Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Committing Violence for the Sake of Prophet of Peace!


Committing Violence for the Sake of Prophet of Peace!

Demonstrations against an in flammatory anti-Muslim video have smashed borders and have gone far beyond some Muslim countries. On Saturday, September 15, in Sydney, a famous city of Australia, popular for its tolerance and multiculturalism, people marched into the heart of the city, chanting anti-American slogans. They also clashed with security forces and police used dogs to disperse protestors.

On Friday, September 14, people in Afghanistan also protested against the film in eastern provinces but the protests ended peacefully. At last, they demanded for complete military withdrawal of foreign countries and also asked local scholars to determine a price of the head of filmmaker. Unlike the previous expectations, major cities have remained calm and there are no major demonstrations reported yet. However, there are severe anti-West in general and anti-American in particular sentiments circulating on social networking websites.

During past few days, there are also messages circulating among people, condemning the film with harsh tone. They have been protesting in different ways and with different tones. From comments posted on Facebook and circulating messages on cell phones, it is sure that people have been greatly infuriated by the film.

Previously, NATO officials alarmed their security forces about the possible revengeful attacks. They told that the film would spark anti-Western sentiments and the possibility of attacks against present security forces was high. Meanwhile, a military camp in Helmand Province came under serious attack by Taliban militants. Qari Yousuf, the spokesman alleged that the attack was in revenge of insulting film against Muslims.

As far as I know, no one in the country wrote in detail about the context of the film. The only thing written about is a consensus that the context of the film is against Islam, and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is insulted. Yet no one knows how?

Reportedly, the film was previously displayed in a small cinema in Hollywood as well as posted on YouTube. But it remained unproblematic for past three months. It only triggered rioting across Muslim world after it was dubbed in Arabic and released on YouTube. Since the start of demonstrations till now 12 people have been killed.

Initially, it was said that an Israeli-American named Sam Bacile was the filmmaker which worried American Jews. But currently another person by the name of Nakoula Basseley is under investigation. He is an Egyptian Coptic Christian and previously was charged guilty for twenty years over financial offenses and later released conditionally.

According to the law, he could not use internet. If it is revealed that he posted the movie on the internet he can be charged guilty for the violation of the law.  Meanwhile it should be noticed that he will not be persecuted for his troublesome film, instead he may be charged guilty for use of the internet and YouTube.

Officials have also reacted against the film across the globe. Mohammad Morsi, the first Islamist President of Egypt while emphasizing on protection of American and other Western countries diplomats condemned the movie. He also said that he talked with President Barack Obama and he was also against such insulting film.

The US foreign secretary of the United States, Hillary Clinton described the film as "despicable".  Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei blamed Israel and the US for producing the film and hurting millions of Muslims across the globe. Meanwhile, the same message said that if these countries are not involved with them then they should punish the filmmaker.

However, such provoking remarks from someone so responsible are not recommendable. Certainly parts of Muslims are in view that such moves are pre-planned by top officials merely to hurt Muslims and achieve their goals. But considering the high level of anti-American sentiments and strategic interests of US and it Western allies are endangered as result of such moves that also amidst struggle of US to restore its relation with Muslim world, such notions are unjustifiable. It is clear that such film or any other form of insults not only weakens sentiments of Muslims but also fuels them further.

Repetition of such triggering moves widens the gap between Muslim world and Western countries, the thing which is unacceptable for industrialized societies depending on oil and enormous markets of Muslim countries. Previously Dutch and Switzerland suffered huge economic losses as result of insulting caricatures of Prophet Mohammad.

So, considering the amount of US interests and its civil and military presence in the region, it is completely deniable that any American officials deliberately embark to such troublesome issues. Because the only thing US may receive is the death of its diplomats in Libya, endangering the lives of their soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq and burning of American goods. Such moves belong to those radical, rancorous and vengeful people who use the US political values to hurt Muslims.

On the other hand, as Miss Hillary Clinton said in vivid response to attack on US embassy in Benghazi, that such incident divides true followers and those who use religion as tool to gain power. She was right. According to history, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was a prophet of peace and brotherhood.

He was maltreated, insulted and even punished for preaching Islam, but he always forgave his enemies. There are quotations from his true followers that when people insulted him, he was going to Mosque and praying to Allah almighty to forgive his abusers because they are ignorant though he was in position to revenge them.

Now see the difference between deeds of Prophet Mohammad and his followers who are killing inhumanly the innocent people just for being a Westerner; otherwise they had nothing to do with that Coptic Egyptian who is claimed to be the filmmaker.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmial.com

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