Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Malala; the Emblem of Enlightened Moderation


Malala; the Emblem of Enlightened Moderation

The color of our green planet is turnedred due to persistent bloodshed, of uncountable innocent's human beings, the only ruling specie of our planet. This ruling class sent by supreme creator on the earth for making it peaceful holy land. Unfortunately some of ill-minded members of this specie have started brutally slaughtering other fellow beings for their selfish purposes. In order to hide their selfish black goals, they have been using religion as a white sheet to cover since long time. This religious sheet often called religious extremism, because of strange and different interpretation of religion by these sick minded people, called religious extremists.

These extremist groups have roots in all three major divine religions. They used deprived people as a tool to fulfill their interests, as the deprivation of any right, motivate people to do anything for getting their right back.

he suppressed people blindly follow the order of religious extremists. These orders may be spreading horror by kidnapping and hijacking or may be spreading terror by killing innocent humans. Any war kill horror and terror can never be won unless religious extremism fixed up and deprivation of people addressed at the right time.

With violence embracing many religions and cultures throughout the Nation and World a widespread phenomenon is created, which afflicts all religions within our society. Extremism, religious fundamentalism, breeds terrorism, and constitutes an open door for all forms of extremism. It is a totalitarian movement, which denies and blocks all the virtues by which individuals can express their individually, through religion.

When we close our hearts to others, our eyes are closed to see the beauty of God in them. The message of Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and all over religions is one of love and service to others. If God decides to care and love and feed even those who deny his existence, then who are we to deprive someone else of our love just because he/she is of different color or speaks a different language or is born in different region.

Religions have all been inherently peaceful as their founders have found their enlightenment from the same source. Religions have appeared at different times in human history to bring peace and sanity among wayward people stooping to the irrational life. Religions have always taught followers of all faith to have forbearance and tolerance of one another and to live a life of peace with each other.

Religions have never instigated imposition of one faith over other by force and oppressive designs. It is true human history is replete with events where rulers in connivance with fundamentalist priests have imposed their religions on other religious sects forcing conversions. These successes have been far outweighed by failures as such forceful acts have never been part, practice or philosophy of any religion.

Both Afghanistan and Pakistan are facing this common menace of growing religious extremism and Talibanization. The citizens of both countries detest the physical presence of the Taliban's, who are imposing Jazia on non Muslims, blowing up girls schools, publicly executing people by cutting their heads off, justifying suicide bombings, controlling national assets, destroying basic infrastructures and deeming the parliament and judicial systems an un-Islamic.

These religious fanatics are promoting a rigid, hypocrite, staunch and inflexible ideology, manipulating believers promoting an identity which is purely based on erroneous interpretations of Islam. For me the Taliban are anti progress, anti minority, anti women, and last but not least anti-Islam.

It was the time when Taliban militants led by Maulana Fazlullah were taking over the Swat Valley of Pakistsan, banning TV, music, girls' education and women from going shopping.  Bodies of beheaded policemen were hanging from town squares. BBC urdu service was looking-for a reporter from Swat. At first, a girl named Aisha from a school agreed to write a diary, but then the girl's parents stopped her from doing it because they feared Taliban reprisals. The only alternative was Yousafzai, four years younger than the original volunteer and in seventh grade at the time. Editors at the BBC unanimously agreed. 

Malala Yousafzai, born on July 12, 1997, is a ninth grade  student from the town of Mingora in Swat District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan. She is known for her education and women's rights activism in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban has at times banned girls from attending school. In early 2009, at the age of 11, Yousafzai came to prominence through a blog she wrote for the BBC detailing her life under the Taliban regime, their attempts to take control of the valley, and her views on promoting education for girls.

The following summer, a New York Times documentary was filmed about her life as the Pakistani military intervened in the region, culminating in the Second Battle of Swat. Yousafzai began to rise in prominence, giving interviews in print and on TV, and taking a position as chairperson of the District Child Assembly Swat.  She has since been nominated for the International Children's Peace Prize by Desmond Tutu, and has won Pakistan's first National Youth Peace Prize.

On October 09, 2012, Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck in an assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen while returning home on a school bus. In the days following the attack, she remained unconscious and in critical condition, but as of 14 October doctors have reduced her sedatives and she has demonstrated the ability to move all four limbs.

The spokesman of TTP in a statement defended the attack with a reference from the time of Hazrat Khizar, a revered figure in Islamic history who was described as a righteous servant of God and endowed with the qualities of unmatched wisdom and mystic power. "If anyone argues about her young age, then the story of Hazrat Khizar in the Quran (states that) while traveling with Prophet Musa (AS), (he) killed a child. Arguing about the reason of his killing, he said that the parents of this child were pious and in the future he (the child) would earn a bad name for them," adds the statement.

How irrational and illogical validation and mismatched comparison of Hazrat Khizar and Taliban, put forth by victimizer of innocence, justifying their inhumane, illiterate and vicious act. This inhumane act of violence, capitulated loud uproar across the globe, denouncing the atrocities of Taliban in general and targeting of an innocent mid-teenaged girl in particular; fighting the cause of dominance of peace, justice, women rights and education for everyone around her.

There are many Malalas, suffering in our country due to denial of their socio-economic and educational rights, facing harsh brutalities at the hand barricades of cultural, religious misinterpretation, hindering the road to enlightened moderation and progressive Afghanistan. As long as religious extremism is not countered and this flawed ideology of suppression and coercion is not dismantled, many Malalas across the borders should await their worst fate.

There is only one way getting rid of this menace. It is time to rise above our personal interests, party politics; to rise above our ethnic, religious and gender divides and be one nation. The sovereignty of nation should not be compromised at the hands of extremist's elements.

Asmat Yari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghansitan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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