Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Weaker Strata are the Most Vulnerable


Weaker Strata are the Most Vulnerable

It is unfortunate to note that Afghanistan has had a lengthy history of instability and chaos and Afghan civilians have mostly suffered as a result of all the misfortunes. There is one particular chapter that had the most heinous influence on the people of Afghanistan and it is still affecting them in so many ways; and that chapter is the chapter of Talibanization and the growth of terrorism within the country.

Taliban did not only introduce the extremist religious ideas and practices but they also established connections with international terrorist group – al-Qaeda. The loose control over the rise of extremism and even its appreciation disseminated it throughout most parts of the country and the common people have been suffering since then.

To fight the growing terrorism that had started threatening the whole world, US and its allies chose to fight it in its shelter, which at that time was, unfortunately, Afghanistan. After the incident of 9/11 there has been a clash between the Taliban and Western forces on Afghan soil. Though in the very beginning of the war Taliban insurgents did not have much option except to flee; unfortunately, that running away was just to find refuge at a save place and return through different techniques and threaten the Western and the Afghan forces.

Instead of opting for direct war they have opted to attack through Improvised Explosive Devices (IED), suicide bombings, landmines, ambushes, targeted killings, and other tactics. Unfortunately, these tactics of them have influenced the peace and tranquility of the country to a large extent and have even influenced the social-psychology by haunting it through insecurity complex. At the same time they have taken the lives of thousands of civilians, which is the most unfortunate outcome of these filthy arrangements.

Women and children, in particular, have been victimized by their atrocities. In one of the most unfortunate events on Monday, December 17, eleven minor girls were killed when a landmine exploded in the eastern province of Nangarhar. According to the reports the blast took place at 8am when the children were collecting waste materials in the Daulatzai area of Chaparhar district.

Mohammad Siddique told Pajhwok Afghan News 11 girls were killed and two others seriously wounded in the blast, whose cause was yet to be ascertained. A doctor at the Nangarhar Civil Hospital, Humayun Zaheer, confirmed receiving three dead bodies and five injured children in critical condition.

Ten girls were killed on the spot while an 11th died on her way to hospital, said Mujib-ur-Rahman, the uncle of one victim. Four boys were also injured in the incident.
Education department spokesman Mohammad Asif Shiwari said nine of the victims were primary school students, collecting firewood and grass in the area.

Landmine explosions in Afghanistan have either killed many innocent Afghans or seriously injured several others. Soviet Union, during the war in Afghanistan, had set thousand of landmines in different parts of the country, for which no proper maps were maintained so that they could be tracked. Taliban have also been using mines as a part of their attacks. However, it should not go unmentioned that most of them target the poor civilians.

The incident on Monday, which is mentioned above, is really unfortunate. The innocent children who do not have to do anything with the war are becoming the victims. They have been the targets of different IED's, suicide attacks and landmines. Most of these are set by Taliban to target Afghan forces and ISAF, but they end up killing women, children and other innocent people.

In the economically unstable and war-torn country like Afghanistan, people have not only suffered the hardships of the poor and miserable lives but also the horrors of war. They have been killed mercilessly as if their lives do not have any value or meaning and it is important to see that the Taliban are mostly behind the demise of the poor civilians. It should also be added that the poor civilians have also been influenced by insecurity in different other ways. The weaker strata, in particular, have been facing different faces of terror.

Girls and women have been targeted by the Taliban militants for the purpose of displaying their authority or maintaining pressure on national and international forces. They have also fallen victims for pursuing a normal and better life; for instance, pursuing education. They have faced acid and poison attacks, brutal violence and discriminatory behavior. It is really unfortunate to note that the Taliban still remain powerful enough to conduct their merciless efforts to target the civilians in the presence of Afghan and international forces.

Different attacks, bombings, shootings and suicide bombings of the vicious guardians of the so-called holy war have only been able to target the children, women and non-military figures. With the presence of such facts, it is weird to find Taliban calling themselves friendly to Afghan people.

They have been trying to develop an image of caring and affectionate body that is trying to liberate the people of Afghanistan from the Western forces. But the fact is just on the contrary. They just want power and for that they will never hesitate to sacrifice the poor Afghan people. They will definitely, like cowards, target the weaker strata as they do not have proper security to guard themselves and are easy targets. If Taliban come to power, it is evident that Afghan people will never have peace, contentment and above all their due rights.

The innocent people of Afghanistan deserve that the Afghan government and the international community must ensure to them a better future. They need to make sure that the post transition period in Afghanistan will be a period that can give poverty stricken Afghan people security and basic requirements of living; provide them better representation and participation in political and social life and make them capable of governing themselves peacefully. Women and children, in particular, are given proper attention and they are provided a comparatively more peaceful life. Moreover, they are also given assurance that the discriminatory behavior against them is eliminated as much as possible.

Dilawar Sherzai is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at dilawar.sherzai@gmail.com.

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