Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Worries Grow Serious about the Future


Worries Grow Serious  about the Future

As the time moves towards the departure of U.S. and its allies from Afghanistan, the worries about the future get more serious. Most of the analysts with their daily reports on most popular websites explain that the situation in Afghanistan will likely get worse after the withdrawal of U.S. troops and its partner from the current ground of conflict.

Thus, the local media in the country with little more worries also report that the worst situation with internal conflicts and external interferences await Afghanistan once the foreign troops leave. The country will once again witness civil war with the interferences of both internal and external fanatic and fundamentalists who do not want Afghanistan get stable, peaceful and progressive. Thus, the government functionaries also do not work that smooth with transparency and accountability so the people could trust that everything will remain stable after the withdrawal of the foreign troops.

As of the now, the things are changing in Afghanistan and they are changing very fast as per the planning. The presidential polls will be held on scheduled date, in April 2014 despite concerning reports.

Additionally, the electoral process has not been well. The 2009 elections, which re-elected Karzai, were ruined by allegations of fraud and experienced only 33 per cent turnout. Even though $13 million in funds have been pledged this year to help the Afghans prepare for the elections, the international community still will have to have major contribution supervising in the days of Election. Again, there is no guarantee that they will actually elect a leadership any stronger than the present one while observing the current position of government with little more concern on corruption.

In the same way, these polls will coincide with the departure of tens of thousands of foreign troops who are scheduled to withdraw from the country by the end of 2014. More importantly, the provincial elections, chiefly scheduled for mid-2013 will also be held on the same as the presidential election while the parliamentary elections will be held in 2015.

Observing the current ground realities of insecurity concerns, despite foreign troop's full engagement in most parts of the country, the insurgent attacks, roadside bombs are still growing to kill the innocent citizens. On the holly day of Eid-Al Adha, a suicide bomber struck people coming out of a mosque in the northern part of the country and killed 45 people and injured more than 40.

The Taliban rebellions, instead of withdrawing from taking the life of innocent civilians, have been in fact growing in the last few months in their killing. The targeted killing of high-profile government functionaries, including the wedding processions all come under the growing rate of insurgent attacks in most peaceful parts of the region.

The present government has not only failed, to a certain extent, in controlling the violence, corruption, injustices and bloodshed and concern over the growing rate of insecurity, but has also given chances to corrupt warlords, while persistently standing to protect the culprits and those who were in prison or elsewhere.

The concern against the current government is getting wider as it couldn't fulfill its promises on the basis of security stand-up and stability since his presidency. In addition to that, observing the irresponsible government functionaries, the public officials are also quite openly involved in illegal drug and arms trade and extended the rate of corruption to full extent.

In the same way, corruption has increased, crimes and violence against women in remote parts of the country is getting larger, while the political roadmap to 2014 election is appearing disordered and the things are not going that hopeful for this war-torn nation.

It seems like Afghanistan is not doing that well and the security situation has further scared and horrified the people. However, the process of electoral democracy is finally getting consolidated but the impending exit of foreign troops has impacted both the future and status of Afghan government. The nation has stopped investment and those who own small businesses are very worried about their destination. As the youths are hopeless, they have stopped doing most productive activities. They only concentrate on seeking ways to get out of the country even before 2014.

The security situation is getting worse as we get closer to the deadline for the withdrawal of foreign troops from the country. Most of the NGOs, both local and international are phasing out from the provinces where they had humanitarian intervention since 2001 and latter due to the rise in insurgent threat and attacks. On the other hand, business trade has decreased largely since the beginning of 2012 due to the uncertain future waiting us since the nation is very worried about the impact of 2014 that how the exit of foreign troops will change their destination with worst ever consequences this time.

As the foreign countries announce to leave Afghanistan, the insurgent attacks increase and the Taliban consider this withdrawal as a defeat. Currently, the security situation is getting very serious and no one can exactly pretend what it would look like when the foreign troops completely leave Afghanistan. The presence of the U.S. and its allied forces in contributing for the better growth of this war-torn nation is still needed.

There is still a lot to be done in this country to at least bring little stability in the state to be able to respond to its security force's expenses so that to remain loyal with the government and the government does not weaken after their departure. They still need to contribute in fighting to stop corruption, which is the ultimate factor behind insecurity concern, backwardness and disloyalty. They must still help to bring transparency and accountability in the government functionaries.

Despite current political, economical and other social ups and downs, people are more worried about their future. People are with great concern that forthcoming is the story of internal conflict once the U.S. and its allies will leave the country, since the government does not bear the capability to control the situation beyond 2014. These circumstances, especially during a time of fragile security created by the departure of the US troops, can lead to a power vacuum that will be the great threat to country's independent process.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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