Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Pakistan and Afghanistan Need a Bold Effort to Fight Terrorism


Pakistan and Afghanistan Need a Bold Effort to Fight Terrorism

Both Pakistan and Afghanistan have remained most vulnerable and victimized of terrorist activities in the last few years under the domination of fanatic and narrow minded groups. Their inhuman and most horrifying acts of terror against local people, such as children and women in Pakistan and Afghanistan were the top listed stories of the days with bold condemnation by world at large, particularly by Pakistan and Afghanistan themselves. The two nations had big arguments in the past by criticizing each other for any terror attacks taking place in Pakistan or in Afghanistan, but have taken no reaction yet to fight this catastrophic phenomenon from the root.

The recent killings of number of women show that how wild they are in their acts against our suffering and war-affected sisters and brothers. The beheading of dozens of students in Maidan Wardak province, including our top listed officials in recent months are all the evidences of their cruel acts. In addition, the public execution of a woman in front of a crowd near Kabul, by a member of Taliban who shot her dead and left her in cold blood, clearly depicted their mentality and their intentions.

This is the sign that these extremist groups dictate law in not only Afghanistan, but also recently increased in Pakistan against its nation. The 15-year-old schoolgirl an activist (Malala Yousafzai) who was shot by a Taliban member is a symbol of terrifying the local citizens and violating the rule of law and human rights.

These are the latest of a string of so-called honour killings by those who we call 'Brothers' and those who claim to own the religion. The threat of this horrifying popular revulsion, emanating from the religious and political parties, as well as from other groups is so high. They never want Afghanistan and Pakistan to grow in peace, brotherhood and get progress. They can be well-effective against any long-term stability, peace and democratic governance in both Pakistan and Afghanistan.

A joined, sincere and honest effort of action against these groups needs to be started from a full analysis of the composition of the terror networks and with motivation to paralyze the militant groups operating in both the countries from the root. The generic word 'Taliban' is now an overextended brand name applied to a variety of groups within Afghanistan and Pakistan, but their act of violence against local people, children and women will only be named 'Terrorism'.

In response to the ongoing terror attacks in both countries, Dr. Zelmai Rassoul, the Afghan Foreign Minister on Friday while discussing the issues with Pervez Ashraf at Pakistani Prime Minister House in Islamabad said that the peace in both countries would be the ultimate interest of the two nations. Thus, a peaceful, prosperous and stable Afghanistan and Pakistan are in the national interests of both the countries and in the international interests as well, as the international community has been calling these two countries the save heavens for the terrorists.

The two nations must make strong effort to confront this common challenge 'Terrorism and Security', which have become the main hurdle towards peace building, success and prosperity.

As of now, this is the matter of survival for the both the nations. They are going through very hard circumstances with bundle of challenges on the ground and ahead caused by these terrorist groups. What most of the Afghan citizens believe now is that peace talks with the Taliban won't solve any issues.

They believe that release of Taliban from Pakistan and Afghanistan might further worsen the situation to claim the lives of innocents. Women and other local citizens would become the ultimate victims of the two government's unkind release of the Taliban. As always, this time also they will escape the peace talks and their promises won't work anymore. They would never return to contribute in the peace process, progress and development of the country or have any sympathetic feelings for this war-torn nation who have suffered greatly in the past many years of constant bloodshed.

Objectively speaking, a good, stable, civilized, prosperous and an independent Afghanistan or Pakistan would be helpful for both the two nations. War and bloodshed in Afghanistan or in Pakistan won't benefit anyone of these two nations. But a strong and friendly cooperation between each other against any extremist group would be the best advantage and interest of both the nations and world at large.

Above all, this is about time the two countries built cooperation to fight this common challenge - 'terrorist groups' both in Pakistan and Afghanistan. If we are to live in peace, brotherhood and grow in civilization and progress, we must act now. Nevertheless, undertaking a comprehensive campaign against the terrorist groups will not only require political courage and unity within Afghanistan and Pakistan but also a full understanding of the nature and causes of the terrorist threats which the two countries confront now.

The NATO and U.S. forces can only depart from Afghanistan when a cessation of hostilities is in effect between Pakistan and Afghanistan to fight against terrorist and militant groups as a joined force. A U.S-NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan will create opportunities for the terrorist groups to bigamy another war, which will likely affect its neighboring countries. In this regard, Pakistan's cooperation with the government of Afghanistan in fighting the terrorist groups will considerably let them down. This is the most sustainable way to consign terrorism to the dustbin of our history if we want to live a life free from terrorist attacks, and grow in peace and prosperity.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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