Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The First and Final Drop


The First and Final Drop

The story is very interesting from the beginning to its end. A poor and old lady used to work in the house of a rich man. The lady lived with her two daughters who had just become adult. The man was having a contented life with his beautiful wife but they were not having any children. The lady fell ill and did not come to work for a couple days. She was hoping to recover in these days but when she did not feel well even after so many days, she sent one of her daughters at her place. The poor girl, who had not seen much of the outside world in her entire lifetime, was too much shy and worked very silently. When the old lady saw that her poor health did not let her continue the work and her daughter had smoothly replaced her, she permanently let her daughter to manage her work. With the passage of time, she no more remained a shying girl but gradually started learning the etiquettes of the upper class; her speaking style changed, her walking style changed and she became more confident. After some time, the man divorced his wife and married her. Now, she was able to exhibit her confidence in dining at fine restaurants, fine dressing and shopping in great malls. Time kept passing, adding more to the social skills and confidence of the girl. Now she attended the parties of elite class and met the important and influential members of the society. Her confidence, her style and sense of social etiquettes had made her an important part of these gatherings. In one of such parties, she developed acquaintance with the ambassador of a foreign country. Then one day, she quietly got married to the ambassador and left her native country forever. Her journey of success did not stop there. In one of the European countries, she married an industrialist and her management abilities soon made her a best part of the administration. Then a time came when her husband passed away and she became the sole owner of the company. The company got a new life under her control and it experienced a new wave of success and expansion and became one of the biggest companies of the country.

This unbelievable true story tells us what happens when one discovers his or her skills and field of interest and then takes the risk to move ahead in the field, ignoring all the difficulties and odd circumstances. The above story has been simplified for the purpose of brevity but in the original text, it is a very long story in which the skills and abilities of the girl have been described in detail and how she decided to go against all the odds when she developed confidence on herself. This is one of a number of stories of success, perseverance and dedication which are true and their characters are breathing in the same air and living in the same world.

There was a student of university who had been forced by his father to take medical field and become a doctor as doctors are having more social status in our society. But he did not have even a little interest in biology, medicines and other relevant things of his field rather he was naturally born with the interest of stories and books. In his school days, he was found to be busy in reading short stories and other books more than his school course. In university, his performance was always poor and his father was not happy of him. On the other hand, he had developed such a good taste of literature that now he had started writing some small stories and his impressive style showed that he would become a good writer in future. But his father was not happy of all these; he thought that writers don’t earn too much in our country and he should join a profession in which he should make good income.

  A writer had shared an interesting story on one of the social sites. He had written that, ‘A friend of us used to work with us in the radio station. He was too happy there as he liked this job but then he found a job with comparatively handsome salary and left the radio and joined his new job. After a few years, he came back to the radio, resigning from his good job. When asked, it was his reply, ‘When you are doing a job that you like, you not only get salary but also draw happiness and contentment. In my other job, I was having good salary but no happiness and as you know, it is impossible that we should be able to buy happiness from somewhere, on whatever price available.’

At a particular stage of our lives, we discover that we have been born with some special skills and can do marvelous in a specific field. It can be painting, music, sport, and literature, medical, engineering or any other odd field of life. Unfortunate is that, we always decide upon a career having a look at its monetary benefit but not our skills and aptitude. We fear that if we took a profession, we may not be able to earn enough money and we will suffer a lot financially. It is the reason we see that everyone is trying to be a doctor or engineer and then choose those fields which are less productive in terms of income generation. In majority of such cases, we may not be willing to join a specific field or may not be having any interest at all in it but we do so just to follow a trend being strictly followed in the society.

Another important factor in this regard is the fear of making mistakes or not being successful. There are many of us who believe in our abilities but we hesitate to join the field of our choice because we fear that we may not be successful in it or we may face financial losses and thus continue with our routine work. This has stopped us from having big dreams. But it should not be forgotten that majority of the successful are those who reached to success after passing through the valley of failures and setbacks. Except for some rare cases, there is no success without initial failures.

It has also stopped us from dreaming big or following our dreams. Many of us believe that we can establish great companies, run a successful business, be a successful footballer, find the basis of a successful educational institute, invent something amazing, be a world-renowned artist but we hesitate to take a forward step as we fear the failure.

In all these cases, important thing to consider is to ignore monetary gain. If we lock our dreams with the reward in form of money, we may never be able to make them true or choose a field of our choice. I personally know many teachers who can earn far better in any other field but in the field of teaching, they have such a command on its different aspects that they bring changes in lives of many on daily basis and this factor gives them enough contentment and happiness to continue their profession. It should also not be forgotten that when we become successful, the money eventually follows the success.

I am not sure how many of us would be able to believe in the above facts but I invite some of us to take risk and try to do something out of the routine. No doubt, the first drop of rain may lead other hesitant drops to follow its path.

Mohammad Rasool Shah is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan and teaches English at Afghan-Turk School, Kabul. Email your suggestions and opinions at muhammadrasoolshah@gmail.com

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