Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Confidence of the Confident!


Confidence of the Confident!

He was one of my class fellows in university. He had that charismatic personality which is a very rare commodity and makes one's personality really distinguished and impressive among a lot. When I first met him, I was one like all my class fellows to be impressed of his personality. He had that confident smile, had a mature and refined personality just like that of a prince and his belief in him was evident from his every action.

I presumed him to be the owner of so many distinct qualities that have all combined together to make him appear so. I thought he would be the best student of the class, would be belonging to a rich family and may be having the gatherings of a community that is considered to be privileged and advanced. Later on, it was my turn to get surprised after I discovered the realities about his life, one after the other.

He was not the top student of the class rather he was an average student. Then I saw him going on an old motorbike and it was again a shock as I was expecting him to be an owner of a new model car. He belonged to a middle-class family and had a part-time job with which he not only met his expenses but also of the family.

This was really opposite to our standard thinking approach that one's personality is always the mirror of his circumstances in which he lives and the perception that a person's belongings should define his personality and his feelings should be molded accordingly. Here, one's own thoughts and confidence in himself was doing the job. That was exciting to discover.

We often witness people who are confident and have the charm in their personality all due to their wealth, social status, or job position. At times, we are introduced to a person as a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of an organization and his appearance, clothing, excessive confidence often reaching to the level of haughtiness and proud, and his style of walking and talking make us believe what he is claiming to be and thus we treat him accordingly. On the other hand, when we are introduced to a person who is not the owner of something, a person appears the same from his every movement and thus he is treated accordingly.

You might have also observed a person who has at once become wealthy but all his wealth fail to conceal the cheap practices and thoughts that he used to have before elevating to this stage of life. However expensive and luxury dress he wears, however new car he rides on and whatever he does to make his personality appear important, his style of talking, walking, eating and even his sitting reveal what he is in fact.

Let us try to look at the picture of the above discussed from another angle. No doubt, people may be well aware of his reality but the fact that is important to understand here is the condition of the man himself. The wealth has given him the right to feel a confidence and this kind of confidence is the most difficult according to my imagination. He wants to show himself to the world what he is in fact not. He also realizes that people around him are giving him a fake importance and the situation is absolutely contrary to what is shown to him but he is there with his confidence, standing firm and still like a mountain.

He does not take care of the imaginations of the people or what they take him to be. This is again an interesting discovery because the wealth he owns is not with him all the time. You might have never seen a person to be wearing the clothes of wealth but it gives an invisible confidence. An old man used to say, "If your pockets are full, the lights of your eyes are increased while an empty pocket makes the world appear dark to you".

Let us try to imagine the above situation from another angle. If a person can get an invisible confidence from something that we know as invisible, then, can't we use the same philosophy in the reverse direction? In our daily lives we see that lack of position, wealth or other worldly belongings snatch our confidence. How it is strange that in our daily lives, with the exception of a few occasions when we truly feel the lack of something and when it becomes quite justified to feel so, we change our thoughts, lose our confidence and mould our personality in a way that we appear to be lacking confidence and deprived of something.

Just as the example narrated in the beginning of the article, there are very few of us who succeed in overcoming the feelings of being less from others because of something that has nothing to do with our personality. It doesn't mean that we can ignore the importance of social status, wealth or other worldly belongings and the fact that they do affect our thoughts and personality but what about those who have come up with an impressive personality even without them. Are not they enough to show us a destination that can be achieved and that is also not bound to any kind of human effort but merely to change the pattern of our thoughts.

Just like me, you might have also witnessed so many impressive trendsetters in the society. In one of my classes, I was really impressed by the intimidating personality and confidence of a student who looked as if being perfect from all regards like intelligence, wealth and any other factor that one can imagine to be responsible for this and once again, to my wildest surprise, he came out to be average in studies, used to ride a bike to school and was an average boy in all regards but his confidence made me confident to believe in the confidence of the confident.

If you revisit your childhood memories and try to imagine a situation that usually happens in school days when the zip of your pant gets out of order, how could have you dealt with the situation and the resulting emotional feelings? I have witnessed two types of responses depicting the two opposite poles of confidence. A boy keeps limited to his seat, feeling shy to come out and being absolutely crippled with his condition.

On the other hand, a confident boy tightens his belt, comes out of class and keeps playing as if nothing has happened. Some of his class-fellows even try to bring down his confidence but he stops, smiles with a rather intimidating smile and says, "So what? I know that".

We have been termed as the best of creatures just because of our mind and intellect and we would only rise to this distinct position only by using it the way it deserves it to be used.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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