Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Democracy and Constitutions


Democracy and Constitutions

A very rich person went to one of the oldest universities of world in England (I am not sure about the name of the university). He was very much impressed from all the departments and vast functioning of the university. At one place, he was very surprised to see the lawn of the university. The grass in lawn was so nice and soft that he got himself found absolutely mesmerized with it.

He at once decided to have such a lawn at his house as well, whatever the price may be. He expressed his desire to the administration of university in this regard. He was given a historic answer, "Sir, It is not much difficult. You need to make a lawn of ordinary grass and then look after it, mowing it properly on time and taking care of its proper growth. You should keep doing it for four hundred years and you would be able to get such a lawn. We have also done so and it is the result of the work of more than four centuries." The man had got the exact answer of his question.

The above story comes true to the successful continuation of the some of the greatest, strongest and successful democracies of the world like United States of America, England and some others. For many centuries, these systems of democracy have nurtured and brought into existence the organs of government that have met the political needs of the country and ensured the successful transition of power to the selected members of people.

The success of these systems lies in the generation and continuity of a constitution that came into existence with sheer sincerity and honesty of leaders. There were minds that were able to foresee the events that were going to happen in future. They developed such constitutions that not only addressed the needs of people of that time but were also good enough to meet the needs of country for many centuries to follow.

Constitution of United States was adopted in 1787 and came into effect in 1789. Till then total twenty seven amendments have been made in this constitution in order to solve problems that kept rising from time to time in the history. For more than two centuries, it has developed and maintained a proper balance between the different organs of government and encouraged them to work within their limits and achieve their objectives.

This efficacy of the constitution can be realized from a fact that in more than two centuries, very less occasions have come when different institutions of government stood against each other and fell into conflict. This is very essential and important quality as any such conflict can result in the complete breakdown of the whole system of government resulting in chaos and tyranny. This statement appears to be very simple and ordinary but its importance can be realized by countries where absence of any such constitution has resulted in numerous problems.

The existence and functioning of a constitution of country becomes more effective with the passage of time. The more it passes through the storms of time and age, the more it becomes polished and useful. In long terms, a country may pass through different situations and difficult conditions. Similarly, there would be needs of such laws that would be required to solve a specific problem or avert the dangers of different kind of complexities between the powers and authorities of government bodies. In all such conditions, different kinds of amendments are made in constitution. These amendments in fact make the worth of constitutions even greater.

Similarly, long lasting life of a constitution is necessary keeping in view a fact that, general consensus and agreement comes after a lot of efforts and problems. If constitutions are nullified and new constitutions are brought continually, the constitution loses its true worth and value.

In the American democracy, three organs of democracy have worked in the most ideal manner providing its people to work and live in an ideal country. It is the reason why, Americans have emerged as a nation enjoying the benefits of true blessings of democracy. If America has a strong influence in all the matters of the world and its economy is so strong and vast that it cannot be easily compared to any other country of the world and if it is the dream of majority of citizens of the world to live in United States, these are the direct and indirect results of the system of democracy functioning in the country.

Powers and responsibilities of the system of democracy have been distributed among the legislature (making the laws for the country), the executive (implementing the laws of the country and running the machinery of government) and the judiciary (keeping the check and balance of the rest of the two organs of government and safeguarding the constitution).

These are all the blessings of democracy and the constitution that a black citizen of the country, who used to be slaves less than two centuries ago, became the president of the country. It is also the blessing of the continuity of this system that country was able to sustain itself when it was ruled by some presidents who committed serious political and military mistakes. These presidents came and disappeared but the system was so strong that it brought up some other presidents who were able to wipe out the mistakes of their predecessors and revive the true spirit of democracy.

A constitution is never good or bad. If it contains some shortcomings, amendments are made but it is never abolished because it is just like making a new house. If a house is already full of different objects, replacing an object won't be much difficult but if one has to arrange each and everything of a new house, it becomes very tiresome and difficult. Months pass and the objects needed are not completed. With new experiences and necessities, new objects are acquired or the position of objects is changed.

Including our beloved country Afghanistan, it has been the bad luck of majority of the countries of the region that they were never able to develop and continue a constitution. Absence of this important tool of democracy resulted in political unrest, civil wars, weak governments and many more that all resulted in a situation that people of these countries were never able to enjoy the true benefits of democracy.
It is the time of contemplation to the masses and leaders of these countries to stick on with their constitutions and give sacrifices to make sure the continuity of their constitutions.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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