Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Tears and Prayers!


Tears and Prayers!

The crowd was large and angry. They chanted slogans that shook the earth. They had held banners and placards in which the blasphemy movie producer and people involved in it were condemned. There were also slogans against America, Israel and some other European countries.

The crowd kept growing with the passage of time; both in number and spirit. Later on flags of America and Israel were set on fire. After that, some leaders delivered their fiery speeches that further heated the emotions. Anyhow, crowd dispersed after some time.

On many other places, it all did not end here. A lot of protestors got such angry that they broke the windows of cars, electric poles, the flower beds and sign boards were ripped down, and shops and vehicles were set on fire. At many occasions, they tried to attack the embassies of America and had to clash with police. Police had to open fire in air in order to disperse them.

The tremors of firing and gunshots shook the area, air was filled with fear and insecurity, there were people running here and there in search of a hiding place and so on. Many of the franchises of International brands like KFC, McDonalds etc. were set on fire. The city showed the scene of a civil war. When the darkness of night stretched across, the ruined and burnt shops and vehicles showed a very frightening picture.

At some places, the conditions got even worse and resulted in the loss of innocent lives. Hundreds lost their jobs and many businesses were demolished.

Other day, a suicide attack in Kabul claimed the lives of 12 men, nine foreigners and rest local. An extremist group claimed its responsibility terming it an act to avenge the blasphemy movie. People who lost their lives had no link with any government or the film-makers. They were here in our country to help it stabilize and also to earn their livelihood, away from their homeland and families.

It is not necessary to mention here that it all started with a short video clip that was posted on YouTube in which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was mocked and insulted. The video was filmed in US with private funds.
Then there are present a lot many pictures and comments on Social websites like Facebook and others where the filmmaker has been condemned and even abused. Use of such language doesn't suit a civilized person. A bad deed cannot be returned by a similar act.

No doubt, we have very deep respect, love and attachment with our religion and especially to our dear Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and all these protests are natural depicting our in-depth anger on such a heedless act but emotions never bring about the results that are aimed by a certain act.

The protests were aimed to condemn this act and to stop any such act in future but the way they have been undertaken and managed have even worsened the whole situation and made the things even more complicated.
With the expansion of media coverage, Islamic scholars and prominent figures have been continuously trying to make Islam appear as a religion of peace, mutual co-existence and tolerance so that the negative perception of West about Islam should be thwarted and the true picture of Islam should be shown to public.

In this regard, books are written, TV debates and discussions are conducted, inter-faith dialogues are held and many more. But recent violent protests have greatly affected all those efforts and it is said, "How it can be called a religion of peace if it allows its followers to kill people and destroy the property on the name of religion?"

On the other hand, such acts have not achieved their objective and now Western powers condemn the violence of protestors instead of doing anything against the film-maker or passing any such law that could have blocked the way for any such incident in future.

If all these are assessed with a sound reasoning, leaving aside the sentimentalism, it has not harmed anyone, except the Muslims. Four American diplomats killed in Libya had no share in the production of the video. Except them, 24 other people have lost their lives in which almost 16 are Muslims, who became the victims of heedless anger.

The property destroyed, the vehicles, shops and businesses burnt all belonged to us and economic activities have greatly been affected in the already economically weak Muslim countries. Those who have done all these just sit and smile at our acts.

Other day, when the protestors came out to the roads of Kabul, a taxi driver told me that majority of them were the tramps, robbers and other people who did not know anything about Islam except to be Muslim by name and they greatly disturbed the common people on the roads. Educated and sensible members of society took it as something irresponsible and thus they decided to stay inside their houses.

It is also necessary to understand that US government did not support or finance the film-makers. US government did condemn this act and showed its grief over the issue but stopping a private citizen from doing any such thing is also not possible for it. In today's era of technological advancement, anyone who is having a smart phone is able to produce any such video and controlling them is very difficult. It is very necessary to identify the true traitor instead of developing new enemies.

It does not mean that we should sit silent against any such act and accept it but there are definitely present some other means that could have turned more fruitful. Nations arrange mass protests and rallies in a disciplined and peaceful manner that earn honor to them in the nations of the world.

Being the followers of a universal religion, we need to register our protest and anger in a way that should make the people think about it, making them take necessary steps to stop any such act in the future. Moreover, such rallies and protests should be lead and controlled by educated and sensible members of society and not by an undisciplined mob that knows nothing of rationality and sound reasoning.

It is also necessary that such protests should be arranged in which the lives and property of innocent Muslims should not be harmed as it is again, against the teachings of Islam and practices of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was a perfect example of tolerance and kindness.

We need to register an official complaint in UN so that a law should be passed by all the nations of the world and such acts should be stopped by a proper legislation.
It is also necessary that all the religions and their respective figures should be respected and nations of the world should work to make this happen so that the feelings and emotions of others should not be hurt.

In the end, one good example that shows us the best strategy in this regard. In one of his sermons, Turkish scholar Muhammad Fethullah Gulen says to the worshippers, "Dear brothers, we are killed, insulted and our feelings and emotions are hurt. We are weak and enemy is strong.

Our hands are tied but there is always present a door open to us. Let's wake up in the darkness of night and pray to Allah with tears and say with complete supplication that, "O Allah! You are the great, you have all the powers, and we are not in position to do anything except to request your favor. Our hearts are broken and our feelings are mutilated. We cry and ask for your help. You should deal with these evil-doers and free our hearts of grief and sorrows. No doubt, you can do each and every thing in the best manner".

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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