Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Why Self-Torture?


Why Self-Torture?

I was myself a victim of this. Let's say one of my friends had a habit of boasting and under this habit, he was not able to control himself and on different occasions, he would start boasting about himself. Usually, his habit would bring him disgrace because soon a person would laugh at his comments or statement and everyone understood that these were all nonsense.

There would always be present some people near him like me who would feel uneasy seeing him describing something in exaggeration. They would think why he is doing like this and would soon start criticizing him in their minds. This would rather make them a bit upset or irritated about this.

World is not perfect and there would always be people who would be doing anything that won't be to the liking of many. A person used to say that, in this world, I was not able to find an absolutely perfect person. He used to say, 'We can divide a person's life into a lot many boxes. Each box describes one trait of his life or personality.

For example, one box can be his career, other can be his family life, next can be good behavior and so on. In this way, a person's life can be divided into so many boxes as people have numerous qualities. But I was disappointed to discover that not even a single person was able to fill up all these boxes.

One, who was very successful in his career, was not good in his behavior to others. Similarly, some were found to be careless about family life while there were some who were in habit of spending uselessly. In this way, I was not able to find someone who could be having all his boxes filled up'. The he used to laugh and say, 'Even I am disappointed from myself as I keep studying the people but then I notice that I am also having so many empty boxes in my life'.

Suppose you are working in an office with colleagues of different behaviors or personalities. Every day at lunch, some of them take extra food in their plates, some of them don't finish their food and throw it into dustbin and similarly, some more of them do anything that suddenly grabs your attention.

As this message is sent to your mind, you start assessing the situation. As the message sent is always about any shortcoming or defect in one's attitude or conduct, so you start criticizing in your mind. This mental criticism at times comes on surface and you find yourself in a situation of conflict and confrontation.

If this person who is being criticized is your boss, it would seriously harm your job or career, and if the person being criticized is your colleague, you would find yourself in a quarrel or disagreement and luckily, if the person being criticized is your inferior, he would remain silent but would definitely not like your attitude and term it to be rude and inappropriate.

We might not have felt but this thing happens so frequently that we can remain surprised if we keep a record of it. This thing is not only limited to the behaviors of people around but also to so many things that we experience.

Right in front of our house, a big building was under construction for more than two years. It was his right to construct the building and carry out all the activities related with this. Right from the beginning, people in neighborhood were disturbed with this construction. First they dug the land and piled a huge stock of earth on a side.

Whenever there blew the air, the earth would fly and enter the houses in the neighborhood and so on. Then there came the time when the comfort of days and nights were stolen by the continuous sounds of breaking, welding, stroking the walls and many more. People in their houses cursed the man but were not able to do anything. More or less, same was the mental condition of members of my family. They would at times criticize the construction in their minds and some times, this criticism would come out of their mouths.

One day, when I was trying all my best to tolerate different sounds coming from outside, a thought came to me. It was not in my hand to stop this construction (As the person doing this construction was both strong and influential than his neighbors and it was also his right to do so) so why would I let this thing steal my contentment and make me feel uneasy?

With these thoughts, I stopped myself from thinking about all these and soon I felt that it was far better to do so. With gradual practice, I was able to forget about this work at all after a few days. Whenever anyone in family mentioned this and criticized it, I would only give him a smile and say, "Oh really?" This definitely annoyed them and stared me in surprise.

A friend of mine went to Iran and spent a year with a family of his relatives before he was able to find a decent job and manage a place for his own. He shared some of his findings in this regard with me. The family was very good with him and would take care of every small need of the man. He was also grateful to them and would praise their hospitality. As the time passed, he developed a strange habit. There would happen something that would soon catch his attention and start a mental criticism in his mind. One day, he saw that a gas burner was left open.

Then he noticed that children would bring water, juice and other things and would spill them on the carpet or the floor. Then he noticed that television was turned ON and left without being turned OFF and many more like these. At times, he thought of criticizing them but he was sensible enough to remember that he was a guest in the house and his criticism might not be taken positively.

But anyhow, this war and conflict continued in his mind. Then one day, he decided not to take notice of these and he soon felt better. In this regard, he improvised a very wise technique and he says that, "Whenever I started thinking of the inappropriate works of others, I soon said to myself, "It is none of your business" and would close this door".

No doubt, we should inform others if it can avert any danger. Similarly, we should advise others if our words are going to be welcomed. But if it can only create problems to us or put us into a situation of disagreement, it would not be wise to keep tormenting our thoughts. I hope that it would be of use to others.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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