Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Selfless Service; the Reward for Living


Selfless Service; the Reward for Living

The auspicious moments I served in a social organization volunteering for community service are regarded the greatest achievement of my entire career. I always see my achievements as opportunities and advantages I am fortunate to have. By volunteering I believe I have achieved more than the material things in life. I have achieved the appreciation of the people I have helped as well my awareness of their misfortunes. I have also gained the pride in myself for helping these people with their problems. I do not think I should be awarded for my volunteering achievements.

Volunteering means to carry out a duty or a job without expecting repayment or remuneration. It is the principle of donating time and energy for the benefit of other people in the community as a social responsibility rather than for any financial reward. In our society today, there are many people who are not as privileged as some.

There are individuals who are hindered by certain limitations whether it is financial, physical or mental. For this reason, they are not able to help themselves as much as they would like to. It is therefore left up to the individuals who are fortunate enough, to contribute their effort and financial resources to assist those who may need it.

Volunteering should be sited as an obligation which is carried out with willingness and joy. The pride that comes along with being able to say to one's self that one has assisted someone in need or has given back to one's country is and should be enough reward. When one volunteers to help out someone such as a friend, teacher or parent, one is immediately seen as selfless and helpful.

When you help a teacher to clean the classroom or get involved in cleanliness campaign at the school level or other community projects, your standing would be elevated. Teachers and adults would look at a young person who volunteers his or her time for a certain activity as mature, responsible and deserving of respect.

In addition, volunteering with an organization such as orphanages, community centers and other non-profit organizations is also very important. In addition to helping these organizations carry out their duties, you not only gain experience but can learn a variety of skills. Even though one is not being paid, through volunteering time, effort and skills one would learn more than what money can buy. You can learn to be bold, assertive and independent, as well as, express your opinions and gain communication and interpersonal skills.

Volunteering also allows one to become more mature at a relatively younger age. When you are exposed to volunteering at a young age be it at the home front, school or organizations, you would learn the importance of responsibility in carrying out your duties to the best of your ability. Embarking on volunteer activities would enable one to learn survival skills such as responsibility, ability to express ideas as well as the importance of hard work and diligence.

Volunteering also exposes one to many interesting ideas and issues. For example, if you volunteer your time regularly at a social organization, you would learn how the organization works and the importance of team work, and other essential ideas related to the day-to-day operations of the organizations. You will not only enhance your general knowledge, but also learn how to deal with problems, challenges as well as dealing with different types of personalities.

There is a quote that always comes to mind whenever I think of dedicating my time to a worthy cause, the anonymous person could not have said it any better, it states, "Volunteers are not paid, not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless". This quotation is so true; no monetary value can be placed on the time which one gives out of the goodness of his or her heart. The only reward that can be given for such an effort is the undying gratitude of the person or persons who will benefit from this act of kindness.

Volunteering not only helps and benefits one's community but, in a way, it benefits the volunteers themselves. For instance, I believe volunteering makes a person feel worthy, as if he/she has accomplished something because of making someone else's life better or making a change in the community somehow. Volunteering also shows that that person is generous, compassionate, and good-hearted, because he/she is kind enough to give up a few hours of time and utilize it for the community. It also serves others without expecting to get anything out of their service.

A great display of volunteerism was seen in the recent London 2012 Paralympic Games where 70,000 volunteers served and were named 'Game Makers'. The name empowered and acknowledged them as the real protagonists of the games. It was reserved for those 'who made the games possible' and included people with disabilities. They not only served inside the Olympic Park, and in activities connected with the athletes, but also throughout the city and its surroundings. One of their biggest responsibilities was in guiding and helping the athletes.

They played a major role as linesmen and women and field assistants. Some volunteers served the competitors as drivers, wheel chair mechanics, doctors, and attire and stores keepers, among other functions. Others used megaphones to give spectators information and offered welcome and thanks for attending the games.

Volunteering has several benefits such as social networking, social skills, and preparing students for a career. First of all, by doing volunteer work in the community the social networking expands and we meet many people with similar interests, and also we may build a true friendship with them. Volunteers have a possibility to find a job quickly because they have more resources than before, or the new friends may recommend them to their employer.  

Secondly, volunteer work improves social skills. A volunteer experience will improve our interpersonal communications because we interact with someone and our self confidence will increase. Some people find it difficult to talk to someone else, but if we socialize we become more comfortable communicating and listening to others.

In addition, doing volunteer works helps us become good and responsible leaders because we are committed to attend the activities and to organize the staff meeting. Also, if we do volunteer work we become broadminded because we can see and hear the different kinds of problems in our society and we might consider what other people think.

Lastly, volunteer work prepares students for their career. Many students don't know what career they should pursue when they finish high school, so many students do volunteer work to find which career is suitable for them.  

Like people across the globe we should celebrate our commitment and hope for a better world on every 5th December, on International Volunteer Day (IVD). The purpose of celebration is to recognize this commitment, to inform people about the impact of volunteering on peace and sustainable development, and to applaud volunteers for their dedication and impact.

I believe that if everyone puts aside his/her selfish desires and greed; to contribute to charity, it will help to make this world a better place due to the fact that there may be provision of jobs, homes for the homeless and many other positive outcomes. This shall be an actual reward we pay for living.

Asmat Yari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghansitan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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