Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Man Fears Men


Man Fears Men

Perhaps today’s controversial and complex circumstances create fear and horror in the world due to uncontrolled mistakes, errors, crimes and sin. Lack of knowledge and awareness is the mother of all evils. Gain of true knowledge may eliminate the fear to love and know the truth. Therefore, true knowledge is virtue, power, freedom and ultimate force to rule the world. So, only when one is virtuous and powerful by true knowledge can really be free, frank and fearless of all hurdles and challenges.

In fact, fear and love are the two contradictory forces, which rule the minds of men and control their power and confidence in life. We can be a slave of love but not fear. The force of fear only makes inhuman creatures and anti-social elements. Thus, fear is the key that brings out the truth direct from the mouth of the incorrigible criminals. On the other hand, the force of love controls men of character, innocent people and children to do all works including sacrifices too or to do anything and everything for nothing but for the love of humanity. Naturally, the force of fear is animal-like in nature, whereas the force of love is divine in nature.  However, of all the powers, love is the greatest power in the human world that controls, rules and leads to every possible goals and destination.

In spite of the progress and the development of man and the world, the fear of man has not gone away and the threat to world peace is still in the critical stage and is today more than ever before. Previously, man was afraid of the forces of nature, predators, strong men or brutes or giants, diseases and death. Then he gained knowledge about self, the world, nature, diseases, God and also learned ways and means to utilize or harness the forces of nature for beneficial works, found medicines to cure diseases and understood that death is a natural process and the spirit in the body is immortal. Finally, the knowledge gave him confidence, courage, endurance and boldness and as a result, he lost fear.

In the same way, there appeared Industrial Revolution, industries grew everywhere and people started losing interest in agriculture, migrated to towns, cities and habituated with mechanical living standard. Labor parties developed, socialism or communism as philosophy of politics gained popularity and corruption became rampant, as of now in our country. Then world wars did untold disorder to many societies of the world. As a result, the stock piling of Nuclear Weapons increased in many countries of the world both for defense and for offence and annihilation of human beings and other creatures from the face of the earth. Spy activities of the super powers interfered in the affairs of other smaller countries indirectly and changed the form of governments there. Increase of extremism and terrorism in various countries, particularly in Pakistan and Afghanistan and remote control bombs in the hands of the terrorists threaten the very existence of the world now, destroy peace, create horror, fear of freedom and create disorder and hatred.

Therefore, the fear of man has not entirely vanished but has shifted from one thing to another.  Now, the fear of man is on the dictators’ or super powers’ stock piling of Atomic Bombs, the terrorists’ threats of annihilation of trains, planes, important cities. The rampant corruption everywhere and the money power dominating and controlling over the affairs of men. Justice and human rights are all sold and it seems that civilization is giving way to barbarism. This means that history has started to repeat itself again as man’s nature remains to be the same even after thousands years of evolution and best knowledge about the nature of everything.

Man hast lost the nature of human love and freedom of life, controlled by fear of this kind or that kind and lives not like a human being but like a machine-beast-man, forgetting the rich culture and the high civilization he has built so-long that has enhanced the value of human life to the divine stature.  Previously, like the beautiful, gentle and peace loving elephants live in groups in the forest man was living a joint family life with love, patient, dignity and free from all fears. Perhaps he might have got the knowledge of joint family life from the elephants. Then the joint families broke into nuclear families in which, the wife is so busy that can’t give time to her husband and children, so as her husband. They even forgotten to live their own live, instead developed an absolute annihilated living system.  

At this point of time, after all sorts of technological and electronic developments, both husband and wife work separately to earn money in order to support a small family of one or two children. The children of such families could not get the opportunities to know anything about tradition, heritage and culture from their grandparents. Further, they don’t enjoy the care, love and affection of a joint family system that develops the wisdom more than the intelligence they get from the modern education, which gives importance to specialization rather than all round development of the mind, body and spirit. 

Due to such discrepancies, children grow to be civilized youngsters rather than cultured or morally well developed citizens. All the members of the small family spend the time minding their individual works only without bothering about others’ concerns, cares, problems and worries. In short, they all work as machines and are busy in satisfying their timely needs by any available means without any rationality, justice or dignity. If life goes on like this, how can there be a family relationship or a good human relationship at all on the face of this earth?

Nothing else, but this surely leads to mental sadness or illness which activates the individuals to indulge in sadistic pleasures that are manifesting in the forms of inhuman or horrible bomb blasts, rapes and destruction of innocent human beings here and there.  Not only this but also the working people who are members of these unions or those unions that are connected to various political parties having competition with one another fighting for various causes without any reason and thereby losing human touch do greater harm to the nations than things of progress and developments for them. But the people of conscience though aware of all the bad aspects of these happenings, could not stop such things for the fear of going beyond the whip of their group or union or community, steeped in greed.

If they come out of the circles and see the reason and kindness, they know what they have to do.  But since they could not come out of the circles, they are living in fear and darkness in life. That is why culture and civilization have lost their hold and honor in the present society and man fears men. Therefore, instead of upgrading himself to be a divine, man degrades himself to be an animal, losing all kinds of value of man or worse still to be a inhuman or indifferent materialistic machine or worst still to be a living dead body or matter of no worth or value.

Abdul Samad Haidari is the permanent writer of the Daily outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at abdulsamad.haidari96@gmail.com

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