Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Moment of Shame


Moment of Shame

It seems the tragic death of US Ambassador and three other diplomatic staff in Libya and the spreading violent protests in Middle East and South Asia against the so-called 'anti-Islam film' has not bothered Muslim leaders to take steps to avoid further madness. It has gone out of control in many places already. The German and British embassies were stormed in Khartoum. The mob removed their flag with an 'Islamic one'. Protesters in Cairo stormed the US Embassy and American flag was replaced with a black 'Islamic flag', one also used by Al-Qaeda.

As usual, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has not gone beyond a condemnation statement about the film on its website. This organization has become a good-for-nothing body, while the Salafist radicals in the Middle East are making good use of the opportunity to provoke a mob movement.

Their ideological brothers in Afghanistan, the Taliban also tried to provoke violent reaction urging masses to come out on roads after Friday prayers and "fight" against Americans! But it passed largely calm and completely peaceful across the country except some small peaceful protest demonstrations. In a statement on their website, Taliban were quick to take the propaganda opportunity saying the US war on terror is a war on Islam. The statement said production of the film was not act of individuals but done with approval and direct involvement of the Government [the US].

The Government and Ulema Council played swift role in averting any untoward incident by asking clerics to maintain calm after Friday prayers. However, some made fiery speeches, which the Government must take action against. Karzai Administration's former cabinet nominee for religious affairs and a prominent Mullah in Kabul EnayatullahBaleegh in his sermon at Pul-e-Khishti mosque after Friday prayers made provocative speech. He said production of the film was work of American Jews.

"This is the work of American Jews, their movie has hurt the sentiments of Muslims around the world. Filthy producers should be held accountable for any US soldiers killed in Afghanistan as a result of Muslim anger over the film. These two Jews and President Obama should be held accountable for the death of their diplomats, because it shows the incompetency of the Obama administration and that he could not control such an insulting act."

There was a clear incitation to violence in Baleegh's speech on Friday. The Government must take notice and stern action. Such elements who use the mosque loudspeaker to provoke violence and hatred should not be allowed to misuse religious sentiments of mass illiterate population.

Another fiery speech was made by AbdulzahirDaee, a professor at Shariah Department of Kabul University while addressing student protesters outside the university on Sunday, who burnt an effigy of President Obama and the American flag. He made insulting remarks about death of US troops in Afghanistan.

President Karzai acted swift this time, a lesson learnt from the tragedy of dozens of deaths during the week of protests last year against Qur'an burning. Ulema Council and Ministry of Religious Affairs were directed to mobilize and avoid violent reaction.

The Government also banned Youtube. But it is not the solution. Internet is full of such hate material against religion which can hurt any individual believer's faith in one or another way. Best is to ignore bigots who indulge in acts of provoking disharmony and hatred. How long will they keep the ban on Youtube and Gmail?

Work in many offices has been affected. Newsrooms are having hard times with Gmail. They cannot stop people from watching the film through a ban on Youtube of Gmail. It is beyond understanding why a sane mind who know about the insulting content of the film still attempts to watch it. If you know it will outrage you, ignore it. More and more links will be available to the video and remain there forever, which people will eventually watch. A blanket ban on Youtube affects internet users.

The film was actually uploaded on Youtube in July 2012, but came to notice recently when the psycho pastor Terry Jones promoted it. The so-called filmmaker "Sam Basile" was misidentified in media as an Israeli living in the US who claimed to have spent $5 million on the film. After watching the trailer days ago, I couldn't believe $5million was spent on such crap. H

e also claimed 100 Jewish donors had funded the project. There seems to be a conspiracy behind this plot to provoke inter-faith disharmony. Media reports connect the filmmaker with the Coptic community in Egypt, and an Arabic dubbing of the film on Youtube actually erupted the violent protests in Libya and Egypt.

Organizations like OIC should mobilize Muslim leaders and scholars for a debate on how to avoid Muslims being provoked to violent reaction each time a piece of crap comes on internet. An Ambassador was not even killed in the medieval ages. It should be a moment of shame for leaders of the Muslim world.

Abbas Daiyar is a staff writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Abbas.daiyar@gmail.com He tweets at http://twitter.com/#!/AbasDaiyar

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