Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

The Dilemma of Infiltrators


The Dilemma of Infiltrators

In an inhuman terroristic attack, five policemen were shot dead inside police headquarter in the northern Jawzjan province. They were all killed when their head turned against and pulled trigger at the time when none could find the chance to respond.

Abdul Aziz Ghairat, the provincial police chief, told to news agencies that victims were local police from Qosh Tepa district. He added the police head, who shot them dead, escaped and the search continued to find him. Meanwhile Zabihullah Mojaheed, Taliban's spokesman, contacting with news agencies alleged the attack was carried by their infiltrators and he could manage to safely escape and rejoin their forces. Somehow similar incident took place in Kabul city on the same day.

Here an Afghan police woman shot a NATO military advisor. NATO also confirmed the news and said that the person was a civil contractor working with their security forces. Taliban once again confirmed that woman had link with them. It was the first time that police woman embark to such horrific move. And also it is not clear whether she really was an infiltrator of Taliban or had personal reasons. The investigation has started; meanwhile the result may be classified and does find way out to media.

No doubt, the issue of Afghan Security forces turning against foreign allies or what is called turn of blue-on-green has become a problematic issue and dealt high blow to their cooperation. During past few years, attacks carried out by individuals in uniform have increased visibly which have also defamed both Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police's (ANP) prestige. Since 2007, such incidents have become so common and do not come as surprise for foreign or Afghan officials. Such attacks of already cost too much.

More than fifty NATO soldiers were shot only during this year. Anti-foreign sentiment has deep roots in the history of Afghanistan. All those who tried to occupy this territory encountered severe resistance and finally just retreated back. Both Great Britain and USSR emperors after paying huge human and economic costs failed to bring this people under the control. Both Great Britain and USSR were defeated and took corpses of thousands of their soldiers. No matter how strong they were, the only thing that made them yield was the nationwide spontaneous movement.

It is important to be noticed that though some branded this land as the graveyard of emperors, but it was much suitable to be called the "graveyard of foreign emperors". Because during history some monarchs, ruling this people, were emperors and had vast territories of the surroundings under the control.

They faced no potential danger from inside of the country. Even if some kinds of uprising broke out, they were able to suppress rebellions by regular security forces or through recruitments, mainly from rival tribal or ethnic groups. Playing similar scenario has been hardly possible by a foreign force though some occupiers did try to enforce the policy of "divide and rule".

And the policy worked in particular time, but generally failed because Afghans spontaneously become united against a force which had nothing in common with residents of this particular geographical area. In no time, ethnic groups, who were in lasting conflict with each other and tribal groups that have been shedding bloods of each other, have come together, vowed as brothers and joint hands to force out the so-called occupiers.

Unfortunately, after defeating enemies, the people once again turned to the very first place from where they started—A broken national tie and once again turning arms toward one another. The tribal and communal struggle existed during past centuries in different level of intensity.

Some times, it turned harsh and violent while remained mildly tense, on some other period. If an individual from a particular community succeeded to take political power, he discriminated against members of other community or even tried to erase the rival community completely. Just put a glimpse to the history and read about human tragedy took place in the central part of the country in 19th century or massacre committed by Taliban regime in Mazar-e-Sharif and Bameyan.

Indubitably, they were made on the lines of community and ethnicity. With all such communal animosity, Afghan people during history, when needed, have put aside all differences and united against interferers or occupiers. They most clear example the case of soviet armies in 1979. Perhaps, without government employees and those opportunists seeking for personal interests through tricking common people, all sects and community took part in anti-Soviet resistance, which finally led to its defeat.

However, it does not mean to ignore the critical role of western countries with vested interests and Muslim countries, pouring cash and trafficking weapons in order to make the civilian movement succeed, rather means Afghan people would hold fight against soviet armies with or without the support of other forces though they might got suppressed or failed to achieve their objectives.

What is important is this they could/ cannot tolerate their country under the power of a second country. So, what about the current situation? Where this process may end? Will US face similar destiny as the ongoing anti-insurgency struggle has changed more to an American ant-terrorism combat? Before answering the question something should be noticed.

Firstly, the current international engagement differs from unwanted USSR military intervention. Secondly, the political conscience and awareness is not comparable to decades of 70s and 80s. Thirdly, there is no third potential power to fuel tension against US and its allies.

Fourthly, Afghan people are generally thankful of US for ending to the most oppressive regime. Fifthly, current military engagement is viewed as friendly intervention for humanitarian assistance rather than getting strategic, economic and political benefits. Sixthly, people are worried about the consequence of sudden or early withdrawal of foreign forces.

Seventhly, people are tired of instability and security crisis. Eighthly, there is no alternative and untried force to gain the attention and trust of people. With the mentioned differences, similar anti foreign movement is far-fetched.

But there is one thing that should be noticed that is linked to Taliban militants. Even without a nationwide resistance, Taliban has the potential to disrupt the security situation due its wide linkage in the Middle East and neighboring country. Therefore, the government should try harder to such attacks and ensure that our allies will remain after their formal military withdrawal.

Masood Korosh is the permanent writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at outlookafghanistan@gmial.com

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