Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

The Obligation to Haj


The Obligation to Haj

The obligation to Haj or pilgrimage to the Holy Makkah is the fifth of the given obligatory pillars for every Muslims. Performing the Haj for Muslims is considered a human-defining, behavior-refining and life-revitalizing moment that is supposed to endure since our last breath.

The Haj for everyone is an explicit acknowledgment of a long-lasting relation to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBH) those before and after him, including the Prophet Ibrahim. In fact, performing Haj is a character-building pillar that changes the internal and external outlook, behavior and character of one. It affects us all that whom we are to what we represent in the society and how we treat the family, relatives, elders, children, friends and opponents.

As of now, despite our financial shortcomings, we all attempt to perform the Haj to ask for forgiveness and virtue in the way to Allah and his followers and praise the bounties of Almighty and his all blessings that we are bestowed. In fact, it is the real time of spiritual connection to ask Allah to forgive us of our all sins that we committed and bestow us another chance to be his best followers and serve in the way to Allah and his people of all sects and colors in the best possible and most convenient ways.

We all do follow the five most important pillars in Islam. Believe in the oneness of Allah, offer the daily prayers, pay Zakat, (Alm) or supporting the poor families around us, observing fast during the holy month of Ramadan and finally, performing the Haj in case one can afford and if we are well with our physical and mental capacity and that there is no one poor in our surroundings.

The pre-Haj preparation among all those who are going to perform the Haj is boosting the spirit of individuals. The enthusiasm and excitement to be invited to the House of God cannot be articulated, particularly when the date to departure is far away, it is an extra excitement and feeling of pride inside to enroll to Haj school.

But unfortunately when we decide to perform the Haj, we never think about our neighbors in our surroundings as per saying of our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBH). As he emphasized, before performing of the Haj, we must first look at the condition of our neighbors in order to make sure that there is no one in need of help if we perform the Haj.

But today, there are billions of people who sleep with empty stomach and can't even treat their beloved ones due to economical hurdles and spend the Eid days with deepest pain and sorrow. We have never thought of those children begging on the streets and asking for alms or knocking the windows of the cars to clean cars for only 2Afs so that their families could have bread for their dinner or lunch with a cup of black tea.

Performing Haj is the best thing in one's life, but it should be on the sound state of mind by giving first priority to these families in our country. Contributing with poor, needy and most excluded families and taking the hand of orphaned children in contributing in their career would be the first Haj for those who believe if they don't perform it in the Holy Kabba (The holy house of God) won't be accepted. To help first the most needy and poorest families here around, is considered to have the best reward and it must begin with our country-mates.

In fact, taking the hands of these children won't only fulfill the human duty and responsibility, but it would also save the whole nation. To help people in need is most important factor of whole humanity. No matter what color does he/she owns or what religion and ethnicity he/she belongs, but to help people get out of poverty, access to their sole rights and get education to become the driver of change and fight to end poverty, injustice and discrimination is the best Haj. Because, the people living under poverty line are joining illegal or terrorist groups due to poverty or no source of income for their livelihoods.

They will likely accept to join opposing forces, or some other fanatic groups to fight for their future. The sacrifices in the way of Allah gets started by all Hajis and non-Hajis, but only for the rich and high class citizens is what we see in our streets, home towns and villages. This doesn't include the poor families or other most needy ones at all. To sacrifice in the way to help poor families, happens very rarely with few people. Same is the case with our Hajis today. They perform Haj only because it has become a tradition or competition among us.

Those who do perform the Haj and ask Allah for forgiveness do not implement it practically in their lives, society and town. Inability to establish regular prayers; inability to detach from a secular lifestyle; inability to understand patience, tolerance and peace towards others is yet not among our Hajis very unfortunately.

The true Haj is about getting to our real self which most fail to get to know. It must bring changes to our attitudes and beyond it, in the way to human dignity, human love and peace. It is about getting to the self, as part of spiritual self-actualization that will ultimately face the Almighty to account for the journey we have each chosen to live in this life. This pilgrimage, as with other four pillars in Islam, is considered to take us closer in this world.

To perform the Haj is to set ourselves to really dissecting who we really are as a person beyond the trajectories that binds us externally, beyond the many facets of life, which sometimes define us all. In easy term, performing the Haj is simply about us that how peace loving, supportive and humble in the way to Allah and his followers we become. Above all, this is truly the core meaning of Haj and ultimate outcome of this once-in-lifetime journey to the House of God that we all love to find the opportunity and capacity to go and ask for forgiveness and ask Alah almighty to guide us in the best possible ways.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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