Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Action Speaks Louder than Words


Action Speaks Louder than Words

Grief and tragedy have the tendency to introduce a sort of pessimism in human psychology, which even turns into a sort of nihilism and the individual finds himself lost in nowhere. The only thing he does, after the grief has engulfed his entire psychology, is to take refuge in desolation. He succumbs to isolation and inaction and if the situation persists so, he even turns to suicide. Thousands of people dying each year because of suicide do not have any other reason except grief. And human societies are not very different. The social psychology does behave almost in a similar fashion.

The problems, disasters, cataclysms, tragedies and upheavals in the life of a nation, invite the social psychology towards the cold and foggy alleys of grief. It, as it does not have any other option, joins hand with them and nation as a whole starts suffering from various psycho-social problems while insecurity complex is one of the most dominant of them. In such a scenario what else can drag the individuals and nations out of the quagmire of grief and tragedy except action?

Persistence of tragedy and grief can prove fatal. Therefore, it is necessary that action must be taken to counter them, not to let them grow into gigantic evils as goes the English proverb, 'nip the evil in the bud.' Unfortunately, the people instead of taking actions fall into various other responses. That's why it is so common to find people mourning, cursing others, running to clergies for talisman, learning evil magical spells and many other awkward behaviors.

We people have been one of the victims of tragedies through most part of our history and that has made us timid and highly pessimistic. We do not rise to the occasion and are lost in mourning, or waiting for unbelievable to happen. Still there are many among us who think some miracle would happen and that would solve all our problems and emancipate us from all sorts of tragedy, which is a very negative approach to fight grief. We really need to carry on serious action. Action here implies that there should be positive measures carried out towards the solution of the problems and the extinction of the grief.

Our people have been one of the victims of grief through most part of our history and that has made us timid and highly pessimistic. We don't rise to the occasion and are lost in mourning, or waiting for miracles to happen. Still there are many among us who think someone would come someday and would solve all our problems and emancipate us from all sorts of grief.

This attitude would not turn our grief to bliss. We really need to carry on serious action. Action here implies that there should be positive measures carried out towards the solution of the problems and the extinction of the grief. Every act is not action; while only action is the real cure of grief; whereas, for an action we don't have to wait for someone else. We should rise ourselves.

It is a common experience that if a hole in a cloth is neglected for sometimes, it grows so big as to require many stitches. What is true of a hole in a cloth is also true of social, political, and moral problems. If these problems are not mended for a long period, a time comes when they become irreversible and solution for them become unattainable. So, let us not get late for an action and cure our grief. Life is full of such instances which prove that much harm can be done by a little thing which is overlooked or is altogether neglected; like a crack in a boat if not immediately looked into, grows so big that no effort can save the boat.

A little fire if not immediately put out, develops into a huge conflagration after a few hours. A leaking roof which is not repaired in time proves a source of much trouble and inconvenience in the rainy season. Still I am optimistic that it is not too late for revolt and taking action. Therefore, we have to leave the comforts of our cozy abodes, move to the ground and be counted; otherwise, the history with its weak memory may forget our existence within no time.

Currently we are suffering the worst form of terrorism and instability yet again we lake the unity of thought and no clear vision to overcome the prevailing pathetic condition of the community and community members. We are scattered into many factions and different schools of thought. We are ill with the differences existing among us and on the other hand we wish to have beaten the present miseries.

Every single person desires to come together, join hands with one another and think with broader perspective, removing all our personal clashes and differences in order to bring about constructive remedies to our tribulations. But one has to bear in mind that these are only miraculous ideas which will never ever be acted over or even mused upon. Or if we consider them, we will not be capable enough to have strong practical measures.

The reality is this that we always fear to take the first step but unless we dare to take it, how come we expect to know the test actually, the case turns to be like this that when a person has taken the first step only then he can have better options how to take the second step, the third step and so on and so forth rather the first taken step itself shows or paves the way towards the second step. So, let's not fear and start taking actions for we don't have any other options by being the man of action, only our solid and strong actions against the grief can bring us the cure for it.

Scientific analysis of the causes of the grief and tragedy and carrying out measures to address appropriate solution is what should be considered as action. Such actions will definitely enable our community to come across bliss and contentment. But, for that first of all we have to realize that we are just reacting in a wrong manner towards problems.

We are enchained by the invisible shackles of oblivion, which are sponsored by the religious dogmas and false believes. We need to find out those shackles, untie them and emancipate ourselves so that we can get ready for actions – the actions that can defeat grief and tragedies and provide us an everlasting delight.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com.

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