Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Peace, Development, Cooperation and Mutual Benefit: Message of 18th CPC National Congress to the World


Peace, Development, Cooperation and Mutual Benefit: Message of 18th CPC National Congress to the World

In November 2012, the whole world focused on two elections, American presidential election and the election of China's leadership. 8-14, November 2012, 2309 delegates attended the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Beijing to deliberate the future governing principles of CPC, the core of leadership of China and open up new prospect for development by electing the new generation of top leadership. Over 2700 Chinese and foreign journalists covered the grand event which was regarded of great significance and would have a far-reaching influence on China and the world.

China's Achievements and Its Path of Development
During the Congress, the CPC announced its goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020 and double GDP and per capita income of urban and rural residents on the basis of 2010. It means that Chinese GDP will top US$11.8 trillion and the per capita income will reach US$8,800, representing an average economic growth of 7.5% annually.

As the global economy goes through difficulties and setbacks, what makes China so confident? The reason lies on that we have established a system of socialism with Chinese characteristics conforming to the ground situation of China and blazed a path of peaceful development suitable to the trend of the times. Besides, we have a solid foundation through development in decades and the common endeavor of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country. Moreover, it is due to the fact that we have established equal interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation with the people all of the world.

Since 1949, the CPC has rallied and led the Chinese people in turning the poor and backward China into an increasingly prosperous and powerful one. From 2002 to 2011, China thoroughly applied the Scientific Outlook on Development and scored historic achievements. The country has taken second place in the world's GDP rally.

China maintained steady and robust economic growth and its GDP reached US$7.5 trillion in 2011 as 1.5 times than 2002. China has achieved an average yearly economic growth of 10.7%, far above the world's 3.9% in the same period and its per-capita annual GDP reached US$5,432, up from US$1,135 in 2002 with annual growth of 10.1%. More than 1.3 billion Chinese are now basically covered by medical insurance.

Marked progress has been made in developing the social security system; the basic old-age insurance system covering both the urban and rural population has been fully established, and a new type of social assistance system is taking shape. Education has developed rapidly, and free compulsory education is now available in all urban and rural areas. Further progress has been made in reforming the political structure, developing democracy and the legal system.

The socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics has been established. The China's influence worldwide has increased substantially as taking an active part in international issues and playing a major constructive role in international affairs. The successful hosting of the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008 and the Shanghai World Expo in 2010 show a quite new China to the world. CPC is working with Chinese people to build China into a rich, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and modern socialist country in the mid-21st century.

In this ever-changing time, this basic condition of China has not changed, nor has China's international position as the largest developing country in the world, as well as the paramount reality that China remains in the primary stage of socialism. What has not changed is our faith to follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

We will keep improving our policy to meet practical needs and people's hope. With the purpose of laying a solid foundation for achieving socialist modernization in the mid-21st century and the great renewal of the Chinese nation, China will deepen the reform and opening up in an all-around way, accelerate improvements to the socialist market economy and the change of the growth model, promote reform of the political structure and people's democracy, strengthen social development by improving the people's wellbeing and making innovations in management, make great efforts to promote ecological progress and develop a strong socialist culture in China, pursue comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development and ensure all the people of China share in the fruits of development.

China's Strength and Its Idea
Many people asked me a similar question in various occasions: will China follow the traditional pattern where a rising power was bound to seek hegemony? After all, every major power did that over the past 200 years. While, on the other hand, history teaches us that the law of the jungle will not lead to the coexistence of human society and that the arbitrary use of force cannot make the world a better place.

The Chinese government and people have made a strategic choice of taking the path of peaceful development. During the Congress, China declared solemnly again to the world that China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and firmly pursue an independent foreign policy of peace.

We will decide our position and policy on an issue on its own merits and work to uphold fairness and justice. China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansion. China will unwaveringly follow a win-win strategy of opening up, grow friendship and cooperation in all fields with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and promote robust, sustainable and balanced growth of the global economy through increased cooperation. Globalization has turned the world into a community of common destiny in which the members are closely interconnected.

China integrates itself with the rest of the world in every field with an open attitude and its future is more closely linked with the rest of the world. China will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit and strive to uphold world peace and promote common development.

Facts are more eloquent than words. As a responsible major country, China strives to make its constructive contribution to world peace and development with practical activities. Currently, China is a member of over 100 intergovernmental international organizations, a party to over 300 international conventions as well as has dispatched about 21,000 personnel on 30 UN peacekeeping missions, which is the highest number among the permanent members of the UN Security Council. China conducts extensive international cooperation in every field, supports the reform of United Nations, promotes world to meet the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations and jointly with all countries together addresses global challenges such as terrorism, climate change and energy security.

China reduced and canceled RMB30 billion of gross debts incurred by 50 heavily indebted poor countries and least-developed countries and has pledged zero tariff treatment to over 95% of the exports to China by all the least-developed countries which have diplomatic relations with China. As the second largest single economy, through achieving steady growth, adjusting the economic structure and improving industrialization, informatization, urbanization and modernization of agriculture, China has been the engine of global economy. Over the past 10 years, China's import volume rose by 470% and export rose by 490%, which makes China the largest exporter and second largest importer.

From 2008 to 2011, China's import volume reached US$5.3 trillion and investment overseas was up US$250 billion. Its total economic output rose to 10% of the world's total in 2011 from 4.4% in 2002 with an annual average contribution rate of China's economy to world economic growth reaching 20%. The accumulated import volume is expected to over US$8 trillion from 2011 to 2015, which will make China the largest importer. China's development will create more business opportunities to other countries and boost the recovery of global economy. China cannot develop in isolation from the rest of the world, nor can the world enjoy prosperity and stability without China.

China's policy towards neighboring countriesÿFriendship and Partnership
In 21 Century, Asia has become the most dynamic region in the world. As a member of Asia, we will continue to follow the foreign policy of friendship and partnership, strengthen good-neighborly relations and practical cooperation with them and benefit our neighbors with prosperity and stability. China has been the biggest commercial partner for most Asian countries. Last year, trade volume between China and Asian countries exceeded US$1 trillion as well as China's investment in Asia approached US$20 billion.

Cooperations between China and Asian countries in science and technology, finance, energy and infrastructure have been unprecedented in terms of breadth and depth. China pursues the harmony to difference and common development between different civilizations, social systems and development patterns. We are willing to join hands with our neighbours to deal with major international and regional issues, promote regional and subregional cooperation, properly handle the international financial crisis and fight against natural disasters.

As an important component of Asia, Afghanistan is crucial to the regional stability and development. China and Afghanistan are friendly neighbors and good partners, and our friendship has stood up to the test of time and emerged even stronger. This year is extremely important for China-Afghan relationship. About four months ago, H.E. Mr. Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan, paid a state visit to China. Three months later, H.E. Mr. Zhou Yongkang, Member of the Standing Committee of Politburo of CPC Central Committee, just finished his historic trip to Afghanistan.

The two countries established their Strategic and Cooperative Partnership, and signed its follow-up Action Plan. China-Afghan relationship has entered a new stage. China has become the second largest importer from and the-fifth-largest exporter to Afghanistan. China's development has created favorable opportunities for Afghan peace and reconstruction. Chinese investment is advancing Afghan capability of independent development. China will pledge zero tariff treatment to over 97% of the exports to China by Afghanistan from 2013.

The only two foreign investments in Afghan mine industry up till now made by Chinese companies in Aynak Copper Mine and Amu Darya Oil Field are expected to make considerable revenue to the Afghan government, beef up the local infrastructure construction and promote local employment, thus benefitting the local people. Investment is the most direct, efficient and sustainable way to build up Afghan self-reliance, which shows China's sincere wish to help Afghanistan for its reconstruction process, demonstrates China's confidence for Afghan future development, and the irreplaceable value of China-Afghanistan mutually beneficial cooperation.

Currently, Afghanistan is in a crucial period of transition. In the future, China will, in line with the Afghan requirement, continue to provide substantial and timely assistance to Afghanistan within its own capacity, encourage the Chinese companies to invest and do business here with the aim of contributing to a peaceful, stable, independent and prosperous Afghanistan. We have full reason to believe that peoples of China and Afghanistan will stand closer together and usher in an even better future of cooperation.

Mr. Xu Feihong is the current Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Afghanistan

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