Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Elucidating Taliban’s Disposition!


Elucidating Taliban’s Disposition!

Afghanistan has been a battle ground for over a century between regional and international power players, exercising their desired interests. Following the Soviet withdrawal in 1989 and the collapse of the Afghan communist Najibullah regime in 1992, bloody civil war ascended Taliban to throne of Kabul. Taliban established a regime that was based on massive human rights violation. The world witnessed Taliban regime with suppression of women, coerced suspension of fundamental human rights, and elimination of right to freedom of thought and expression, harsh treatments extended to religious minorities; the list continues.

The people of Afghanistan could hardly admit their existence. The inhumane incidence of September 11 changed the fate of Afghanistan; the presence of Al-Qaida’s number one leader Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan turned a blessing in disguise for Afghanis. Notwithstanding, the mercy shifted to divert the fortune of ill-fated Afghans, with Taliban’s (Amir-Ul-Momineen) Mulla Omar’s denial to hand over the perpetrators of attack on World Trade Center, to US. It depicted the magnanimous commitment of Taliban extending unanimous support for Al-Qaida that turned Afghanistan a slaughterhouse for innocent civilians.

Taliban launched a bloody war against US and Afghans that claimed the lives of thousands of innocents since US’s involvement in December 2001. In that pursuit a number of Taliban was incarcerated and some met their fates, others still have resorted to give a tough time to afghan and foreign troops.

Recently a number of afghan Taliban detainees were released both by Afghanistan and Pakistan’s governments in accordance to a joint peace drive lodged between Islamabad and Afghanistan’s High Peace Council to further peace negotiation with soft liner Taliban. Pakistan being the key player of peace progress, formerly gave consent for the release of all detainees in their custody including ex-deputy Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, disclosed in a press conference in Dubai. It is said that US is assenting the Kabul and Islamabad peace initiatives after being un-triumphant to establish talks with Taliban themselves.

The move was meant to give an end to, the infamous and endless US and Afghan war against terror and make Taliban renounce armed resistance, post 2014 US pull out.  The increased civilian pressure on US government and his weakening economy made US to withdraw and give up the war unaccomplished.

Agreeing with all progresses made to bring Taliban on table of negotiation, is a timely need to restore peace in the country. However it is quite perplexing to comprehend, why are Taliban treated supra-constitutionally and kept above the law? The extra judicial release of Taliban involved in heinous crimes against innocent civilians is adding to the suspicion of ordinary citizens.

If peace is installed by granting amnesty to perpetrators of sever human rights violation then all the prisons and courts should be locked and let everybody execute his will.  No need for massive allocation of funds for courts, judges, police force and prisons. These institutions should be halted immediately. The government’s self initiated conduct ratifies the actuality that laws uphold implementation barely to greater majority entailing inferior and armless class of society whilst the minority armed superior class stand beyond apprehension and prosecution.

The US consideration relative to Al-Qaida’s heavy might crushed and weakened subsequent to triumphant assassination of Osama Bin laden in May 2, operation in Abbotabad, Pakistan and its alienation with Taliban seems misleading. The perception is dominant and admissive that both Taliban and Al-Qaida share common ideology and execute common agenda which drove Taliban so violent and anti state for long. If the international community backed and government initiated peace talks bore fruition and Taliban are given greater participation in political domain of war-torn Afghanistan even then continuance of Taliban’s political and financial support to Al-Qaida operating in Afghanistan or abroad can’t be ruled out, with inclusion to their demands for reinforcement of radical amendments in the constitution overemphasized.

Adoption of a political strategy has always been an excuse for prevalent powerlessness and submission to breakdown. The US led twelve years long combat mission would seem futile and priceless coupled with massive destruction of infrastructures and human losses if it were to end, accommodating Taliban’s precondition for peace. Taliban should be obliged opting for negotiation as a last resort to safe passage instead of expressing self inclination to necessity of peace talks.

The credibility of Taliban is doubtful and might pose sever threat to democracy having despotic brought up. Taliban have been the puppet serving multinational interest. Taliban’s reiterating demand for immediate withdrawal of US forces, a primary condition for peace progression seems to be the future prospects of their ill-intentions. The greater and dominant might of Taliban can be estimated by their consecutive strikes at will on important foreigner and governmental institutions and have succeeded deploying number of insurgents in ANA and ANP.

The occasional incidences of insider attacks of green on blue are a clear intimation to underlying facts. The frequent suicide attacks, bomb explosions leading to outnumbered civil causalities is beyond the terrain of any religious justification all are perpetrated by Taliban. In spite of arbitrary release of large number of Taliban members’ negligible shift in their violent attitude is observed. The rampant worsened condition of law and order perpetuates amidst the presence of coalition forces, fully equipped to foil any plan of terror attacks with its full might. The post complete US pull out, as Obama administration has taken into account, might not hatch fruitful financial progression, delight and democratic continuance given the miserable condition prevails.

If Taliban proclaim to be sincere with Afghanistan and its citizens they must respect Afghan’s constitution protecting every section of society and should give up armed opposition, renounce affability with Al-Qaida and should set up a political party and begin exercising the will of majority. Adoption of political strategy to enduring security problems is evidently a just course of action. However, Taliban’s assurance granting general pardon to innocent citizens paired with their public renunciation of violence and unconditional agreement to complete disarmament should be set as preliminary requisites of negotiations.

Asmatyari is permanent writer of Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at asmatyari@gmail.com

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