Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Quetta Tragedy and Victory of Justice


The Quetta Tragedy and Victory of Justice

No doubt, the tragedy in Quetta of Pakistan was one of the worst in history which shook the hearts of all those who saw the sad incident on media and filled the eyes of millions with tears, but at the same time, the step by step follow-up of this incident brought to us the universal fact that justice and righteousness would always be triumphant in the end and the forces of evil and injustice will have to surrender. At the same time, it also showed the determination and perseverance of the bereaved and sad families which won them the honor and respect and came up with results that were regarded impossible in which the whole government of a province was turned over and entire machinery of government was changed after their demands. These victimized families, including the elderly, the women and innocent children protested for consecutive three days and nights and stayed on road, ignoring the cold weather and other threats.

This incident at one side brought into picture the dark face of a corrupt government that was led by a corrupt Chief Minister and on the other, it also brought into picture the vast-heartedness of some of the leaders including the Prime Minister of the country who himself intervened in the issue and then resolved it according to the demands of justice and equality.

Similarly, millions of people from around the world shared their support with the victimized Hazara community of Quetta on different social websites when they could not control their tears seeing the scenes of heart-piercing blood-shed and barbarism. Similarly, thousands of people participated in the protests and demonstrations in the support of the demands of Hazara community in different cities of Pakistan and different countries of the world including USA, Britain, Australia and many other European countries.

Although this incident was the most disastrous of all that happened in past but Hazara community was continually targeted by some barbarous and extremist militants working inside Pakistan that killed thousands of innocent children, men and women on the name of religion in the last ten years or more. But past three years saw sharp rise in the genocide of Hazara community when every day, a person or more was targeted in different parts of Quetta city and in some instances, in other parts of the province. In these targeted killings, hundreds of political leaders, doctors, government officials, teachers, businessmen were killed and it looked as if there was a plan to finish the active brains of this educated and most developed community of the province. Then these targeted killings spread so briskly that members of Hazara community were killed without any discrimination and media reported of the deaths of fruit sellers, poor laborers, drivers, shopkeepers and the innocent passengers travelling from one to another part of the city.

Unfortunately, Hazara community was all included educated, civilized and hard-working members who believed in the well-being of society and took education and hard work as the only route to success in the society, thus they never resorted to any kind of violence or militant retaliation. No doubt, they are still a small minority group in the city but everyone knows that due to their interest in education and hard-work, they are successful in all the walks of life and their voice is heard and presence is felt in each and every public and private office and sector.

With these realities, they always utilized the peaceful ways of demonstration and protest and never got involved in anti-state or anti-humanity activities although, their sufferings were so painful that one could have chosen the negative way of violence and destruction but their wise leaders and elders never let them take this evil path. But the corrupt government never listened to them and felt their pain and the game of blood and tears continued with its intensity increasing with every passing day. Many a times, the killers were arrested but no strict action was taken against them and they were given a free hand to play with the blood of Hazara community.

This tragic event occurred on Thursday, January 10, when a snooker club was being inaugurated and a lot of people had gathered to witness this healthy social activity. Then a suicide bomber came in a stolen ambulance and parked it outside the snooker parlor. He entered the parlor and blew himself up and with this explosion, dozens of people present on the occasion were killed and dozens more sustained injuries. When people from the surrounding gathered to help the victims of this suicide bombing, the ambulance that was full of explosives exploded and killed tons of people who were present on the spot. This explosion was so powerful that it shook the whole city and it has been reported that the ambulance used for the purpose was full of explosives. In the end, the number of dead crossed hundred while hundreds more were injured. It was such a big incident that soon the streets and roads were deserted and everyone in the city seemed to be shocked.

 But this time, members of Hazara community were committed to get rid of this incapable and criminal government that, in their view, had secret bound with the criminals. They left the dead bodies of their loved ones on the road and sat there silently, for three days and nights. They had refused to bury the dead bodies until their demands were met. Their demands were just and logical; the removal of the corrupt government, the imposition of Governor Rule in the province and deployment of Army to their protection.

It was unfortunate that none of the members of provincial government found enough courage to come and negotiate with them. In this critical moment, the Chief Minister was in London to get one of his relatives admitted in a British university and doing other useless activities. All these seem quite reasonable as well because a couple of weeks earlier, the Supreme Court of the country had ruled out the provincial government as incapable to carry out the works of executive but the stubborn Chief Minister had shamefully refused to submit his resignation.

This unique way of protest caught the attention of media from around the world and it was in the headlines for three days in all the channels of the world. In this duration, many prominent leaders of the country including Imran Khan visited the site of protest and expressed their support to them. Similarly, such protest camps were organized in different cities of Pakistan and the world. With every passing moment, the support for the Hazara community was sharply rising. The members of federal government met the leaders of Hazara community and tried to persuade them to finish the protest and bury the dead bodies but this time, no one was ready to believe in their fake promises. On the third day, the Prime Minister especially came to the city from capital Islamabad. With his arrival, he held meetings with all the members of government like governor, ministers and members of security forces to bring an acceptable solution to this stalemate but it was again unfortunate that ministers of provincial government insisted to save their government and chair and did not talk in favor of justice. Anyhow, Prime Minister announced the abolishment of provincial government late on Sunday night and accepted the other demands of the protestors.

This sad incident came to a justified ending and left a message that powers of good and justice will always overcome the forces of injustice and evil with commitment and perseverance.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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