Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

It is All about Peace not War


It is All about Peace not War

Peace is the fundamental process for all human development and human civilization. Perhaps, it is necessary for any progress and solidarity in the entire world, particularly in Afghanistan that has been under the scene of decades of steady conflict.

Additionally, the problem to maintain peace in this modern world is a mysterious one. Wars and rumors of wars have casted black shadows on the lives of this 21st century of men and women including children. If wars become a permanent slogan of the universal life; if we are to live in this tense atmosphere of constant dread and preparedness, civilization stability and peace will suffer a permanent blackout with further miserable consequences.

It is of worth adding that the war doesn't offer solution to our wants, particularly to our today's complex situation of insecurity, bomb-blast and human assassination. As a member of a war-torn nation, I would strongly say that war only brings in its train unspeakable human tragedies, sufferings and extreme backwardness. Thus, in the presence of decades of war, we have only witnessed annihilation with worst ever destruction and backwardness in Afghanistan, perhaps everywhere in the world those who were in war.

We have lost our dearest and closest ones. As a result, poverty and other miserable consequences are still looming in our country. This is what so far the wars have offered to the nations. In fact, war is an inevitable evil, happening in accordance with laws of nature, something absolutely impersonal.

Here the war by no means is a natural disaster, like a hurricane or earthquake. In the past centuries, in the beginning of civilization, war was necessary to overcome the barbarians who came upon a nation like a horde of locust. Later on, in the middle ages, it was a desiring fashion to show power for the knights to take up arms and to take part in war for the sake of prestige and chivalry. No doubt, war was the sport of the kings and the game of the upper class people. Their objectives were wealth, honors, kingdom, and ruling upon the nation.

This love for excitement was deeply implanted in the social system. The adventure for war still continues to be attractive. When we find an institution, for which we have acquired a taste, is no longer necessary, we don't like to give it up and so we invent fabricated reasons for following it. Hunting is just another such institution. Man before he learnt the cultivation of land, hunted the animals for his livelihood as well as for his protection in the past century. Their meat was used to serve themselves and their skin was used to protect themselves in the cold seasons.

Now, it is the same with those of that time with our great politicians and sympathetic leaders. They attract their people for their support to win their ambitions and achieve their evil goals. Use people's power to protect themselves and their properties.
Similarly, today it looks much similar like a hunting competition, just the same as past but with different definition and in a much indirect way, enacted on human. In the past, the hunting had been a firmly rooted custom, even after agriculture came into existence and the animals we domesticated; so we began to peruse it as a sport. Similarly, when war became unnecessary man's nature stood against the uprooting of such an ingrained basic idea. Man tried to seek reasons for prolonging his fixed mental habit. He began to worship this military tradition and craved for power and success. We can hope to shake off this seemingly necessary evil from our social system. Just as cannibalism, head-hunting witch-burning and duels are regarded as anti-social, war should also be considered as a monstrous evil.

Typically, the modern warfare will certainly not settle the differences of opinion among different nations. It will only end in the destruction of the whole of mankind once this is constantly remembered by the powerful nations of the world, we can move more steadily towards our goals of a warless world. Already civilized nations are beginning to recognize war as obsolete methods of obtaining solutions, just as of now. The destruction resulting from modern warfare is so much out of proportion to the ends that arguments and sentiments used in the past to justify wars are no more tenable. In the past, it was believed that fitting to die was so sweet for one's country. However, in modern war, there is nothing neither sweet nor fitting in your dying.

Objectively speeking, the modern war in the twenty first century doesn't settle any problem, except which side is the stronger. The values of justice and tolerance should not be subordinated to the power objective. Peace can be maintained when we shun war as a endemic and way out to negotiation, discussion and settlement. Thus, the most powerful and influential of all the agents of education is public opinion, the accepted stands of good, evil of right, and wrong. If this lasting, motivating force was properly used, this world would be a much more pleasant place to live today.

Today's world needs an urgent reform to drive it back into peace and brotherhood and don't design weapons to welcome each other with. We have created problems for ourselves. We ourselves don't want to live in peace and brotherhood and without bloodshed. We cannot take the world on our shoulders and remodel it according to our heart desire; but we can help in creating a climate of peace that is so essential for the realization of our objectives.

In order to produce this atmosphere of peace among the people of the world, there must be a regular campaign of educating the masses in such a manner as to inculcate in them the will to peace, and bring home to them the irrationality of war. If we are to reach the real peace in this world and if we are to carry on a real war, we have to begin with children. If they grow up in their natural innocence, we do not have to struggle, we do not have to pass idle resolutions, but we shall go from love to love and peace to peace until at last all the corners of the world are covered with that peace for which consciously or unconsciously the whole world is hungering. Therefore, we must undertake a regular campaign of bringing up children of a society in such a way as to instill a deep love for peace in them not hate rate.

The problem of peace in the modern world is nothing less than the problem of creating a world community. It is only by an enlargement of the communal consciousness that durable peace can be attained but a higher rung in the ladder of man social cohesion from the family upwards, and as men have successfully outgrown the earlier stage of the tribal, the clan, and the race, the transition. Let us preserver diligently in our efforts to promote the understanding and cooperation for peace, not war so that to perceive the importance of peace in our life.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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