Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024




Cold war was a strange era of conspiracies and fears. The world was divided into two blocs and both the blocs feared each other. This fear never let them take rest and they continued their relentless efforts to weaken the enemy or strengthen themselves and this objective was achieved by spending billions on arms, spying agencies, and changing the governments in different countries in order to bring their favorite leaders or government. In those days, when this hidden war was fully heated up, people talked about these things very seriously and there were experts that presented their speculations and ideas about the possible result of this war. Then this war ended and if it is accepted or not, all those things appear to be truly comical and non-sense. Let’s try to understand the stupidity of the situation by a simple but imaginary example.

In some distant country in Africa or Asia, a leader led the country who was in the Western bloc. Now, the elections were near and opposition leader had majority of public support and he was considered to be a pro-communist leader (and these were also based on speculations). The Western bloc feared that if the opposition leader came into power, there would be threat to the western benefits and thus it was necessary to stop him from coming into power. For this reason, agencies of these countries came into action and started a chain of conspiracies that included funding the present leader, defaming the opposition leader on media, and even murdering the allies and comrades of the leader.

On the other hand, the agencies of Communist bloc also started their operations which included of the same or even more fatal actions. For all these, both the blocs spent billions of dollars on agencies, weapons and other similar things. In some worst cases, the sides were provided with money for organizing a military group and also the weapons needed. Thousands of people were killed and country drifted back into the darkness of poverty and disorder. All these things were done just with a fear that a change in government might harm their benefits and in some cases, it was found that fears that were speculated all came out to be fears only and they never came as a reality but both the blocs never ceased this invisible conspiracy of blood and money.

Then this cold war ended but the conspiracies and secret plans did not come to an end. Rather, such a trait flourished with every passing day because in old days, it was carried out by some limited number of powerful countries of the world but today, every country is busy in this dirty game and there are speculations, fears, murders, attacks, captures and their accompanying consequences of destruction and state failures.
With this aim of protecting one’s aim and achieving the hidden objectives, governments were changed, leaders were murdered, militias were formed and supported, and every step was taken that might be wrong illegally and inappropriate ethically but for this, every reason and ethical standards were sidelined. In the countries of our region, we usually hear of such examples (and I am sure they carry some reason and truth in them as they are repeatedly discussed).

‘In a city, there lived three different religious sects. If these three sects had lived together, they could have caused serious threats for the secular powers of the world (and in this region, there was not present even a single member of secularity or any other religion). For this purpose, a fifty-year plan was made according to which these sects were turned against each other and now they are busy in killing each other. According to this fifty-year plan made by the agencies of world powers, they have to divide the city into three parts where they should live separately and as the enemies of each other.

For this, all the three sides were given weapons and material support and also the action plan. As a result of this, a city that once used to be the hub of mutual understanding and development turned into a battle ground where thousands of innocents lost their lives.’
A lot of dictators and military generals were brought into power in different countries of the world after a lot of assassinations and conspiracies and when these favorites remained no more of use to the world powers, they were hanged by revolutionists who were again supported by the same powers.

Now, there are political think-tanks in every country of the world where political experts sit and make plans for fifty years or even a century or more in which they base their ideas on fear and imaginations and these plans are undertaken without considering the hundreds and thousands of innocent people who will lose their lives just to make a plan successful. Mostly these plans are made to protect a country’s economic objectives and then military aims and so on.

In the poetry of famous poet of Persian and Urdu, Iqbal Lahori, there is a famous poem by the title of, ‘The Council of Evil’ in which the Evil along with its assistants calls on a meeting in which plans are made to bring more destruction to the human beings (both in their morality and material world) and how human beings can be made more stone-hearted so that they should risk the lives of thousands for the sake of their petty benefits. It looks as if evil has successfully implemented its plans as mentioned in the poem.

In Afghanistan and Iraq, billions of dollars were spent on weapons and murdering and comparatively very less was spent on those things that can truly comfort the people like education, housing, roads, dams, electricity and other means of energy and many more. The informed sources say that billions were spent with an objective to bring tenders to some specific business organizations or to boost up the economy of the Allies and every step was taken considering some hidden objectives and not the benefit of the common public.

The words of one of the American experts who were against the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan are still fresh in my memory who said that, ‘Trillions of dollars spent on the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan could not make the world a better place to live and the fears of extremists and Anti-American militants have grown manifolds as a result of these invasions and America is more hated in the world than it was before. The money spent in these two countries could have changed the fate of our economy if we had spent this money in our country and our jobless people need it more than anyone else.

It is also unethical that we kill thousands of people just on the name of security of our country although we know that they are so weak that they cannot do anything against us and they could have never entered our land from that far distance.’

‘If the powers of West were truly interested in finishing the militancy and extremism in these countries, they could have easily done so by investing heavily in sectors of education and bringing financial stability in these countries as these two problems are at the base of extremism and militancy.’
We can only pray that the world leaders should start thinking honestly and avoid following the ways of Evil.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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