Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024




Every day passing with Government's reluctance to launch the voter registration and other preparations for polls in 2014, uncertainty and concerns grow stronger with a serious crisis-in-making. Political parties and civil society have been advocating for electoral reforms, but all going in vain on the good sense of the current administration.

Cooperation Council of Political Parties and Coalitions of Afghanistan (CCPPCA) is arguably the body that represents the entire political spectrum in Afghanistan, except the dweller of President Palace. Even the groups in government coalition are part of the CCPPA. The newborn alliance was a significant development, given the diverse political goals of the member parties, established due to the phenomenon that electoral reform is a unanimous political call and need of the hour. There is not only reluctance in the Palace, but also stubbornness.

CCPPA held a press conference on Tuesday, right after Eid holidays, given the exigency of situation regarding the intentions of President Karzai to reject the draft Law on Composition, Duties and Mandate of Independent Election Commission and Electoral Complains Commission. Their office bearers once again warned on the issue of presence of two UN-representatives as temporary members of the ECC.

A declaration was issued calling for an urgent action plan, with solid recommendations regarding voters' registration through the electronic ID cards. The declaration says using the previous voter list means a fraud elections and huge rigging. Following are except from the declaration:
• The previous voter registration cards were the cause of widespread fraud in the last two elections of the country; therefore, the previous/old voter registration cards should not be used as an identity document for voters in the upcoming presidential elections.
• The CCPPCA requests from the United Nations and the International Community to cooperate with the Independent Election Commission on the provision of the required budget for voter registration.
• The Independent Election Commission, according to its own proposed plan, shall independently begin the work of voter registration list throughout the country and complete the process prior to the holding of future presidential election.
• The CCPPCA proposes the mixed electoral system because of the ineffectiveness of the (S.N.T.V) system. Meanwhile, the view of the respected Ministry of Justice in regards to the election system will contradict the institutionalization of democracy and the national will.
• The government is obliged to independently begin the process of accurate national population census and distribution of electronic Identity Cards or E-Tazkira, which is part of its main duties. This shall take place independently and away from electoral process and electoral programs.
• The CCPPCA believes that until the holding of future elections, appropriate resources and opportunities exist for the distribution of electronic ID Cards and the government is obliged to complete this process.

While these demands are unanimous from all political groups, one wonders why the reluctance for electoral reforms among current Palace dwellers. It would have been understandable to assume it as personal ambition of the President for political manipulation of the electoral process, given it was not his second and last term, but when ALL political coalitions and alliances call for reforms, why the silence in response?

The Free and Fair Election Foundation of Afghanistan (FEFA) last week issued a joint statement signed by all major political groups, urging electoral reforms, with a 56-article declaration. UN envoy Jan Kubis also attended the press conference and reiterated support for calls of reforms. He said, "I would like to assure you that your expectations and recommendations, notably those in chapter two of the declaration, we will accept and adopt as our own and we will put them in practice when dealing with authorities, institutions and indeed the international community. We will move according to your expectations."

It is a weak support. UNAMA should advocate with the international community and donor countries through UN Headquarters to ensure financial, security and political support for the political transition in Afghanistan. Seeing the bleak security prospects after 2014 withdrawal, a smooth and transparent power transition in Kabul is the last chance to maintain the achievements of last decade and push-support the current system working. The international community should support the needed reforms in Kabul and fulfill their pledges of support for the elections and beyond.

One article of declaration talks about the due role of independent media in the electoral process. "The role of free media in reform process and preparations for the upcoming election is very important and they should commit themselves to performing this role by launching effective advocacy, public awareness and observation programs. Conduct of such programs, on one hand, leads to raising public awareness and, on the other hand, draws the attention of political leaders, legislative bodies and civil society to the importance and necessity of electoral reform, and paves the ground for changing and reforming electoral system in the country."

Kabul media should increase its coverage of the issues regarding upcoming power transition and calls for electoral reforms to generate public awareness, and avoid the obsession with NATO withdrawal and security challenges. A smooth political transition in Kabul is the first factor to ensure current setup and level of stability.

It is the power transition that matters for post-2014 Afghanistan, not NATO withdrawal and Taliban. The reality of our situation is to seek ways to avoid the worst from happening, our descent into chaos and crisis after any mishandling of the coming Presidential elections. Once things go wrong in Kabul, chaos will spread countrywide within days.

Without preparations, transparent elections in 2014 will not be possible. Any other adventure will undermine the credibility and legitimacy of the entire system, putting at risk all the gains of last decade with another era of crisis for Afghanistan.

Abbas Daiyar is a staff writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at Abbas.daiyar@gmail.com He tweets at http://twitter.com/#!/AbasDaiyar

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