Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Cure Your Grief with Appropriate Action!


Cure Your Grief with  Appropriate Action!

The stretched out darkness of the night flows into the light of the dawn, and gets enlightened in the next beautiful morning. The day, after passing through its definite time, turns back to night. The seeds grow into plants and then trees and at the end become woods for burning or may become a piece of furniture. This is how nature works – it flows and moves and never stops.

Nothing remains constant, and everything changes, as change is the nature of the nature. So are the feelings, moods and conditions of human beings. If today someone is sad, the other day he may be quite happy. Some changes may occur themselves while others may require considerable and untiring actions on the part of the human beings.

Action basically creates balance in the equation of life, the equation of society and the equation of civilizations. The action that repels the negative forces and abandons them from increasing and the action caused by the grief and misfortunes aims at stopping the cause of its whole power. So the only cure for grief is action.

The grief showers the sadness on the faces of the people, the tears on the faces of newly widowed women, who have lost the affection of the loved ones, the newly orphans that would never have their fathers back, nor their affections. Sisters who remain waiting for their brothers at door, and brothers, shed tears having the cadavers of the brothers in their laps. Grief takes all the happiness, smiles and laughter of the innocent people of the world including our nation. The darkness of grief is to be torn by action.

Grief is an experience in life that we all go through, either in the realization that we are going to die or by losing the loved ones. Those individuals who have realized they are approaching death will go through the grieving process as will their loved ones. Life is a long tale of suffering, misfortune, difficulties, grieves and vicissitudes.

A few of these mishaps are so inscrutable and mysterious that they defy explanation and are put down to bad luck. However, we have to understand this important fact that majority of them are of our making for which none but we ourselves are responsible.

The society with no unity causes no action, means it gives way to grieves, welcoming the darkness and bloodshed in future. It is depends on collective psychology of a nation that how they approach mishaps and misfortunes. If they are ready and committed enough they can face them with dignity and strength.

Therefore, I suggest my fellow being not to give up their hopes and keep on fighting hard against grieves they face as whatever they may be, they are not permanent. Every time in the face of history, the flood of grieves has been stopped through the action because no other option is optimum in its way to cure the grief. But the action causes grief in the cause and relaxation in the effect, and thus balances the scenario of wildness of human kingdom on earth.

To give up hope is to surrender and to surrender means to give the causes more chances to enter our homes and threaten us. Well said, "It is the hope that changes the history and it is the right action at right time that makes the sure events not to happen!"

We should never give up our will, as it reveals our strength, our deterrence against invasions, our hope, unity and determination, and our action that will last to the end of the grief. If the grief is again caused to us, the cure is always the same, the one and only, "the mighty action".

It is a common experience that if a hole in a cloth is neglected for sometimes, it grows so big as to require many stitches. What is true of a hole in a cloth is also true of social, political, and moral problems. If these problems are not mended for a long period, a time comes when they become irreversible and solution for them becomes unattainable.

So for our better future, we must not get late for an action and cure our grief. Life is full of such instances, which prove that much harm can be done by a little thing which is overlooked or is altogether neglected; like a crack in a boat if not immediately looked into, grows so big that no effort can save the boat. A little fire if not immediately put out, develops into a huge conflagration after a few hours.

A leaking roof which is not repaired in time proves a source of much trouble and inconvenience in the rainy season. Still I am optimistic that it is not too late for remedy and taking action. Therefore, we have to leave the comforts of our cozy abodes, move in the ground and be counted; otherwise, the history with its weak memory may forget our existence within no time.

Keeping in view the today's practical world and the competitive mood of state of affairs in the world one must be quite active and energetic to bring his ideas into life by taking suitable and favorable acts/steps against the customary problems so that he could promise his survival through the tough and rapid pace of political and economic struggle.

Currently we are suffering the worst form of terrorism and disorder yet again we lake the unity of thought and no clear vision to overcome the prevailing pathetic condition of the people. We are scattered into many groups and schools of thoughts. We are ill with the differences existing among us and on the other hand we wish to beat the present miseries.

Every single person must strive to come together, join hands with one another and think with broader perspective, removing all our personal clashes and differences in order to bring about constructive remedies to our tribulations. But one has to bear in mind that these are only miraculous ideas which may never ever be acted over or even mused upon. Or if we consider them with better understanding, we will be capable enough to change these ideas to strong practical measures.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com

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