Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Jobs and Professions


Jobs and Professions

Economics is an interesting field of study. One of the main and interesting topics of it is concerned with the professions. Usually, this field of study has been developed to address two questions; one is to make sure the availability of all the services and products so that members of the society should not feel any difficulty in acquiring them. Second, it is used by concerned authorities of government like ministry of trade, commerce and manpower so that different kind of jobs should be provided to the citizens of the country. This in return, achieves two objectives; first, it decreases the level of unemployment and second, it utilizes the potential of citizens present in the form of their varying skills and energies.

Siemens is one of the leading and oldest companies of the world providing very efficient and trustworthy services and products. It works in different sectors like energy, healthcare, modern cities and other but I was amused the other day by its sector of modern cities and infrastructure. When a government wants to establish or build a new city or wants to renovate the existing infrastructure of a city, Siemens provides services to better manage the city. It works on its energy requirements and provision, sewerage management, water provision, networks of communication and many more. I was fascinated by how they used to professionally link the supply and demands of a city so that there should neither be shortage of something nor the excess or wastage.

While going through all these interesting things, I recalled my information about the economics that was related with jobs. There are many long chains of products and services provided to the residents of a city and these in return provide the people with numerous job opportunities.

Let's take the example of a hospital. It is necessary that adequate number of hospitals or health facilities should be available to the citizens where they should be satisfactorily cured. In order to run the hospitals, there would be many requirements like doctors, nurses, pharmacists, drivers, cleaning staff and members of administration and many more. All these people provide their services. On the other hand, requirements of medicine, medical equipments, building material (for renovation and wear and tear) and many more products are also required.

We can observe that these services and products give birth to numerous other products and services. For example, for having qualified doctors there would be the need of medical institutes or universities where there would be teachers and so on. In the same way, a single product of medicine is responsible for the existence and functioning of numerous other industries and jobs. The medicine manufacturers, packaging services, printing services, the delivery of medicine, the medical representatives and many more are the services or products stemmed from the medicine. In this way, if we keep observing and correlating the products and services, there would be more than a million jobs and industries.

If this thing is observed from this angle, we see that it is very essential knowledge that is especially necessary for the government authorities. The experts in government devise plans that help in providing all the facilities of life to their citizens and also provide them with honorable means of earning.

As we noticed, this is just like an eco-cycle in which different elements present in the nature or environment support each other and sustain each others' existence. In this long chain, all the links support each other and it is self-sufficient. When people have income, they will buy products and services and in return the industries providing these products and services would continue their functionality. In all the developed countries, these chains have been very nicely established and managed so people are not only getting all the requirements of life but they are also having plenty of jobs available.

When we come to our country, we see that such a well-expanded system of economy has not been established or much work has not been done on it. The system of economy that we see today is not the result of a deliberate or planned approach rather it has come with the needs of time and people.

Like every country or place in the world, our citizens are also looking for a safe, honorable and sufficient source of income. As most of the things they use are imported from foreign countries, so prices are high comparing to the income of people and they have to look for jobs with better income or have any other source of income as well. As factories or industries inside the country are next to nil so there remain two fields of jobs. One is in services like in government or private offices and then private business or running shops and stores.

A sector which is suffering a lot is agriculture where high costs, less productivity and poor transportation system have greatly disappointed the people associated with it. Jobs are also limited because government cannot provide with jobs to all the people. Private jobs are also limited as it was mostly associated with offices of foreign donors and aid agencies that are slowly and gradually closing down their offices and firing their employees. This has brought great pressure to private businesses where we see that a lot many people have bought cars to run them as taxi in city or opened small shops like that of burger and chips.

Then there remain some dangerous options available for the people whom they accept with all the disgust and unwillingness. First is the cultivation of opium or narcotics in which people are earning handsome money. Then there comes the turn of going to neighboring and far-fetched like Iran, Pakistan, Australia, USA and other developed countries of Europe or Middle East. In these countries, some are very dangerous and disgraceful to work while others are draining the brains of our society. Next important field is to join the security forces of police and army which are very dangerous having a look at the law and order scenario of our country.

And we should also mention the minority and ruling elite who are living the life so luxurious that cannot be even imagined in Europe as well. They have inflicted the poor minority of country with germs of pessimism, disappointment and avaricious desire for earning more and more.

Their money is making more money to them and they utilize all the opportunities to further expand their wealth and influence. Their status is very much dear to them so they always safeguard their status and now they are silently fleeing to foreign countries with fears of instability after the withdrawal of foreign forces in 2014.
But they are also taking out the money from the country which works as a blood in the economy of country.

Anyhow, it is needed that government should work seriously on all the fields of products and services mentioned earlier so that people should not only get honorable jobs but also come to enjoy the true pleasures of life.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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