Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Marriage: A Huge Burden!


Marriage: A Huge Burden!

State institutions were shattered down during decades of conflict, with regional, ethnic and tribal differences, also making it difficult to enforce laws. When the Taliban came into power, they almost destroyed the foundation of education and banned most of the festivals, wedding ceremonies and other old-aged traditional gatherings. In this period, more than 20% of the nation started seeking immigration in neighboring and foreign countries for their survivals.

Going through such grim circumstances under the Taliban rule, the people could only concentrate on their survival matter. Perhaps thousands and millions of people lost their lives while struggling for their rights for education or raising their voices against the brutality of the Taliban regime. In some parts of the region, where the girls were getting education in underground classes couldn't dear to openly promulgate education for both men and women. In case, someone knew that there was a gathering of education for women in underground classes, the teacher would have been beheaded and slashed openly among the people by the Taliban because educating the women was a crime and a big sin as per the Taliban's rule of law.

However, passing all those horrifying days with extreme hardships and hunger, after the fall of the Taliban, once the U.S.-backed Afghan forces in early 2001, the nation had begun a new life with new hopes to live in peace and with justice. The nation has also begun to reopen their schools and revise their tradition, with much focus in spending on wedding ceremonies! Holding big weddings, costing thousands of dollars, in a country where the average annual income is less than $400.

The weddings are celebrated by hundreds of guests in luxurious wedding halls with the groom and his family expected to foot the bill and agree to every demand of the bride and her family. To be short, to celebrate big wedding ceremonies has become a competition among the nation – the worst competition that is going to re-write the history of the Afghan nation, on the basis of celebrating lavish wedding parties. Parents sell their daughter on the bases of wealth instead of focusing about their future. As a result, most of these marriages don't even survive for one year. The rate of divorce among the newly married couples has increased reasonably more than ever, as per the reports indicators, comparing with the past.

According to ministry of justice (Habibullah Ghaleb), celebrating big wedding parties with huge expenses or extravagancy to feed hundreds of guests in costly wedding halls among people became a kind of struggle. Indeed, no one wants to be underestimated, people like to show off their wealth. Millions of families who even earn less than 2$ a day, must compete with those who earn above 100$-500$ a day. These families are the victim of such a wrong tradition and have to accept these heavy burdens as the time demands and tradition has changed. Most of these families who get married must borrow some amount in order to fulfill the wrong lavish expenses that have recently developed in the society.

A resident of Kabul asked not to mention his name said, he spent $25,000 since he got married with more than 600 guests. While talking, he added that the families don't consider whether you can afford it or not but the question is, you must fulfill it under any circumstances. There are very few families who can perceive it but there are thousands of others who compel the groom's parents to go with their demand and other newly developed lavish traditions. He also added, I could start small business through that amount that I spent on my wedding ceremony but the wrong tradition has compelled me to go with the demand of the time and my wife's parents order. Now, I have to work for the next few years in order to pay the loan.

During talks, he further added, the prices per guest range from $12 to $23 for the food while music, cake, decoration and photographer are all extra charged on the groom, which will cost from $1500 to $2000. The stage for the bride and groom must be decorated in a most attractive way that costs almost 500$-700$ which are all an extra charges on the groom while the singers who will perform live singing will be another other charge!!

According to reports, the plan to ban the expensive weddings ceremonies was still under work in most part of the region, particularly in Kabul. But, as the lavish weddings were so deep-seated in our culture since 2001, the government failed to enforce this law. However, this initiative succeeded in some part of the country, only between the village elders. Second, the wedding ceremonies must be celebrated at homes instead of wedding halls and that those who don't follow this rule under the decision of the village elders will not be included in any ceremonies at village levels and no one from the village will attend their wedding party in case someone doesn't follow this rule. This happened in very few provinces, like Jawazjan province, under the decision of the village elders and religious leaders, but failed to succeed in Kabul.

Above all, the rule to stop developing such lavish tradition all depends on the community elders, tribal leaders, elders and religious leaders while the parents will also play an important role in this process. Our elders and leaders must convince the communities that marriage is the sole right of everyone and it must not be presented as a huge burden for the bride and groom. This has not only limited the young men to remain unmarried, but it has increased the rate of divorce and conflicts among the families.

They cannot celebrate it in the presence of hundreds and thousands of people with long lists of food items, which are above AFN 600 per-person in one night. As a result, the sexual harassment, rate of divorce between the recently married couples and other unethical crimes increased in our society. If our elders with the support of government related departments don't come up with appropriate measures in controlling these wrong developing wedding ceremonies, the nation would once again suffer from social and economic problems while the culture of mafia would lead to further social crimes and economic hurdles.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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