Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Decentralization may Work Better


Decentralization may Work Better

Permanent peace, accountability and sustainable development with justice are the fast requirement for this war-torn nation. The country has been under decades of conflict, with regional, ethnic and tribal differences. In that period, the country collapsed both politically and economically that caused many drawbacks.

We for long time went with the centralized system of governance that provided no sustainable development, instead caused hurdles to developing process in Afghanistan. The history of some countries that go with the decentralized system witnesses more accountability and long-term development. It is well proved that the decentralized system of government did pave the way towards long-lasting development and introduced more accountability and transparency in terms of public services and development processes.

The centralized system has supported the bottom to up developmental initiatives, subordinates participatory governance system. It has only increased the level of poverty and maintained the local dwellers to focus on central government for everything. In fact, the role of sub national structures is not clearly defined, thus strengthened the centralized structure of government for the central dominated government bodies.

As of now, the decentralization and sustainable development are the ultimate matter of concerns to the post conflict; reconstruction and good governance with accountability are the grime demand of the day. The decentralization has been recommended by the world's think tanks and Afghan politician at large if we are to bring long-lasting progress in the country, eradicate poverty, and enable citizens to feel ownership in state's development process. Thus, they are in a view that this will allow to transfer the power and decision making process from the central government to the local government structure. This will likely allow the local authorities to feel more responsible towards state's development process.

The decentralization scenario promotes fewer tiers in the organizational structure, wider span of control, and a bottom-to-top flow of decision making process in the country. The decentralized system of government is the best approach that some developed and developing countries are practicing today.

This system of decentralization allows the citizens or their elected bodies to have power in public decision making. It encourages a pluralistic politics or representative democratic system of government. The citizens or their representatives will have the opportunity of formulating policies and making sure that those policies are taking account for the good of its people of all classes.

For instance, the national policy on decentralization and local governance is supporting for the election of controller and other local country officials. When the local people elect their representatives, they will be more accountable to their people. The policy to improve the welfare of the local inhabitants will be the chief objective of these public elected bodies.

Of course, when they feel more responsible towards their objectives and tasks as promised to their people, they will automatically become more accountable. In the same way, the vital public services for the common citizens, such as education, health, water, electricity, roads to streets and many others will be accepted the responsibility of governors and mayors.

Holding these responsibilities accountable, will bring money; some through transfers from the national budget, some in news local taxes, and some from lenders eager to gain new clients. These are what the decentralized system of government offers. In this system of decentralization, no one could ever know people's preferences better than their local authorities in terms of accountability and transparency. More importantly, if our local leaders failed to deliver their tasks in line with their promises and people's demand, it would be easier for the public to hold them accountable. After all, they are more likely to be our neighbors.

This would surely improve service, reduce corruption and save money. So, countries with decentralized system are faster and more active in every aspects of life. They are more stable, civilized, educated, developed, and even richer.

Keeping in mind the long-lasting development and ever-lasting empowerment of all stockholders in state's development affairs, decentralization is more suitable to drive the state from the root of corruption and unaccountability into sustainable, developed and self reliant state. This system enforces the citizens to become the drivers of change themselves and come up with appropriate lessons learned ideas to challenge poverty, corruption and unaccountability.

It is of the fact that for decades, our centralized system in the country didn't provide a long-term development, transparency or good governance. The public administrative system of governance is ancient and it is not significantly impacting the development process of the state.

The functionaries of central government are not performing the responsibility of a practical public delivery system as per their promises and public's demand. The decentralized system of governance is being cherished as the most unique governance platform for Afghanistan as of now.

It ensures the intervention of poverty reduction, sustainable development and participatory governance. Afghanistan needs a decentralized governance system especially through devolution to ensure sustainable development and people empowerment and poverty reduction.

Based on the current realities and public demands, we should support to develop a governance commission that should work closely with the ministry of internal affairs, which comes out of the decentralized system of government. The ministry of planning, economic affairs and other institutions are supposed to develop a comprehensive decentralization policy to go for a real change and a self-reliant state where everyone should feel responsible to participate in rebuilding their state.

The governance commission must understand the significance of sustainable development and post conflict reconstruction parties, media leaders and civil society organizations, youths, women organizations, technicians of ministries and agencies of government, universities lectures and university students all must combine forces to develop the national policy on decentralization and local governance. In addition, the policy should be forwarded to the national legislature for performance. This is the challenge to the government and people's strength to bring an ever-lasting development and eradicate poverty.

Of all the facts, when once the citizens become part of decision making process in the country, they will likely feel more interested and responsible to take ownership in state's development process. This is the ultimate objective of the decentralization system of government. The countries with the decentralization system in Africa, Asia and other parts of the world are the examples.

Above all, this system of shared power also empowers the system of governance and enhances the legitimacy of government institutions. In order to eradicate poverty and develop an ever-lasting development and stability, decentralization is the best framework for Afghanistan governance and public administrative system.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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