Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Keeping Them Intact!


Keeping Them Intact!

He was sitting in his grand office; grand in a sense that it was not only big but was full of managers, accountants and other clerical staff who were busy in controlling the matters of his vast business. As I arrived there, he left his chair and we came and sat on comfortable sofas. Soon the tea was served. After routine greetings, I came to my question.

A question was, time and again disturbing my mind and thus he was the exact person in my friends to answer it. When he started his reply, he gave a faint smile and said, "When people look at my present condition, they think that it might have all happened very easily and it was nothing but my sheer luck, but I should clarify that once I used to be one of the poorest persons in the city.

I did numerous small works before even thinking of my own business. I worked as a waiter in a restaurant, unloaded the trucks in the silence of nights, crushed and broke stones for the roads and even peeled wood in a timber depot.

Then I started my business from a very small scale and it did not happen so easily either. In the beginning, there were so many problems and I had to wait for a number of years until it got firmly established. The thing that infuriates me is that people think that I am earning easy money so I should not be much careful in its spending as well but I know after how many difficult stages, I made up to the present situation. Very recently, I have started feeling intensely one more thing. Now, I have developed a feeling that I don't have the personality of my own and I have the respect and importance just because of my wealth and social status.

Of my relatives, friends and acquaintances, hardly anyone comes to ask about me. Whenever people have any problem and they are in need of either money or a recommendation letter or a phone call, I am contacted. When I solve the problem of one, he tells it to others and soon a Pandora's Box is opened and I see the people who greet me and the next moment they would be presenting me their problems. If I don't come to solve someone's problem, he regards me to be cruel and non-sympathetic and thus tries all his best to defame me.

One more painful thing is that fact that, usually the money and my reputation are used negatively. People take money by asking for a genuine problem like medical treatment etc. but later on I discover that the money has been spent uselessly like buying a mobile phone and others. Usually I ask a friend of mine to give job to a needy person but later on it is found that the needy person has run away, stealing something from his office and all these really make me ashamed". He had a lot to tell me which I would not like to prolong by telling you.

One of the greatest English philosophers, Bertrand Russell, shares a strange but absolutely true idea in his book, "Unpopular Essays". He writes that, in every society, there is a wrong but sympathetic concept about the poor that they are all victimized, innocent, polite, honest and many more. But all these appear to us just because of a fact that we see the poor with the conditions and circumstances that surround him. Instead of looking at his personality, we look at his problems, meager possibilities of housing, food and clothing and many more. If we observe the man keeping in view his personal qualities and ignoring his external environment, we would discover that he also owns so many negative characteristics.

Same is the case with rich or prosperous people. Philosophers or thinkers who narrate their situations usually describe them keeping their conditions in comparison with that of the rest of the members of society. They see that there are many who don't find anything to eat and they have their refrigerators full of fruits and other edibles.

There are some families who have no other option except to live in a small room with all the members in it and they live in grand houses with more than a room per every member of the family. When the rich are observed or examined with this perspective, their personal qualities are ignored and their luxurious and attractive external environment is highlighted.

It would be very unfair to expect that people who did hard work to establish a business or earn their wealth should be considered equal to those who are poor not because of their luck but because of their laziness and other negative qualities.

I witnessed a lot of examples similar to one mentioned above. The more one rises in status, wealth and success, the more he is disturbed by the people. Usually people forget that they are killing the desire of such people to extend the acts of goodness and virtue by their stupid and usually inappropriate acts. They are disturbed without respecting their privacy and other necessary schedule.

People at times go for their work and they forget that the person standing in front of them is also a human who would be expecting some good salutation and greeting from them. They think that the person who is going to help them is a stupid and he can be easily fooled down. In order to get their work done, they pretend to be friendlier or do other stupid works which are noticed by the other person right at the first sight and it makes the entire situation rather disgusting.

Similarly, a person who has got to do his work done contacts a person time and again but once his work is done, he even forgets to utter few words of gratefulness or make a phone call. There is not present any concept that in return to once favor, we should also think of doing any favor to him.

Similarly, when one's work is not done, he losses all his politeness and etiquettes and soon turns out into an ill-mannered and uncivilized fellow who does not hesitate to say whatever comes into his mind.

All these things have resulted in a situation where the desire of affluent or rich to do any good work is gradually dying out and now they show reluctance to extend a helping hand to anyone, even the deserving ones.
It is hoped that people would be much careful in this regard and would deal the rich in a proper way so that they should be encouraged to continue doing favors to others.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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