Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Feeling It Better


Feeling It Better

Usually we come with such scenes; a patient lying on the bed, his face sad and gloomy, his voice trembling and weak, his movements dull and weak, his words full of sadness and disappointment and all other elements are exhibited by him that make us believe that he truly deserves to be called a patient.

Then comes the turn of environment where each and everything shouts loudly that we are with a patient and we should not be disturbed. There would be a strange smell of medicines or antiseptic in the air. There would be relatives and attendants who would be sitting as if they have come to a funeral.

There would be the silence that would be carrying with it a strong sense of sadness and gloom. All these factors combine together to make one feel like them and thus anyone who comes from outside is also painted in the same gloomy and sad color.

Very rarely we come along with such patients who try all their best not to be an element to make others sad and gloomy. In such cases, when you enter the room of the hospital with a bunch of flowers or some fruits, the face of the patient blossoms like a flower. He tries his best to get up but at once you stop him there and shake hands with him. He appears to be too energetic while shaking the hands. At once, he asks one of the relatives to bring tea or juice for the guest. He also takes tea with you and spiritedly asks about your health and family and other similar things.

When you ask him about his health and progress, he thanks Allah and gives very hopeful reports about his health. At times, he cuts a joke and the air of the room is filled with laughter. Then he starts talking with you and time passes very smoothly. When you ask his permission to leave him, he insists for your stay for the lunch or dinner. In the end, he thanks you for your visit and when you leave the room, you feel yourself much better and delighted.

The above two scenarios show the behavior of people while ill and being admitted in a hospital or put to bed rest at home. No doubt there would be those who would be having a serious and painful disease not letting them to feel comfortable but in majority of the cases, people make themselves appear to be in worst conditions while their condition may be the exact opposite of it.

When a person is accepting a disease as something painful and retreats to the mental or emotional attack of it, he becomes the true victim of the negative feelings of a disease. This approach may not do any good to him but it may certainly make him feel worst and also ruin the atmosphere of home or the hospital and turn sad the life of so many people living with him or her.

Many people complain that their parent or parents unnecessarily disturb them or try to torture them mentally or emotionally. Crying uselessly, talking a lot about the sufferings, complaining to the guests or strangers about the behaviors of family members, and disturbing the family members without any good reason dishearten the family members and discourage their spirit to serve their elders.

In this regard, few things are necessary to be understood;
First, the disease or the illness should not be taken as a problem or difficulty rather we need to observe it from a number of positive perspectives. It is said that, when a person is suffering from a disease, his sins wither and finish just like the leaves of plants wither in the autumn. It is a blessing of Allah to let us avail such a chance to decrease our sins and be free of its harsh accountability in the hereafter.

In our normal life when we enjoy the bounties of being healthy, we never come to realize the true worth of it and thus never feel thankful to this blessing. Similarly, we don't show much carefulness in protecting our health but once we become ill, we soon realize the true worth of being healthy. This feeling or perception can make us feel and enjoy the health once we become healthy. Many a times we see others in bad conditions and learn about their difficulties and at once feel very happy and delighted about our own condition.

Being patient on difficulties is a very rare quality and has been gifted to those who have some special and elevated personal or spiritual qualities. This is the quality that has been found behind the success of almost all the successful figures of the world. This quality makes you take a break in difficult times and make you start your efforts from the beginning.

This unique quality cannot be earned by any wealth or personal effort rather difficult times teach us how to adopt this quality. When a person is ill and he is in worst mental or physical conditions, he learns how to tolerate these and show patience. This golden lesson once learnt can be utilized on all the different situations of life.

When you are ill, many of your relatives and friends come and visit you. They earn a lot of blessings by visiting you and the relations are strengthened. We request each others for prayers and these prayers later on act as a light in the dark passages of life and avert many problems and difficulties of life.

It is said that a person in difficulty gets very close to Allah and thus his prayers are soon accepted thus people request a patient to pray for them.

It is said that the variety is the spice of life but in our daily lives, when we have the same routine, we forget the taste of so many good things present with us and thus become totally indifferent to them. A person suffering from a disease cannot enjoy anything; food, cars, good clothes, a grand house and many more. Then we realize that these things were very important and after we regain our health, we realize the true worth of these things. Then we enjoy the every bit of these bounties.

But to realize all these, it is necessary that we should stop complaining of our disease and be thankful to our condition, whatever it may be. Then we should stop tormenting our relatives because it is not their desire to see you in the condition. Always try to feel positive and soon you will come to feel better as well.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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