Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Essence of Human Solidarity!


Essence of Human Solidarity!

December 20 is marked as "International Human Solidarity Day" across the globe to remind people, the importance of solidarity in working towards eradicating poverty. It was December 22, 2005; the UN General Assembly proclaimed that the promotion of a culture of solidarity and the spirit of sharing was important in combating poverty.

In spite of rhetoric vows made by world leaders, upholding human rights intact is hitherto un-responded, as human sufferings continue unabated in most part of the world. Poverty is escalating in disproportionate ratios. Terrorism has ruined the indigenousness of war-torn countries or terrorism hit countries.

What do we have to share with oppressed, depressed, poverty stricken, physically impaired and socially isolated fellows who live in the state of denial to indispensable prerequisites of life? The essence of solidarity celebration requires a thorough understanding of the core causes striking man to let him suffer.

The existence of socio-economic disparity is a bitter truth of every society. Some people have much more than they need to live while others barely have enough to survive. Very frequently, the "haves" possess no special virtues, or superpowers; they are just simply lucky to have been born in relatively rich families or prosperous societies. V

ery frequently, the "have-nots" are desperate through no fault of their own, for example, victims of natural disasters such as famine, those born into third world countries, lower-income class families, and even those who fell victim to the crumbling economy. What are the obligations, of the "haves" toward the "have-nots" in deliberation to Haman solidarity?

It may be that sympathetic people's hearts are bleeding with the fact that 790 million of the world's population is chronically undernourished and starving when all over the world it is standard procedure for stores to routinely dispose food that they were not able to sell for the day.

We see them in pictures or news clips: the poor in Africa burning under the sun, the hungry children in Asia going through the piles of garbage looking for food. Most of the deprived belongs to developing and in-transition countries whose histories are characterized by civil wars, revolutions and power struggles or freedom from colonizers, then struggles for freedom from tyrants and whose financial records show glaring foreign debt.

Afghanistan depicts an identical gloomy scene being among the poorest countries in the world. It has been the landscape of a series of conflicts that have continued for three decades. Poverty, terrorism, women rights violation and child labor are unbridled devaluation of human dignity seen widespread throughout rural and urban areas.

The government estimates that 42 percent of the country's total population lives below the national poverty line. Another 20 per cent of the people live just above that line and are highly vulnerable to the risk of falling into poverty.

Poverty has acquired a vast meaning and it entails more than the lack of income and productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods. The manifestations of poverty include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision-making.

From a social perspective, poverty has to be addressed in all its dimensions by promoting people-centered approach and advocating the empowerment of people living in poverty through their full participation in all aspects of political, economic and social life, especially in the design and implementation of policies that affect the poorest and most vulnerable groups of society. Further, an integrated strategy towards poverty eradication necessitates implementing policies geared to more equitable distribution of wealth and income and social protection coverage are some means of expression of solidarity with underrated fellow beings.

It stresses the importance of reinforcing the positive trends in poverty reduction in some countries and extending such trends to benefit people worldwide. The proclamation recognizes the importance of mobilizing financial resources for development at national and international levels and acknowledges that sustained economic growth, supported by rising productivity and a favorable environment, including private investment and entrepreneurship is vital for raising living standards.

Everything that is rewarded grows. If poverty is rewarded with opportunities, development is bound to grow. Offering an awesome lunch box to a poor and needy a day can't justify the essence of demonstration of solidarity. Instead enabling him to earn himself can do. It would be pertinent to remember a Chinese proverb which says, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." Poor people need to be instilled confidence that, they can change themselves.

This can be done by making them believe that someone in their position has already achieved great feats. Poor people need to be given opportunities and possibilities in an unbiased environment where they can explore their capacities transformed into abilities that yield complacent outcomes.

Irrespective to evil of social classification, the opportunity, privileges should be equally distributed on merit basis and should not be only for restricted group or class of society but to everyone striving for change. This is a marvelous course for generation and utilization of rich human resource that can play a significant role in achieving a self sufficient material status. Making education at the reach of every unprivileged section of society is durable alternative, given that every person be regarded an essential constituent of societal development.

The provision of education will increase literacy which will produce skilled human resource. Education, clean environment, good health, investment on the human resource, will all have its positive effects when the socio-economic life of the people of a country changes drastically.

Fundamental to enlarging these choices is building human capabilities the range of things that people can do or be in life. Capabilities are the substantive freedoms and opportunities that a person enjoys, leading the kind of life, they have reasons to value. Human development disperses the concentration of the distribution of goods and services that disadvantaged people need and centers its ideas on human decisions. By investing in people, we enable growth and empower people to pursue many different life paths, thus developing human capabilities. 

The most basic capabilities for human development are: to lead long and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources and social services needed for a decent standard of living, and to be able to participate in the life of the community. Without these, many choices are simply not available, and many opportunities in life remain inaccessible.

Every person needs the resources, encouragement and possibilities to use them in order to pursue their capabilities to avert their ill-fates. The essence of demonstrating solidarity with undervalued people in our country, governmental and welfare organizations must practicably contribute by giving a helping hand to all subjugated people attempting to make every opportunity accessible to them.

Asmat Yari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghansitan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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