Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Love at First Sight???


Love at First Sight???

It was an end of the term party arranged by the students themselves. Like all the language institutes, a new level or class finished after every four month and it was a tradition that a party was arranged on the last day of the class. This tradition was successfully followed as majority of the students were teenagers; an age when emotions mostly surpass the reason.

They had nothing to worry about as their parents always arranged each and everything for them. One thing should be remembered here that, majority of them belonged to well-off and modern families. Anyhow, I observed one thing in senior classes. When they passed 2-3 years together and their friendship got matured, they developed an invisible attachment to each other. When the students reached to their senior classes of this program, their ages also reached to their late teens.

The party was about to begin. Class was beautifully decorated and the smell of delicious foods brought by students from their homes was wonderful. It was clear that both boys and girls had tried their best to beat each other in external appearance. They had worn beautiful dresses and if the girls appeared pretty and beautiful, boys looked handsome and charismatic. A tape recorder played a romantic song.

The song, the sweet fragrance of scents and the exchange of smiles by boys and girls made it a perfect place to fall in love with each other (Or this is what it is called!). Time and again they cut jokes at each other and then all of them laughed loudly. They looked at each other with a smile on their lips and their eyes exchanged a lot many words that could have not been possible for the tongue.

Then, let us go to a University class where girls and boys fall in love with each other more frequently. A boy sees a girl who is beautiful and pretty, they exchange smiles on some occasions and then they start talking. This small meeting gives way to more lengthy meetings in lawn, library or university cafeteria. Both of them think that they like each other and this notion gets stronger with every passing day. They think that they have been made for each other and thus they cannot live without each other.

The above two examples is from innumerable occasions when our youth thinks that they fall in love with each other. Such kind of love can be termed as 'love at first sight'. The conditions for the birth of such love are ideal. First factor is the age. Mostly, this love at first sight happens at the age when both the girl and boy are in their late teens or early twenties. This is the age, when a person is mostly driven by emotions (and medical science has proved it quite natural because this is the age when hormone secretions responsible for upsurge of emotions reach to the maximum).

At this age, one is usually unaware of the realities of life and does not use much of reason or logic. Secondly, these loves happen having a look at the appearance of the opposite sex. A beautiful, tall and fair girl soon attracts a number of boys and many of them feel that they have strongly fallen in love with this girl. On the other hand, a boy handsome and charming also becomes the topic of discussion for a number of girls.

Third factor is related with financial circumstances. A boy who works in morning before going to the university and one who always thinks of finishing the university in the earliest and supporting his poor family, does not find time to look up from his books and thus does not get infected from this germ. On the other hand, boys and girls of upper-class families who have no idea about the difficulties of life and who have no worries except to pass their time in good pleasure, soon find themselves in love.

This would be to the disappointment of many a youth if I declared that the above situation can't be termed as 'Love', rather it is the uprising of temporary emotions, lack of reasoning and the role of coincidence. As you might have observed, such a love soon ends when one starts thinking rationally and keeps the emotions aside or faces the ground realities.

Unfortunately, this concept of love has greatly been promoted by media (movies, advertisements, magazines, books etc.) and you can understand that they always have their financial gains when they do so but it has ruined many of our youth. This concept of love has given trend to the open interaction of boys and girls. If such interaction is for any good purpose (like education, or workplace coordination and others), it can be tolerated but if this interaction is going to give birth to a number of hazardous consequences, it should be discouraged.

A person told me that he was very successful as a student but when he entered the university, he fell in love with a girl and wasted his four years there and in the end dropped out of University. With this the girl also left him and he had no chance to return to his studies. Today, he is a clerk in an office and repents to every moment of his life that he wasted in so-called love.

Another young man fell in love with a beautiful girl. As it happens, she rejected him and he left each and everything and locked himself in his room and started reading poetry books. His parents were very worried about him.

Most of the lovers definitely waste the golden time of their life when they can do something but when their abilities and spirits are diverted towards a work that has no result at all. In severe cases, some of them even go to commit suicide and bring an end to their worthy lives.

In very rare cases, such incidents of first-sight love succeed and a couple not only gets married but also lead a happy life but this is not because of love but the incidental meeting of two persons with similar personalities which results in an understanding that continues throughout their lives.

It is very helpless that a boy relating to a poor family falls in love with a girl who belongs to a very rich and educated family. There is no chance of their union and as a result, disappointed boy curses the cruel world. He would feel far better if he evaluates the ground realities.

It is said that love happens and it is not done but a scholar says that it is a better idea if we find one whose personality, habits and other factors match ours and offer her our love and if accepted, started loving her. It is always useful and fruitful if one starts loving his or her life partner.

If you want to choose someone who is going to be your partner for the rest of your life, you should take this important decision very wisely after checking his or her habits, personality and other relevant factors and not on his or her external beauty and mere sentimentalism.

In the end, it is my humble suggestion to all the youth to devote your energies on the positive and important things of your life like your education or career, books, sports, good friends and take the responsibility of yourself and don't be a burden on others, rather try to share others' burdens.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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