Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, July 5th, 2024

Synchronizing Diversity


Synchronizing Diversity

Afghanistan is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic society. People of different creeds, customs, cultures and traditions live here. They have their different festivals, manners and lifestyle. These differences should be valued and celebrated instead of substantiation of agony. We are very lucky to be able to take part in a society where we can learn about many ways of living from other people.

Diversity is an essence of the existence, therefore it becomes imperative to respect and greet the great variation present around. People hail from different cultures, ethnicity, race, country or religions and are a part of the single society only.

There have been consistent incidences in the past which point towards the inequality and unjustified behavior expressed by a particular group driven mad towards the others. This behavior is a denial of the God's creation. In his infinite wisdom, he created people of all colors and creeds. On a scientific basis the color of the skin depends upon the geographical and environmental factors.

And in deeper introspection, it is the pigment melanin that determines the color of skin. So, the main point is that nowhere in the description lies any factor that makes a particular group better than others. The anatomy and physiology of a human body are similar all over the world. Hence discrimination on any basis is unjustified and unacceptable.

Right from the ancient times, it has been clearly evident that various ethnic groups and races of the world interacted and traded with each other. Calling diversity as one of the leading survival tactics of the human race won't be an anomaly. It opens up the mind and diminishes the boundaries defined by set of authoritarians. Miscellany is eminent in nature. The diverse colors of nature, seasonal variations, existence of solar, lunar and planetary movements in harmony and in coordination are nothing but diverse expressions of the same. The countless hues sync up in reverence and carve a picture so nice.

It is an understanding that individuals are different and unique from one another. For instance: In this country there are lots of different people with different culture, ethnicity, race, age, language, etc. The different people are the flowers and race, culture, age, languages, etc are the color of flowers.

Even though they are of different colors they all form one unity which makes people to think, value, and respect each other without causing problems. When it is used as a contrast or addition to equality, it is about recognizing individual as well as group differences, treating people as individuals, and placing positive values in the community and in the working together. It is crucial to understand that everyone has the right to follow and express his religious beliefs in solidarity. Instead of making prejudices and demeaning people, try to embrace the goodness of each.

No religion spread the message of hatred or communalism. It is the followers or the conservatives who modify the teachings according to their maligned thoughts. The base line is to warmly embrace the diverse cultures and religions and their teachings prevalent in the world. It will help to improvise the human race as a whole and will lead towards a better future for generations to follow.

In the modern world the international boundaries are already shrinking. The increasing trade among the countries and the outsourcing of jobs is an example. No country can survive on its own. Mutual collaboration among all parts of the world is mandatory. Even, those who claim to belong to first world have to depend upon the third world countries for a better market and manpower. The oil and gasoline needs are satiated by the gulf countries. In turn, all the modern facilities and exposure to development is best in the developed countries only.

Unity and diversity are both qualities to be desired within society. Both, when balanced with one another, provide for the strongest form of society in which all are unified under some ideas, but differences are tolerated and accepted. One of the strongest factors of determining the present status of unity and diversity is the current state of affairs within a community.

The current state of affairs can be altered by a number of issues, some planned and recurring, such as elections years, and some unexpected altogether, such as natural disasters. Within the global community, the current state of a variety of affairs greatly affects the balance of unity and diversity amongst the global community along racial, socioeconomic, gender, age, or political lines. However, when in perfect harmony, unity and diversity are equally prevalent and provide for the most levelheaded decisions to be made and actions to be taken.

It's important to know and accept that there are positive benefits to society when diversity is respected. If we value diversity it can open our minds to new and existing experiences and also to new ways of thinking which can make our lives interesting. Society helps us to respect diversity because by not caring for minority groups we will miss their valuable culture. It's not fair and can be illegal to treat people from different minority groups differently or in a discriminatory way.

Diversity encompasses acceptance and respect that means understanding each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio- economic status, age physical abilities, religious beliefs etc. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe positive and nurturing environment.

To recognize that everyone is different in a variety of visible and non-visible ways, is about creating a culture and practices that recognize, respect and value differences. It is about harnessing this potential to create a productive environment in which the equally diverse needs of the customer/client can be met in a creative environment. It is about generating a workforce who feels valued/ respected and has their potential fully utilized in order to meet organizational goals.

Diversity synchronizes the diversely divided society into a single whole alleviating the intra religio-cultural differences. Consequently, accepting the diversity is not only an option but compulsory for the sustenance of humanity. Accepting the diversity gracefully will help in building a congenial environment. It is the imminent duty of the older generation to understand and teach their younger ones the importance and acceptance of diversity present around.

It is worth noting that credible equal opportunity procedures and policies are essential in responding to diversities, differences and inequalities existing among the learners. However, having a mere policy or procedure in place is not enough, unless it is supported by effective bottom-up and top-down responses. This also entails mainstreaming ongoing analysis of the existing procedures, policies, quality assurance, and the decision making processes in order to make certain that the equality issues are fully and centrally embedded.

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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