Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

US Coalition Troops Withdrawal: Taliban’s Victory/Mission Accomplished


US Coalition Troops Withdrawal: Taliban’s Victory/Mission Accomplished

President Obama after declaring the mission accomplished in Iraq announced the withdrawal of American troops from the battle ground in Afghanistan by the end of 2014. Since mid 2011, the withdrawal schedule of international combat troops has been the bold title of political talks on different national and international media screens.

Following the mission accomplished statement of President Obama, Muallah Mohammad who is deemed to be the key leader of Taliban on battle ground in Afghanistan made it their victory declaration and congratulated his soldiers of their great achievements, even though roughly around 130,000 coalition troops were fighting them in Afghanistan.

Since the emergence of Taliban on political screens in 1996, they have been claiming of forming an Islamic Emarat of Afghanistan which is based on conservative rules and regulations that contrast with majority of populations' ideological beliefs.

According to Taliban's court of ideology, "anyone found practicing other than the laws of Islamic Emarat's court of justice deserves beheading and does not have the right to live." A decade of challenging the coalition troops is based on such an ideology and has casted hundreds of innocents to pay the price with their blood.

Afghan government and International Community in order to put a full stop to bloodshed have over and over tried to reach the conclusion via peaceful dialogues, but the militants have rejected the request and have been claiming to be the victory holders of the war.

No doubt, peaceful negotiation request by Afghan government and labeling the militants as of annoyed brothers by the president Hamid karzai add to their moral which encourage their reclusive isolated leader to label the government as disqualified ruler and bless the nation a government ruled by Mullah Omar.

Taliban have taken their most horrifying attacks against the civilians this year during the last one decade of war. The human tragedy in Maimanah and Nimroz that both took place during the holy days and spoiled the Eid occasions are the clear example of their civilian targeted raids during the last ten years.

But along creating dozens of miseries and misfortunes for the nation, Mullah Omar defines himself as of the messenger of peace and his Talibanistic regime as the most suitable constitution which the nation has ever experienced. Considering the last human tragedies caused by Taliban militants, their influence on security stability is notable, but their claim of victory is nothing more than moralizing their soldiers on the battleground.

On the other hand, Afghan government along with its international alliances are predicting the future with green lights of hope and prosperity. President Karzai along condemning the assailants' civilian targeted attacks have been encouraging the nation to be hopeful and invest in the country, but his desirous and hope creating speeches make no sense when American admit the failure possibilities of ongoing projects in case of security instability after the withdrawal of international combat troops from the ground.

By July 15, President Obama unveiled the plan of reducing U.S. forces in Afghanistan by 30,000, but to withdraw them slowly under military guidance over 12 to 18 months, according to administration officials. But following the official announcement of U.S. coalition troops' withdrawal from Afghanistan, a report on Washington Post was aired stating the failure possibilities of billions of ongoing projects which have been achieved during the last ten years of war.

The report has clearly stated that incase Afghan Security forces fail to maintain the ratio of security after the withdrawal of international troops from ground, the billions of infrastructure construction projects will face uncertainty to be accomplished.

After Presient Obama declared the mission had accomplished in Iraq he had promised to focus on capacity building of Afghan national forces so as to get them ready facing the militants as the international troops withdraw the battleground. The nation was expecting positive reports on the cloud, but it altered the expectation and situation even got worst. President Obama did not state the mission accomplished in Afghanistan, but in order to continue the chapter he promised American nation that he would call the troops back home and will act as a consultant in the future.

The scenario is quite clear, in order to get the nation hopeful of receiving their beloved members back home and to be praised for the 2012 election; he had to play such a game apart of considering the billions of dollar invested on this war of great game.

It has been for many decades that America has been investing billions to have influence on balancing the power in Asia which finally resulted after ten years of practically on ground fighting and singing the strategic partnership with Afghanistan. The mission was long planned but is not completely accomplished yet.

The eras after 2014 will be very challenging for both Afghan Security Forces and nation. Afghanistan is supposed to experience transitions of three responsibilities during the upcoming years. The first, the one best known as outside Afghanistan, is the security transition. Towards the end of next year Afghan troops will take over responsibility from the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force, better known as ISAF, for fighting the insurgency that has raged since the Taliban were ousted in 2001. By the end of 2014 ISAF combat troops will leave altogether.

The second is an economic transition as the country tries to adapt to a rapid fall in the foreign military presence and the aid that has accompanied it. ISAF's huge logistical tail and its legions of high-paying contractors have dominated the economy. The transition will be most keenly felt in the big cities, where populations have soared in recent years.

Third, and no less important than the other two, is a political transition. Presidential Election is to take place in early 2014 and parliamentary election the following year. Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan's president since 2004 is constitutionally barred from running for a third term. Yet his decisions over the next few months will have a major impact on whether the election for his successor is as riddled by fraud as the one in 2009—or whether Afghans will be given the chance to elect a more or less representative government.

Abbas Ali Sultani is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan and an Undergraduate Student at American University of Afghanistan (AUAF). He can be reached at ali.ccna@hotmail.com.

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