Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Time’s Treasure!


Time’s Treasure!

Life is short and yet man spends it like a prodigal, as if it were eternal and he, immortal. The length of life is shortened due to short span of time equated with life and huge sum of responsibilities each individual carries before time ends. One reasonably agrees that the quest of good deed worth more than good name one earns, within the domain of his/her short span of life or time.

The flow of time is ceaseless and endless and we all are like small, insignificant and helpless particles in this endless and continuous flow. It is more powerful than the most powerful monarchs, princes, and rulers. These come and go but time is forever, without an end, without any beginning. Time is creation, birth, growth, aging, decaying and dying. Nothing escapes time. Time is abstract but its footprints are concrete and palpable. Time may be spent wisely or foolishly. The choice is ours and so are its consequences. It is the basic building block that goes in making our success, career, happiness, and status in society.

Our life is a bubble, a short morning dream, brittle as glass and, therefore, we should take good care of it and make the best use. We all want fame, success, happiness, and prosperity but only a few are able to achieve this because only they make the best use of their time. Time and tide wait for none. They cannot be commanded. They are to be used in the best possible manner. We should be prepared to make the best use of an opportunity when offered. Time once lost can never be recovered.

The waste of time we indulge in is really surprising. Most of us have not been taught or told how to value and use this treasure called time. The precious minutes, which can be turned to excellent use, are wasted away in thoughtless and purposeless activities. If man takes care of his minutes then the hours and days will take care of themselves. Time is more precious than money. We all grow in time, live in time and ultimately perish in time. Time may not be defined exactly, but we all know what it is and how valuable.

Time is the best medicine. It is said that time heals all wounds and it even heals what reason cannot. All human beings are emotional. When negative emotions like fear, anger, envy and jealousy overtake them, they lose reason and act in haste leading to serious consequences. They may repent later, as emotions cool down but the damage that is done is done and it remains forever. Even that damage can heal with the passage of time. People involved may forget and forgive. That is the importance of time and its healing touch.

Time is said to be a wise counselor. Passage of time allows an individual to grow. This growth gives experience. Experience helps decision making. Time reminds you to act and to act wisely. The wisest make use of the time fruitfully. It is said that the wisest grieve the most at the loss of time.

We waste our precious moments either grieving over the past blunders or making castles in the air for the future. In other words, we waste today in fretting over the dead yesterday, or in day-dreaming about tomorrow, which yet does not exist at all.

Opportunities are few and far between, consequently they are rare and called golden. The wise make the best use of them when they occur. Those of us, who miss them or fail to recognize them in time, have to repent all our life. It also implies that we should be punctual and regular in our work- schedule. Nothing should be done in fits and starts. We are often plagued with lethargy, passivity, indecision, procrastination and vacillation and these are our greatest enemies.

Men are great, good and famous in proportion of the time best utilized. All men and women of substance make the best use of time and opportunity. In this context, it has been beautifully said that, 'Time wasted is mere existence, used is life'. You can neither borrow nor steal nor earn time. When we say 'A stitch in time saves nine', we say the same thing idiomatically. A work done in time is time earned; a decisive action at a given moment is vital.
Time is the most influential factor in this world. Everything in this world is commanded and decided by time. Nobody can escape the hold of time. It is the time, which gives us the opportunity to make use of it. Those who make best use of time and avail those opportunities grow and rise in life. Those who waste their time lag behind. They fail to make any mark in life. He is the wisest who makes the best use of time. He rises to the great heights who keep pace with the time.

Those who do not know the importance of time, waste it or rather they spend it doing nothing. There is a proverb, which says that killing time is not a murder; it is a suicide. It means, by wasting time one is not harming others. On the other hand, one is harming himself. Ordinary people merely go on thinking how to spend their time. Some people always complain that there is no time for them to do anything, are incorrect. If one wisely plans his activities and pursues time management, there will be time for everything happening according to time.

Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects and goals complying with a due date.

This set encompasses a wide scope of activities, and these include planning, allocating, setting goals, delegation, analysis of time spent, monitoring, organizing, scheduling, and prioritizing. Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities as well. A time management system is a designed combination of processes, tools, techniques, and methods. Usually time management is a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope.

To ensure best use of time in life, one needs to be very punctual. Punctuality avoids inconvenience and tension. It offers great opportunity, which, if struck properly brings big results. Opportunity once lost is hardly regained. Proper use of time brings success and achievements. Doing everything in time should be the guiding principle of life.

Asmat Yari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghansitan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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