Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Worst Killer Ever


The Worst Killer Ever

Man for the sack of his evil desire and greed has forgotten the universal law and order. From the very early day when he got birth, he strived for a better living standard by inventing technologies for his comfort. As the time moved on, man has grown with further greediness and modern technological inventions so as to facilitate the people around him with best possible technologies for their defense and finally reached to a mass destructive design of "Nuclear Weapon" claiming to stop the world's disorder, selfishness and antagonism.

But the misconception for the nuclear weapon among world nations today provokes the thought on arms race, leading only towards absolute destruction of the world and all humanity. The concept to promote security order and maintain world peace for socio-economic development has completely lost its meaning when the weapon came into ruling the world for power. Realizing the fact, the nuclear weapons are the most devastating in its destruction. To make this point clear, one needs only to recall the pictures from Hiroshima that killed almost 80,000 and another 120,000 were dead by the end of 1945. The impact was so high that children still get birth incomplete.

People's Opinion about Nuclear Weapons worldwide:
"We do not wish to be poisoned, destroyed and ruined by your new inventions for our security reasons, and we do not want our progeny to be the victims of genetic damage just because the Powers cannot trust one another to settle their problems with peace without the power of Nuclear weapons. Whether it creates big blast or one hundred smaller blasts, the nuclear program is a delusion and a trap for everybody in this planet. We do not want this planet disappear by the world antagonistic nations and we the people strongly condemn these so-called defensive arms. Once the game get started, the frustrated party has no escape from using its power to strike effectively and that means the last, or last but one step to annihilation, humiliation and isolation of the mankind from the face of the earth is for sure.

The mass destruction of nuclear weapons still goes beyond our imagination. Despite several rules and laws for preventing Iran from developing the nuclear weapons, yet the international community constantly failed to succeed in persuading the Iranian politicians from their conventional or missile-related military activities, which are becoming a life threatening to us all, including the whole living creatures on earth.

Therefore, it is confident that arrangements should be developed which must seek to protect the confidentiality of sensitive activities being launched in Iran for the sack of human miseries but already developed in Western nations. It is therefore necessary that all those who hold nuclear weapons to implement all the transparency measures required for building confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of its nuclear programs. This will be good for the whole nations, particularly for the Middle East regions, including other developing and non-developing nations at large.

The situation will change strikingly if they do go from developing nuclear weapons and long-range missiles to deploying an effective nuclear strike capability at any point of time. As of now, there is no way to be certain that what such a force would look like or how capable it would be in its destruction.

There is no way to know the yield, reliability or any other aspect of Iran's and Western nuclear devices or weapons that how soon it could start threatening the human lives in middle East if Iran becomes a serious nuclear weapon power in Middle East region or if the terrorist groups take it in hand from those countries who are already the victims of terrorist groups. Thus, the world nuclear power says that they are designing nuclear weapons for their defense and security reasons; there is no grantee in its use when the fire begins in the world of nuclear power and it will forgive no one under any circumstances.

The threat that the nuclear weapons of mass destruction pose to the entire human civilizations and the whole of humanity is very serious. There are different sorts of people who worry about the lack of patriotic, linguistic, religious and ethnic importance/values in the society, excluding those who are engaged in its development procedure about the real threat to the entire mankind including that of the religious, ethnic, cultural values by the nuclear weapons.

In July 2006, North Korea tested its missiles that caused displeasure to its neighbors and concern to the whole world about its miseries. So, it means that the threat is truly serious and it will ruin all the human civilizations and their gains that they had achieved in the last decades of hardships, devotions and efforts. In this connection, it has to be said that if the U.S.A is steady with its foreign policy and acts under the direction of UNO, Nuclear Weapons Free World can be created in the near future as we observe its speed.

If the world persists to continue developing the nuclear weapons, the life for the mankind would become further miserable. There are certain effects of the massive exchange of nuclear weapons. A nuclear winter would arise as a result of hundreds of millions of tons of soot in the atmosphere from fires in cities, in forests and in the countryside caused by nuclear weapons. The smoke cloud and debris from multiple explosions could mark out sunlight, leading to crop failures throughout the world and starvation.

The nuclear weapon that detonated in Hiroshima was about 12kt, e.g. the equivalent of 12,000 tons of TNT. The combined effects of blast and radiation killed about 300,000 people. Current nuclear weapons range in size from 1 kt to over 1000 kt. Most are about 100 kt, e.g. about 10 times the force of the Hiroshima bomb. So, this must be the best lessons for the world nations to stop risking the lives of innocent people. Their greed upon nuclear weapons would likely cause unimaginable miseries to the mankind on earth.

This is to inform you that a large nuclear war would utterly devastate the environment and cause most people to starve to death. Already stressed ecosystems would collapse. Deadly climate change, radioactive fallout and poisonous pollution would cause a mass annihilation event, eliminating humans and most complex forms of life on Earth.

The state nations must go for the global debate on nuclear disarmament with a view to crafting a consensus on disarmament and non-proliferation. We need a collective approach in universal partnership that is supported by nongovernmental communities and public opinions. We hope that other states will agree to a dialogue on these proposals and will join each others in committing to nuclear disarmament. That is one of the most desired steps a commitment, preferably a necessary legal commitment through an international mechanism to eliminate nuclear weapons within a time-bound framework so as to stop human miseries on the planet earth.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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