Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Loving the Job!


Loving the Job!

The snow had not fully melted and the freezing weather had restricted the people to their rooms and houses where people sat in front of fire and drank hot tea. In such conditions, those who worked inside felt themselves very lucky comparing to those who worked outside. On such a cold day, workers of a company were asked to unload a couple of trucks of engines. The engines were heavy and the freezing cold had softened the grip of hands. But as they had no other option, they started the work and reluctantly continued it. Then came the lunch break and they were relieved for a while.

After lunch, the unloading work was resumed and this continued till late in evening. At last, they finished the work and workers started leaving to their homes. A worker washed his face, came and sat in the room. He had faced the cold winds the whole day and felt as if these winds had pierced deep into his body. He sat in front of heater and looked tired and gloomy. He had bent his head down and was badly staring the floor. When his friend, who worked as a cook at the same place, asked about him, he said quietly, 'My friend, you are sitting here in the room and your job is too easy.

If you come and work in my place, then you will realize how much it is difficult.' To this his friend gave a faint smile and said, 'My dear! No work is easy in this world. Your job may be difficult from one angle but my job is also not easy. If I start telling about it, you will feel pity on me and be happy with your job. In order to prepare the breakfast early in the morning, I rise in the dark.

Then I have to fetch bread and other things for breakfast. As you know, wherever I have worked, I have faced the people of different tastes and likes so I have to take care of everyone's choice. At times, I think that my job is the most difficult, but now I believe that no one's work is easy. It only becomes easy when you accept your job whole-heartedly and beam your full attention and concentration to it.'

Often people are found to be complaining of their jobs, regarding their jobs as the most difficult job in the world but as seen above, the fair analysis of the jobs reveal that no job is easy or difficult; rather our behavior towards it makes it appear so.

A writer's job is considered to be one of the easiest jobs in the world. He just sits in a safe corner of his room, away from the harshness of weather and other physical difficulties, types for an hour or more in the day and then he is free for the whole day. Even then, he is very well paid for his articles in the newspapers or books being published and at the same time, he earns a good respect and fame in the society and the world. But if you ask a writer about his or her job, he or she would term it to be the most difficult job in the world.

At times, it happens that no idea comes into the mind of a writer for many days and it means he becomes absolutely non-productive. When an idea comes, he needs to make a good plan to convert it into a writing that should attract the attention of readers. After this, there is need of fluency of thoughts and words while writing because without them, he would be merely dragging the words that would finish the taste of the writing.

While teaching vocabulary, there is an interesting rule or situation that no word is difficult in a language. If you have heard a word before or you are quite familiar with it, that is an easy word for you, otherwise, if a word is new for you and you have never heard about it, that word is a difficult word.

A friend of us used to be very active in cricket when we were in the high school. He would collect money to buy bat, ball and other things or would himself buy it, inform all the friends about a match, would gather them at a place and did other works that showed his keen interest in the game. At that time, he would play very well and being a batsman, scored in every second match we played. Later on, he slowly sidelined himself from cricket and even stopped coming to the ground. Then he lost his interest in watching cricket as well.

One day he said, 'When I was good in it, I liked it very much but then I got much busy and I was not playing well anymore so I also lost my interest in it. My interest was alive until I kept drawing contentment and a feeling of achievement from it and when I lost this feeling of success, I also lost my interest in it.'

First important thing in this regard is to find a job that should match your abilities where you should be able to perform very well, cherish the success and sense of achievement from it and like your job. It is the reason why, in all the developed countries, students are provided with counseling so that they may choose a career according to the abilities bestowed upon them by the nature. But if you don't like a job and still sticking hard with it, you are killing your spirit of innovation and productivity of your job.

This important phenomenon is especially very crucial for a number of professions. If a doctor doesn't have a sympathetic heart and he can't feel the sufferings of his patients, he would definitely defame the honor of this profession. Similarly, if a teacher is not filled with the enthusiasm of devoting all his skills for the betterment of his or her students and if he is not interested in bringing gradual improvement in his methodology and efficacy and if he is not working hard to improve his personal qualities to be a role-model for his students, he is jeopardizing the future of his students and of the nation as a whole.

It must be understood that one is truly successful in his career who is having the job of his choice where he is able to work with full interest and draw a sense of completeness and success and also bring good productivity in his job. If a cook is interested in discovering new ways of cooking foods deliciously and he draws a feeling of success from it, he is the most successful person.

In this regard, I request all to stop categorizing the work according to the money it provides. No work is small or big, if a brother of you is doing it, it is worth respecting as we have to respect the human being and keeping him in our mind, we have to respect his job as well.

According to experts of social sciences, true marital love can be started after the marriage with your spouse as it will be more fruitful and effective. Same is the case with the jobs. If you were not lucky enough to get a job of your own choice that matches your abilities, you may still be better in it by giving it more time and working hard with it. When you will do so, your performance will be better, your success will increase and in the end, you will be more contented with your job. This is a formula for all those who go to their jobs reluctantly and return in evening with a sour forehead.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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