Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Draining The Grief!


Draining The Grief!

After the tension-free days of childhood and to some extent, the teenage, when one comes to the professional life and his days and nights are occupied absolutely by the worries and tensions of work and other issues related to one's life, life becomes nothing more than a race, which is incessant and exhausting.

No doubt, our work finishes after the working hours of our jobs or workplaces but worries of life never let us to get out of its grip. Provision of necessities of life to the family members, illnesses, numerous obligations of relatives and other members of society keep us busy all the time. We may be free physically but most of the times, our mind may be busy and it may exhaust us even more than the physical labor.

When this condition persists for a long period and we never get a break, lava of grief and exhaustion keep accumulating in our body. These result in a state of mind when our temper becomes very short and we come into the tight grip of this mental disaster. There are many signs of such a state of mind like short breaths, depression, loss of a comfortable sleep, loss of appetite, getting angry on small things and many more.
However we try, we may never be able to get rid of this because the world is so fast and the systems in it have been formulated in a way that we get into its absolute trance.

Thus, it is not surprising if every member of a modern society is more or less under the grip of tension and depression. When the existence of such a state of mind is accepted and realized as a fact, it becomes an obligation to follow the steps that might set us free of it or if not, may draw us a bit out of its merciless grips.

According to modern psychology, many useful tips have been suggested in this regard, like changing the routine or bringing any other change in the life, taking rest or remaining away temporarily from the busy and tiresome schedule of the daily life and work, going for picnics or other recreational activities, listening to a comforting and soft music, reading a very good book and many more. No doubt, all of the mentioned methods have their due importance and they have their role in different situations and for different levels of depression.

It has been noticed that once in a week or maybe later, crying for a while acts as very useful tool in relieving us of the grief and tension. This has been found as a very important source of draining the grief out of our minds and soul.

There is an often-repeated story in our folktales that a woman's son died whom she loved too much. She loved her son too much that her mind was not able to accept it and the sudden shock put her into a coma. At once, she became silent and free of any kind of emotions, either sad or happy. She was taken to a doctor who suggested that, however possible, she should be made to cry otherwise the grief and anger getting accumulated in her mind and soul would paralyze her and cause a serious threat to her life.

They worked hard to make her cry and once she cried, all her grief and depression were wiped away and her life was saved.
According to psychologists, once in a day one should spare some time when he should be in absolute isolation. He should sit somewhere all alone and have a look at his life. He should discuss different problems of life with himself and try to come up with the most appropriate solutions to them. He should try to console himself for all the worries and thus try to decrease his depression.

In majority of the cases, the reasons responsible for a state of mind full of depression and disappointment are not due to the problems but due to the mental approach that we adopt to handle them. There may be many things that might not be as serious as we may be considering them.

There may be many issues that might be in need of small and easy steps to be resolved. In all these cases, biggest problem or the source of depression is our attitude when we keep accumulating the elements of depression and all the time open these sacks, look at them in a frightening manner and keep crying.

This kind of attitude does not help in the resolution of any problem but most definitely, it increases the intensity of the problem. When we spare some time with complete peace of mind and make an effort to see the problem with a positive or neutral approach, we may come up with a pleasant discovery that majority of the problems were just the result of our negative or bleak imagination and thus we would be able to bring considerable decrease in our depression.

It would sound strange if we schedule a time and sit and cry in it. No doubt, it is also effective in meeting its objectives but there are many other ways that not only wipe away our depression but also softens our heart and win us other divine virtues.

One of the most effective is the system of prayers that is present in different forms in almost all the religions of the world. Prayers are always carried out in loneliness and with complete peace of mind. Prayers make you repent on your mistakes, make you realize the true picture of your life and suggest ways for a living style that may lead you to the true happiness. Tears shed in prayers not only leave behind your heart light and soft but according to Islamic perspective, it is the source of earning the favors of Allah and every tear would be rewarded in the hereafter.

At times, it might have happened to you that you are travelling in a car and sitting silently in the car and you are deeply soaked in your thoughts and forgotten your surroundings. You see an old man, standing beside the door, trembling with weakness and his helplessness is evident from his pain-scaled face and a wave of thoughts come to you and you are filled with emotions of gratefulness to your health, pain for his worst condition and many more.

The more you remember the scene, the more you get emotional, your eyes are filled with tears and there emerges a deep desire to cry. As you wipe your eyes and step down the car, you realize that your problems are very minor and you deserve every right forget your worries and give out a broad smile.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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