Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Wisdom of Nights!


Wisdom of Nights!

Famous poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal, who is also known as the Poet of East, is famous for his thought-provoking poetry. His poetry is so influential that it has the ability to change the mind of a person and the nation as a whole. It is said that the verses of poems used to arrive into the mind of Allama Iqbal whenever he had a mood of it. At times, he used to write two to three hundred verses in a single night but when he was not in mood or if there was no arrival of verses in his mind, it was difficult for him to write down even a single verse.

Allama Iqbal used to get up in the last third part of the night, offered his 'Tahajjud' prayers and then sat and thought and then the arrival of verses started which kept flowing until he felt sleepy and slept for a while before the morning prayers. Usually, he wrote in the silence of night when he found his mind working more actively than other times of the day.

The first prime minister of India, Mawlana Abul-Kalam Azad was also famous as one of the greatest scholars and thinkers of his time. His books are not only the master pieces of literature but they have also affected the minds and thoughts of millions. He narrates that time of the day that he liked the most was after midnight when he used to wake up, made his green tea ready and then started contemplation and the thoughts that he acquired so then transferred into the pages of books. His thoughts were always unique and inspired the thoughts and action of many.

There are many great leaders, thinkers, writers, scholars and other influential members of society who credit their success to the wisdom that lies in the night. There is present an interesting medical and psychological secret behind this. When a person establishes a habit of rising early in the morning, he needs to be sleeping early. When he will sleep and rise early, it would be in accordance with the natural arrangement of relaxing that will have positive effects on the mind and body of a person, as stated by the modern medical research.

But if you rise early, the activities and noise of the day also start that don't let you to best utilize your body and especially your brain and thinking tendencies.

Medical science recommends 8 hours of good sleep for a healthy living. But it is also a fact that those great minds that changed the fate of the world had decreased this duration to 4 to 6 hours without doing any kind of harm to their mental or physical health. It is a medical fact that a decrease in the intake of few things can be really beneficial for us like food, sleep and talking. So there were people who were able to decrease their sleeping hours. Now, they had 2 to 3 hours in extra to utilize in a productive and constructive activity.

This could have never been the first part of the night because your mind was tired and not ready to do any more work so it was found to be the later part of night, just before the morning. In Islam, this has really been emphasized and there is present a special prayer called 'Tahajjud' which is to be offered after midnight, before the morning prayers. Great spiritual rewards have been promised to those who leave their warm beds and offer this prayer for the sake of will of Allah.

There are many reasons that tell us why the contemplation in nights have been found to be so much useful like the case of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Mawlana Abul-Kalam Azad and many more. First, is the silence of night. It is said that great thoughts and ideas sprout in one's mind when there is present the breeze of silence. In the silence of night, when everything in the universe is calm and silent, you feel that your mind starts working more actively and ideas keep flowing. Many of the great ideas that great scholars grabbed and which greatly benefitted the mankind were the result of this contemplation in the darkness and silence of night.

Another good reason is the hard work and perseverance required to leave your warm bed when your carnal desires try their best to stop you in the bed and enslave you in their grip. When you once resist your carnal desire and overcome it, it no more remains your master and you command it like a master. When a person becomes the master of his mind and body and he is able to better administer his routine and thoughts, he comes into a position to undertake those great projects which we all keep dear but due to lack of will, we never come to accomplish.

There are present some blurred images of a story in my mind that a great artist (or a painter) was summoned by the Queen of country to teach her painting. Queen ordered him to come and teach her for one hour in the early morning before the activities of court started. The artist had not seen the early morning's sun for almost 40 years and it was his routine to sleep and rise late. The next day, anyhow, he managed to get up early but he was in his terrible moods. When he continued this routine for 3 to 4 days, his body and mind were not able to resist this stress and he at once fell ill and died.

There are also present some people who are not able to wake up early. When they wake up late, they feel the headache and laziness for the whole day and in a sense, their productivity decreases a lot. This fact has also been proven by the medical science research.

Anyhow, with all these, night is also a part of day when all the evil works come into action. It is the darkness of night that robbers choose to commit their sins and like this, many more sins are committed by people.
It would not be easy to overcome our desire and develop the habit of rising early and gradually rising in the last part of night to contemplate and do other mental works. In the beginning, it would be more difficult but with continued practice, it would get easy and you would feel that it is more fascinating and fruitful than your expectations and soon you would be the master of yourself.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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