmen hoard the necessities of life. This causes great hardship to the people. The legislature must introduce legislation to check hoarding with the greatest zeal and effort. Hoarders, black marketers and profiteers should be severely dealt with.

One of the major curseof which Afghanistan is suffering is bribery andcorruption, weakening the institutional performance of the country; a poison,that must be put down with iron hand. Black marketing is the most colossal crime against society. There are other taboos flourishing, which are gradually decaying the society, creating anomalies such as economic disparity, excessive use of one's authority, falling educational standard, promotion of crime and lack of proper life facilities.

Corruption, unemployment, smuggling, population explosion, inflation, terrorism, bribery, black marketing, adulteration, prostitution, nepotism, and other social evils are cancer for any country.The foundation of social evils is that society is made up of human beings that have all the weaknesses and faults that are inherent to being human. Human traits such as greed, hate, lust for power or wealth, arrogance, etc. become social evils when they are allowed to grow in a society to a point that they become a part of that society.

Causesof social evils are poverty,illiteracy,blind tradition. Poverty leads to criminal activities like robbery, thefts, murder, kidnapping and looting. Now and then one can find headlines in the papers about their criminal activities. We often come across reports about whole family committing suicide by taking poison as they cannot afford a square meal. Even the parents do not hesitate to sell their children. When people are unable to get their livelihood by honest means, they are bound to turn into criminals. Very often people find criminals living only in slums. In fact, it is the property that has compelled them to take to social evils.

The governments devise ways and means to raise their standard of living through science and technology. These poverty stricken criminals instead of being taken to jails and being prosecuted should be taken to rehabilitation centers where adequate care is taken of such criminals and certain skills are being taught to them such as stitching, driving, gardening, cooking, and cleaning etc. which can help them to earn a living and support their families. 

The government should make annual visits to the unhygienic and extremely distressful slum areas and provide them money and proper care to help them uplift their depressing conditions. Often general people rebuke poor people and look at them with disdain, this should be prevented and the people should adopt a positive and helpful behavior towards the poor and the destitute. These measures would also contribute in rooting out evils from our society.

Disbanding illiteracy helps to develop enlightened, moderate and law abiding disciplined citizens;serving the best course towards, depreciation of evils practices.

The social evils and superstitions that had crept in the society over the centuries made social reforms imperative for the development of the society and the masses. In the 19th century, the newly educated persons increasingly revolted against rigid social conventions and outdated customs. They could no longer tolerate irrational and de-humanizing social practices.Social reforms are urgently needed. There can be no two opinions about this. Effective laws should be framed. Public opinion should be created in support of these reforms, and. Administration made strict, can alone lead us to success.

An excellent example of a fight against social evil is the civil rights movement that began in the US in the middle of the twentieth century and the struggle against apartheid in South Africa in the 1990s. An all out struggle against social evil is never easy and is never quick. It takes a lot of people committed to accomplishing the task to overcome a well entrenched social evil like discrimination.

We should take tangible measures to eradicate this evil otherwise we will be destroyed.The responsible government, at any level, can never develop unless there are responsible citizens. The institution which constitute the government represent only a small part, other institution like schools, homes, religious centers, voluntary organizations etc. form a much greater part of the social activities. 

It is summed up in the well known quote, 'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing'. Put more simply, each of us has the responsibility not to allow the evil that go unchallenged. Each adult is responsible for their own actions, but some people believe that it doesn't matter what they do, or they deserve in some way to behave as they do, or they simply do not care what effect their actions have on society. These people are wrong. It does matter how each of us behave. Social evils are prevented by enough people caring how their personal actions affect others.

The writer is educationalist, social and human rights activist. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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